A.produce B.find C.get D.help [解析] 本题考查学生对文章的理解能力和根据上下文进行判断的能力.根据上下文.特别是后面一句中“agree 一词.说明Alex和她丈夫的观点是一致的.因此19.20两题相互提示.相互补充.那么在19题中应理解为“巡视小组对减少犯罪有很大帮助 .而不是“产生很多 .或“得到很多(C) . [答案] D 查看更多



When a group of children politely stop a conversation with you, saying: “We have to go to work now,” you’re left feeling surprised and certainly uneasy. After all, this is the 1990s and the idea of children working is just unthinkable. That is, until you are told that they are all pupils of stage schools, and that the “work” they go off to is to go on the stage in a theatre.

  Stage schools often act as agencies(代理机构)to supply children for stage and television work. More worthy of the name “stage school” are those few places where children attend full time, with a training for the theatre and a general education.

  A visit to such schools will leave you in no doubt that the children enjoy themselves. After all, what lively children wouldn’t settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day?

 Then of course there are times for the children to make a name and make a little money in some big shows. Some stage schools give their children too much professional work at such a young age. But the law is very tight on the amount they can do. Those under 13 are limited to 40 days in the year; those over 13 to 80 days.

 The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the profession for which they are being trained. So what happens to those who don’t make it? While all the leading schools say they place great importance on children getting good study results, the facts seem to suggest this is not always the case.

 People would stop feeling uneasy when realizing that the children they’re talking to________.

    A. attend a stage school      B. are going to the theatre

    C. have got some work to do     D. love singing and dancing

   In the writer’s opinion, a good stage school should ________.

    A. produce star performers

    B. help pupils improve their study skills

    C. train pupils in language and performing arts

    D. provide a general education and stage training.

 “Professional work” as used in the text means ________.

    A. ordinary school work       B. money-making performances

    C. stage training at school      D. acting, singing or dancing after class

  Which of the following best describes how the writer feels about stage schools?

    A. He thinks highly of what they have to offer.    

    B. He favours an early start in the training of performing arts.

    C. He feels uncomfortable about children putting on night shows.

    D. He doubts the standard of ordinary education they have reached.


 Having one of those days or weeks — when everything seems to annoy you? Even if you do nothing about it, your bad mood will probably go away after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much faster — often within a day or two.

  Walk it off

  Exercise is the most popular bad-mood buster. A person who’s in a bad mood has low energy and high tension. Taking a fast ten-minute walk, or doing some quick exercises can do wonders towards changing that bad mood.

  Tune it out

  Listening to your favorite music for a while can also make tension go away quickly, because music starts associations with past positive experiences we’ve had.

  Give yourself a pep talk

  Stop and listen to what’s on your mind. Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper; the pessimistic (悲观的) messages you’ve been giving yourself and then give optimistic answers. ("I still don’t have a job. "vs" I have two interviews next week.")

  Reduce your stress

  Relaxation techniques are wonderful mood-lifters. These include deep breathing, stretching and visualizing (想象), all of which sound complicated but aren’t. One easy way to visualize: close your eyes and picture a favorite place, such as the beach. Another simple way to against distress is to make a to-do list. One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have no options(选择权) By taking control over certain areas, you realize you’re not helpless. You can make changes in your mood and life.

  Avoid things that won’t improve your mood

  TV may not help much: You need to increase your energy level and stimulate your mind something — that the TV show "Neighbors" won’t do. And before you reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how mood and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine contribute to depressed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydrates, such as potatoes and pasta, produce a calming effect in people who have a desire for them.

  We learn from the text that it might help rid us of a bad mood ________.

  A. to do nothing about it

  B. to take a long walk on the beach

  C. to do some exercises with light music

  D. to talk it to neighbours

  Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?

  A. It is not complicated to do so.

  B. It is an area to be easily controlled.

  C. It helps beat a bad mood.

  D. It brings us a new technique.

   TV may not improve your mood because ________.

  A. it sometimes shows what happens around you

  B. it keeps you stay unmoved

  C. it reminds you of eating and drinking

  D. it produces a calming effect

  This text most probably appears in ________.

  A. a book on physical exercises            B. a doctor’s handbook

C. a notice                                          D. a magazine 


Department stores sell ready- to-wear clothing, which is also called ready-made clothing. Such clothing is made in fixed sizes. Those people who find that ready-made clothing fits them well can save money by buying it. Most often, people do not fit exactly into a producer’s size. Their clothing must be altered to make it fit better. However, most alterations are not very expensive. The small cost of most alterations means that ready-made clothing can meet the needs of most customers.
Those who can afford it often get someone to design and make their clothing. Such clothing is called custom-made. The person who makes it measures the customer, and then sews it so that it fits perfectly. Alterations are not needed. Custom-made clothing is largely sewn by hand, has better quality, better material, and is of the style you have chosen. Of course, it costs much more than ready-to-wear clothing. You need to pay the difference for the special fitting and better skill that you are receiving. This often means that you spend double or more than you would for a ready-made garment.
Custom-made clothing is not always that much better than ready-made clothing. It costs more partly because only one garment has been made, just for you. Companies that produce ready-made products make thousands of garments at a time. This means they can buy large quantities of material. Workers cut each size by the hundreds. Companies work out ways to make the garments quickly by machine and pay workers according to their skill. Thus they can sell the finished products at a low price while still making money. Most of the clothing sold in the United States is made in this way. Customers gain from the lower prices which are made possible by mass production. It may or may not give them high quality.
【小题1】 According to the passage, people who buy ready-made clothing ______.

A.wish to make alternationsB.will spend less money
C.want to make it betterD.can fit into the sizes
【小题2】We can learn from the passage that custom-made clothing is_______.
A.specially made  B.fashionably designed
C.chosen by few people  D.made with difficulties
【小题3】Which of the following is true about ready-made clothing?
A.It is of poor quality.  B.It suits all people.
C.It is labor-saving to make it.  D.It takes more time to make it
【小题4】The purpose of the writer is _______.
A.to explain why custom-made clothing costs more
B.to show the advantages of mass production
C.to tell readers how to make money from ready-made clothing
D.to provide information about different kinds of clothing



  In 1980 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then. The report was the result of a three-year study.

  According to the report, the 1 of the earth in the year 2000 is not a 2 one. The world will be more crowded because the 3 will continue to grow. The population 4 be as large as 6,300 million, almost 2,500 million more than that in 1975. 5 people would move into cities, especially cities in 6 countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakanta 7 would each have 15 million by then. Food production will increase, but not enough to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1975, but most of the increase would be in countries that 8 produce enough food for their people. 9 increase is grown in South Asia, Africa and European countries. Poor farming ways are 10 large areas of cropland, changing farms into 11 . More farmland is lost 12 cities become larger and houses are built. Air pollution will get worse as industrial countries 13 more coal and oil. Much of the world's 14 could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a 15 problem. The experts hope their picture of the earth for the year 2000 may be 16 . Measures must be taken to change the situation that 17 today. By changing the situation, by settling the problems, the picture can be changed. There is 18 time for the nations of the world to work together on a plan of action. But they 19 that waiting too long to make decisions would greatly 20 the chances of success.


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A. Goods for auction (拍卖) sales

  B. Definition of bidding

  C. Way to sell more goods by auction

  D. Auction sales in history

  E. Brief introduction to auctions

  F. Making a larger profit as an auctioneer


Auctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers, or “bids”, for the various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures, and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called “knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer strikes a small hammer on a table at which he stands.

2. ______

The ancient Roman probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auction, meaning “increasing”. The Romans usually sold in this way the goods taken in war. In England in the eighteenth centuries, goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.

3. ______

Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, skins, wool, tea, furs, silk and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art.

4. ______

An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by potential buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, catalogues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together, called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in the order of numbers: he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.

5. ______

The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding as high as possible. He will not waste time by starting the bidding too low. He will also play on the opponents among his buyers and succeed in getting a high price by encouraging two business competitors to bid against each other.


