A.meets B.quarrels C.sings D.searches [解析] 本题考查根据上下文做出判断及动词词意的辨析.此题的提示在后面一句.即“-Tim gets together with- .所以本句应理解为“社区巡视组的成员每月的第三个星期三会面一次. [答案] A 查看更多




  About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work.One day I went into a restaurant there to have something to   1  .The waiter took my coat and put it in a small room.

  About an hour later I was ready to go.The waiter brought my coat to me.Suddenly something fell out of the pocket onto the floor.It was a small white box.Then I took a good look at the   2  .“Oh, you’ve brought someone else’s coat,” I said to the waiter.“It looks very much like mine,   3   it is quite new, and this isn’t my box, either.” “Oh, then I suppose someone has taken your coat and left this,” said the waiter.“This kind of thing   4   sometimes.”

  I opened the box.There was a beautiful gold ring in it.So I went   5   to the police station.

  “Has anyone lost a ring?” I asked.“Yes,” said a policeman.“A young man who came in this morning lost a ring.He lost it in London.” He   6   the young man.A few minutes later, the man arrived.“Yes, this is my ring,” he said.“How can I thank you, sir?You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and   7   I lost it on the train!”

  After I told him the story of the coat, he said, “You haven’t been on the train.I haven’t been in the hotel.So how   8   my ring in the coat?”

  “Did   9   sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman.

  “Yes,” said the young man, “But I don’t remember his face.”

  “You may remember this coat,” said the policeman.“Was it like this one?”

  “Yes, it was,” said the young man.“But the friend here   10   the thief.”

  The policeman laughed.“No,” he said, “the thief on the train stole your ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food.Only he didn’t take the right coat away with him.”


[  ]








deal with


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]






wrote to




[  ]










[  ]










[  ]




the thief


the waiter




[  ]






has caught


doesn’t know


  Taking pictures is fun. And taking good ones is easy if you follow a few simple rules. Before you snap a picture, think about it. Be sure you are close enough to your subject. A pretty face against a plain background, for instance, makes a good picture. But a distant figure lost among trees and clouds lacks interest. In a landscape scene, try to keep at least two-thirds of the picture below the line where the ground meets the sky. For a sky scene, keep at least two-thirds of the picture above that line.

  Study pictures in newspapers and books. Try to see why some are better than others. Use what you learn to improve your own pictures.

1.This article gives some_______.

A.reasons for taking pictures  B. differences between still and moving pictures

C.ideas for interesting hobbies D. hints for taking good pictures

2.The writer talks mostly about pictures taken_______.

A. outdoors B. by moonlight C. in color D. for newspapers

3. In the first example, the subject was probably a________.

A. car B. girl C. tree D. cloud

4.The subject of a picture should usually look_______.

A. close B. small C. shadowy D. shiny

5.In a landscape scene two-thirds of the picture should be_______.

A. sky B. clouds C. land D. horizon

6.You can improve your pictures by_______.

A.thinking about them before you take them

B.studying pictures in newspapers and books

C.snapping them as quickly as you can

D.Both A and B

7.The writer doesn't say anything about_______.

A.following rulesB. getting close to your subject

C.caring for your camera D. taking pictures of sky scenes


As I held my father's hands one nightI couldn't help but notice their calluses(老茧) and roughness.His hands tell the story of his life as a ___including all his struggles.

One summerI remembera drought(旱灾)hit Ontarioturning it into a____desert.On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last ___from the grocery store.Fifty dozen was all we neededwhich____took twenty minutes. That morninghoweverthe process didn't____ quickly.After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the fieldwe____ needed twenty dozen.I was completely frustrated and ____.Dropping the basket heavilyI declared“If the store wants its last twenty dozenthey can pick it themselves”Dad____“Just thinkmy little girlonly ten dozen left for each of us and then we're____.”Such is Dad—whatever problem he ____he never gives up.

____the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country.It was a challenging time for everyone____Dad remained optimistic.He____to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates.Only then did I truly begin to____Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.

Dad is also a living example of real____.From dawn to duskhe works countless hours to ___our family.He always puts our happiness ____his ownand never fails to cheer me on at my sports games___his exhaustion after long days.His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and____putting others first.

Dadthe life____I have learned from you will stay with me forever.You are my fatherteacherfriend andmost importantlymy hero.                  

1.A.teacher? Bgardener? Cfarmer? Dgrocer

2.A.stormy? ????????????? Blively?

Cdisappearing? ????????????? Dburning

3.A.order? Bform? Cgap? Dposition

4.A.repeatedly? ????????????? Bnormally

Cfinally? ????????????? Dreally

5.A.go? Bbegin? Coccur? Dchange

6.A.yet? Bstill? Ceven? Dnearly

7.A.surprised? ????????????? Bnervous

Cangry? ????????????? Dfrightened

8.A.apologized? ????????????? Bcried

Ccomplained? ????????????? Dlaughed

9.A.lost? Bdone? Cgone? Dtouched

10.A.meets with? ????????????? Bbrings up

Cworks out? ????????????? Dthinks about

11.A.Thankfully? ????????????? BHopefully

CUnfortunately? ????????????? DStrangely

12.A.or? Bfor? Cso? Dbut

13.A.happened? ????????????? Bseemed

Ccontinued? ????????????? Daimed

14.A.face? Bappreciate? Cexamine? Dquestion

15.A.love? Bpride? Cfriendship? Dhonesty

16.A.support? Bsettle? Cstart? Dimpress

17.A.after? Bbefore? Cbeside? Dunder

18.A.in spite of? ????????????? Bin terms of

Cin control of? ????????????? Din place of

19.A.careful? Bregretful

Cconsiderate? Dhumorous

20.A.history? Bmotto? Cpatterns? Dlessons



Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing something to make their neighborhood a trouble-free area.

When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesn’t    1  drive to a store and back home. He always looks    2  up and down the streets of his neighborhood. He looks for anything

   3  such as strange cars, loud noises,  4  windows, or people gathering on street comers.

Tim   5  to a neighborhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA. The neighborhood watch group   6  on the third Wednesday of every month. That’s   7  .Tim gets together with ?about? ten of his neighbors to discuss community ?  8  .?Members of the neighborhood watch group want to help the police   9  their homes, streets, and families safe.

Tina Stedman, president of ?  10  ?neighborhood watch group, agrees with Tim.“People seem to think that crime happens to other people but not   11  them. Well, it’s never happened to me,” she said,“but I don’t think anyone has the   12  to steal from other people or to make them feel   13  sitting in their own homes.”

Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbors   14  out for one another,“We 15  each other’s homes. We keep watch on the neighborhood at night and on weekends. Usually a  16    of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesn’t look right, then we call the  17  .?For example, if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for   18  ,or someone destroying property, we report to the police.”

Alex feels the neighborhood watch groups ?  19  ?a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees,“Police are good people, but they can’t do   20  .”

1.A.yet                         B.still                           C.just                           D.rather

2.A.carefully              B.clearly                      C.nervously                  D.coldly

3.A.familiar                  B.unusual                     C.expensive                  D.interesting

4.A.curtained                B.open                         C.old                           D.broken

5.A.attends                   B.belongs                     C.goes                          D.turns

6.A.meets                     B.quarrels                     C.sings                         D.searches

7.A.where                    B.why                          C.when                        D.how

8.A.politics                   B.wealth                       C.health                       D.safety

9.A.keep                      B.hold                          C.let                                   D.protect

10.A.its                        B.his                            C.their                         D.your

11.A.round                   B.on                                   C.about                        D.to

12.A.right                    B.chance                      C.courage                     D.mind

13.A.unlucky                B.unsafe                       C.disappointed              D.discouraged

14.A.set                       B.let                                   C.hold                          D.look

15.A.care                            B.enter                         C.watch                        D.manage

16.A.group                   B.set                            C.number                            D.crowd

17.A.judges                  B.police                       C.firemen                     D.doctors

18.A.work                    B.burden                      C.service                      D.trouble

19.A.produce                B.find                          C.get                            D.help

20.A.anything               B.evening                     C.harm                         D.wrong



  Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing something to make their neighborhood a trouble-free area.

  When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesn't 1 drive to a store and back home. He always looks 2 up and down the streets of his

  neighborhood. He looks for anything 3 such as strange cars, loud noises, 4 windows, or people gathering on street comers.

  Tim 5 to a neighborhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA. The neighborhood watch group 6 on the third Wednesday of every month, That's 7 Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbors to discuss community 8 . Members of the neighborhood watch group want to help the police 9 their homes, streets, and families safe.

  Tina Stedman, president of 10 neighborhood watch group, agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime(犯罪)happens to other people but not 11 them. Well, it's never happened to me,” she said, “but I don't think anyone has the 12 to steal from other people or to make them feel 13 sitting in their own homes.”

  Alex, a member of the group, says that all the neighbors 14 out for one another. “We 15 each other's homes. We keep watch on the neighborhood at night and on weekends. Usually a 16 of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesn't look right, then we call the 17 .For example, if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for 18 , or someone destroying property(财产), we report to the police.”

  Alex feels the neighborhood watch groups 19 a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees, “Police are good people, but they can't do 20 .”


[  ]

A. yet
B. still
C. just
D. rather


[  ]

A. carefully
B. clearly
C. nervously
D. coldly


[  ]

A. familiar
B. unusual
C. expensive
D. interesting


[  ]

A. curtained
B. open
C. old
D. broken


[  ]

A. attends
B. belongs
C. goes
D. turns


[  ]

A. meets
B. quarrels
C. sings
D. searches


[  ]

A. where
B. why
C. when
D. how


[  ]

A. politics
B. wealth
C. health
D. safety


[  ]

A. keep
B. hold
C. let
D. protect


[  ]

A. its
B. his
C. their
D. your


[  ]

A. round
B. on
C. about
D. to


[  ]

A. right
B. chance
C. courage
D. mind


[  ]

A. unlucky
B. unsafe
C. disappointed
D. discouraged


[  ]

A. set
B. let
C. hold
D. look


[  ]

A. care
B. enter
C. watch
D. manage


[  ]

A. group
B. set
C. number
D. crowd


[  ]

A. judges
B. police
C. firemen
D. doctors


[  ]

A. work
B. burden
C. service
D. trouble

[  ]


[  ]

A. produce
B. find
C. get
D. help


[  ]

A. anything
B. everything
C. harm
D. wrong

