A.ordered B.improved C.encouraged D.instructed [解析] 作为expert.自然应该是instruct学校去完成交给的工作.[答案] D 查看更多



The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruits and green vegetables. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, say that when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to make special provisions to supply the missing vitamins.

  An example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as “beri-beri”, which used to make large numbers of Eastern people who lived mainly on rice suffer. In the early years of last century, a Dutch scientist named Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beri-beri. At first he thought it was transmitted(传播)by a germ(病菌). He was working in a Japanese hospital, where the patients were fed on polished rice which had had the outer coverings removed from the grain. It was thought this would be easier for weak and sick people to digest.

  Eijkman thought his germ theory was proved when he noticed the chickens in the hospital yard, which were fed on remains from the patients’ plates, were also showing signs of the disease. He then tried to separate the germ, which he thought was causing the disease, but his experiments were interrupted by a hospital official, who ordered that the rice without coverings, even though left over by the patients, was too good for chickens. It should be recooked for the patients, and the chickens should be fed on cheap, rough rice with the outer coverings still on the grain.

  Eijkman noticed that the chickens began to recover on the new diet. He began to consider the possibility that eating unmilled rice(糙米)somehow prevented or cured beri-beri — even that a lack of some ingredient(成分)in the coverings may be the cause of the disease. Indeed this was the case. The element needed to prevent beri-beri was shortly afterwards separated from rice coverings and is now known as vitamin B. The milled rice, though more expensive, was in fact causing the disease the hospital was trying to cure. Nowadays, this terrible disease is much less common thanks to our knowledge of vitamins.

According to the passage, a good mixed diet ________.

A. is suitable for losing weight           B. should be only fruits and vegetables

C. normally contains enough vitamins     D. is often difficult to arrange

What do we know about the disease beri-beri?

A. It killed large numbers of people.       B. It resulted from lack of vitamins.

C. It was transmitted by milled rice.       D. It was caused by diseased chickens.

What can be the best title of the passage?

A. A Good Mixed Diet           B. New Discovery

C. The Dangers of Beri-beri         D. The Importance of Vitamins


A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I   31  that there was an electronic keyboard on a stand, leaning  32  the wall. Being a piano music lover and   33 , I asked, if the woman played. She nodded and added that she had been  34  lessons—at age 54! I told her that it was very  35  that she was pursuing (追求) her passion(热情) to play the piano.

  Then she asked me  36  question.

  “I have been playing for 8 years now, ” I answered.

  “Then you must play a song for me before you leave, ” she  37 . I thought she was joking and I simply smiled. At the end of the deal of the vitamins, she  38  me of our musical “ 39  ”. She then showed me to an old upright piano in the living room, 40 asked me to play a song for her. I thought  41  and decided to play David Lanz’s “Return to the Heart”, since she had so much passion for  42  , and it was my soul-searching song.

  I played the song to the best of my ability, and with my emotions  43  into it as possible. She loved it.   44  I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling out, “Young man! ”

  I turned around. And there was an old lady  45  one little step at a time with the help of another woman. “I wanted to come out to  46  you for the beautiful song that you played. I have been very sick, and it’s very hard for me to  47  my bed, but your music made me feel good, ”she said. With that, she turned around and walked  48  back to her room.

  I was deeply  49  by her appreciation and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It served its purpose beautifully, returning to one’s  50  for peace and joy.

31. A. observed    B. watched

C. noticed      D. caught

32. A. on    B. at

C. over     D. against

33. A. player    B. teacher

C. composer    D. starter

34. A. giving    B. attending

C. teaching     D. reviewing

35. A. interesting    B. wonderful

C. moved       D. impressive

36. A. another    B. a different

C. the same     D. other

37. A. advised    B. ordered

C. demanded    D. requested

38. A. warned    B. reminded

C. asked      D. required

39. A. course    B. task

C. discussion    D. deal

40. A. and      B. but

C. as a result    D. what’s more

41. A. for the moment    B. at the moment

C. for a moment      D. at a moment

42. A. music    B. songs

C. the piano    D. vitamins

43. A. dropping    B. falling

C. pouring      D. running

44. A. Since    B. As

C. While      D. Because

45. A. taking    B. making

C. having      D. moving

46. A. thank    B. praise

C. admire     D. owe

47. A. get on    B. get up

C. get off      D. get down

48. A. quietly    B. calmly

C. happily      D. slowly

49. A. shocked    B. touched

C. delighted     D. disturbed

50. A. world    B. heart

C. brains      D. dreams


She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal­Mart. She must have been 6 years old. It was 31 outside. We all stood just 32 the door of the Wal­Mart.

Her voice was so sweet for the 33 waiting.“Mom, let’s run through the rain,” she said.

“What?” Mom asked.

“Let’s run through the rain!” She 34 .

“No, honey. We’ll wait until it 35 down a bit,” Mom replied.

This young child waited about 36 minute and repeated,“Mom, let’s run through the rain.”

“We’ll get soaked if we do,” Mom said.

“No,we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she 

 37 her Mom’s arm.

“This morning?When did I say we could run through the rain and not get 38 ?”

“Don’t you remember?When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said,‘If God can get us 39 this, he can get us through anything!’”

The entire crowd became dead silent. I  40  you couldn’t hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. Mom  41  and thought for a moment about what she would say.

“Honey, you are absolutely right. Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we just need  42  ,” Mom said. Then off they ran.

We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they  43  past the cars. They held their shopping  44  over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were  45  by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the  46  to their cars. And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing. Circumstances or people can take away your  47  possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your   48  .But no one can ever take away your precious  49  . So, don’t forget to  50  time and take the opportunities to make memories every day!

1.A.quarrelling                   B.pouring                 C.snowing                         D.trembling

2.A.beside                            B.behind                          C.inside                            D.outside

3.A.annoying             B.interesting                  C.appreciating                  D.expecting

4.A.answered             B.declared               C.repeated                       D.announced

5.A.brings B.comes                          C.cuts                                 D.slows

6.A.a more        B.other                              C.an another                    D.another

7.A.pulled B.hit                                  C.pushed                           D.dragged

8.A.hurt           B.wet                                C.wounded                       D.slipped

9.A.off                                  B.over                               C.through                          D.in

10.A.recalled                       B.swore                            C.promised                       D.observed

11.A.suffered                     B.walked                          C.wept                              D.paused

12.A.washing                      B.bathing                      C.showering                     D.watering

13.A.rushed      B.flew                             C.walked                          D.drove

14.A.goods       B.supplies                         C.bags                               D.packages

15.A.suspected B.challenged                 C.ordered                        D.followed

16.A.route        B.way                      C.path                               D.direction

17.A.physical                     B.mental                            C.spiritual                          D.material

18.A.health      B.relative                          C.friendship                     D.happiness

19.A.presents                   B.prizes                    C.memories                      D.chances

20.A.take                                   B.gain                             C.kill                         D. keep



The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean,so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever.He sent his camera crew out one evening to film the sunset for him.

  The next morning he said to the men,“Have you provided me with that sunset?”

  “No,sir,”the men answered.

  The director was angry.“Why not?” he asked.

  “Well,sir,”one of the men answered,“we’re on the east coast here,and the sun sets in the west.We can get you a sunrise over the sea,if necessary,but not a sunset.”

  “But I want a sunset!”the director shouted.“Go to the airport,take the next flight to the west coast,and get one.”

  But then a young secretary had an idea.“Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,” she suggested,“and then play it backwards? Then it’ll look like a sunset.”

  “That’s a very good idea!” the director said.Then he turned to the camera crew and said,“Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”

  The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay.Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director.“Here it is,sir,” they said,and gave it to him.He was very pleased.

  They all went into the studio.“All right,” the director explained,“now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye.Run the film backwards so that we can see the sunset behind them.”

  The “sunset” began,but after a quarter of a minute,the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera crew to stop.

  The birds in the film were flying backwards,and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

1.One evening,the director sent his camera crew out    .

  A.to film a scene on the sea

  B.to find an actor and an actress

  C.to watch a beautiful sunset

  D.to meet the audience


2.Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?

  A.Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset.

  B.Because he was angry with his crew.

  C.Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset.

  D.Because it was his secretary’s suggestion.


3.The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because     .

  A.it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine

  B.when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

  C.it was more moving than a sunrise

  D.the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset


4.After the “sunset” began,the director suddenly put his face in his hands     .

  A.because he was moved to tears

  B.as he saw everything in the film moving backwards

  C.as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined

  D.because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and heroine


5.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The crew had to follow the secretary’s advice (忠告).

  B.If you want to see a sunrise,the east coat is the place to go.

  C.The camera crew wasn’t able to film the scene the first day.

  D.The director ordered his crew to stop filming the “sunset”.



Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process. The instructor asked us to list  36 in our past that we felt   37  of, regretted, or incomplete about and read our lists aloud.

This seemed like a very 38 process, but there’re always some 39 souls in the crowd who will volunteer. The instructor then 40 that we find ways to 41 people, or take some actions to right any wrong doings. I was seriously wondering how this could ever 42 my communication.

Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story: “Making my 43 , I remembered an incident from high school. I grew up in a small town. There was a Sheriff 44 of us kids liked. One night, my two buddies and I decided to play a 45 on him.

After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: Sheriff Brown is a s. o. b. (畜生). The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious 46 . Within two hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office. My friends told the truth but I lied. No one 47 found out. ”

Nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Brown’s name 48 on my list. I didn’t even know if he was still 49 . Last weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed. I tried his number. After a few 50 , I heard, “Hello? ” I said, “Sheriff Brown? ” Paused. “Yes. ”“Well, this is Jimmy Calkins. ”

“And I want you to know that I did it. ”Paused. “I knew it! ” he yelled back. We had a good laugh and a 51 discussion. His closing words were,“Jimmy, I always felt bad for you 52 your buddies got it off their chest, but you were carrying it 53 all these years. I want to thank you for calling me. . . for your sake. ”

Jimmy inspired me to 54 all 101 items on my list within two years, and I always remember what I learned from the course: It’s never too late to 55 the past wrongdoings.

36. A. something     B. anything   C. somebody       D. anybody

37. A. ashamed     B. afraid     C. sure           D. proud

38. A. private      B. secret     C. interesting       D. funny

39. A. foolish      B. polite      C. simple         D. brave

40. A. expected    B. suggested   C. ordered        D. demanded

41. A. connect with  B. depend on C. make an apology to   D. get along with

42. A. improve     B. continue   C. realize         D. keep

43. A. notes       B. list       C. plan           D. stories

44. A. any        B. most      C. none          D. all

45. A. part        B. game      C. trick          D. record

46. A. view       B. sign       C. attention       D. remark

47. A. also        B. even      C. still           D. ever

48. A. appears     B. considers   C. presents       D. remembers

49. A. angry       B. happy     C. doubtful       D. alive

50. A. words      B. rings       C. repeats       D. calls

51. A. cold       B. plain       C. nervous       D. lively

52. A. in case     B. so long as   C. unless         D. because

53. A. around     B. out        C. on           D. away

54. A. build up    B. make up    C. clear up       D. give up

55. A. regret      B. forgive     C. right          D. punish

