A.serious B.usual C.similar on [解析] 从上文的提示“try to remember a solution from the last time .表明人们一旦遇上类似的问题.首先想到的是上次碰到这类问题的解决办法.只有问题“类似 .才会想到“上一次 的办法.[答案] C 查看更多




  She handed me a five dollar bill through the car window, then turned and walked away.I don't know her name, nor where she was going ,but I know I will never forget that stranger who generously saved me from a lot of frustration(挫折)and prevented me from walking a mile or more to my destination.

  When we finally were able to exit, we tried to find parking lots near the hosting hotel.But they were all full.Not expecting this, neither of us had brought change; all we had was a twenty dollar bill.When we did find some space in a lot two blocks away from the conference, we were unable to pay the automatic(自动)box for parking.So we needed five dollars.

  We asked several people approaching the pay box if they could change a twenty.“No”,“No”were their answers.So, dejected, we walked back to our car, got inside, and started to back out.We were going to look for other parking spot on the street that would surely have taken us a longer distance away.

  That day My husband, Leo, and I were already a half hour late for an important conference.We had taken the wrong fork in the expressway, and found ourselves stuck in traffic that was blocked for four miles due to a serious accident.

  Just then, one tapped on the window on the passenger side.It was a short, medium-built woman, who was all bundled up in jacket and scarf, wearing jeans and boots.Surprised, I was reluctant, at first, to roll the window down.What could she possibly want? I lowered the window just enough to hear what the woman had to say.Through the window, she shoved a five dollar bill.“I don't have change,” she said, “but here is an extra five dollar bill.Use it to pay for your parking spot.” I was floored! Was this woman, whom I'd never seen before, actually giving me this much money? Yes, that was exactly what she was doing! She wouldn't take the check I offered her for the cash.She just walked away.


What kept the author and her husband from arriving on time?

[  ]


They had a traffic accident.


They took a wrong turning.


Their car broke down half way.


The traffic was heavy on the freeway.


The problem the author had in parking their car was that ________

[  ]


they couldn't pay for parking by check


neither of them had money with them


they had no five-dollar bill


there was no parking lot near the conference


The underlined word “dejected” probably means ________

[  ]










Why was the author unhappy to roll down the window?

[  ]


She was frustrated for coming too late.


She feared the woman would beg for money.


She didn't expect to be disturbed(打扰)by strangers.


She didn't know what the woman would do.


The author writes the text to ________

[  ]


warn readers of the difficulty with parking


express her gratitude to the stranger


talk about her bad experience


call on readers to lend a helping hand if possible


  Our surroundings(环境)are being polluted faster than nature and man's present efforts cannot prevent it.Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities, and the growing use of man-made materials.

  What can explain and solve this problem?The fact is that pollution is caused by man-by his desire(欲望)for a modern way of life.We make“increasing industrialization”(工业化)our chief aim.So we are often ready to offer everything:clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children.There is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits(利益)of our modern society.But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twenty years, pollution has become a serious problem.

  Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going and why it makes one think of the story about the airline pilot(飞行员)who told his passengers over the loudspeaker:“I've some good news and some bad news.The good news is that we're making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour.The bad news is that we're lost and don't know where we're going.”The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when spoken of our modern society.


Man cannot prevent the world from being polluted because ________.

[  ]


the population of the world is increasing fast


people use too many man-made materials


we have more and more industry


we are producing more cars, trucks and buses


People crowd into the cities because ________.

[  ]


they want very much to find well-paid jobs


they are anxious to enjoy the achievements of our society


they have become tired of their homeland


they have a strong wish to become industrial workers


According to the passage, what does man value most among the following?

[  ]






Clean air.


The future of the children.


The story about the airline pilot tells us that ________.

[  ]


man knows where the society is going


people do not welcome the rapid development of modern society


man can do little about the problem of pollution


the speaker is worried about the future of our society


What does the writer really want to say in this passage?

[  ]


With the development of technology pollution has become a serious problem.


Lower the speed of development to stop pollution.


It's time we did something to reduce pollution.


As industry is growing fast, pollution is the natural result.



  China's 5,000-meter Olympic champion (冠军) Wang Junxia is suffering from a serious nervous condition brought on by stress and her heavy training schedule, according to her coach. Wang was China's only athletic medallist in the Atlanta Olympic Games, winning gold in the women's 5,000 meters and silver in the 10,000 meters.

  “Wang Junxia is suffering from serious neurasthenia (神经衰弱),which is causing her insomnia (失眠) and even making it painful for her to run,” coach Mao Dezhen told reporters. In an interview with China's national television station CCTV, Wang said that her headaches come whenever she runs. Neurasthenia is a general term for a condition whose symptoms range (症状范围) from fatigue (疲劳) and anxiety to listlessness (倦怠无力).

  “The condition has been brought on by her hard training schedule these past few years and she needs a good rest.” said Mao, who took over Wang's training when the long-distance star split with long-time coach Ma Junren in late 1994.

  Wang is currently recuperating (复原) in Shenyang, capital of her home Liaoning Province, but will join the rest of the provincial team in the southern city of Nanning for winter training in February, Mao said.

(1)What is the reason for which Wang Junxia suffer from a serious nervous condition?

[  ]

A. Poor health.

B. Too much stress.

C. Heavy training.

D. Both B and C.

(2)According to the passage,________.

[  ]

A. she has stopped training

B. she has been training very hard

C. she had been a serious neurasthenia

D. she has been in poor health

(3)Which of the following is right?

[  ]

A. She got two gold medals in the Atlanta Olympic Games.

B. She is from Northeast of China.

C. She is now training in the southern city Of Nanjing.

D. She has been guided by Coach Mao Dezhen for five years.

(4)The best title of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A. Wang Needs a Good Rest

B. Wang's Schedule Isn't Scientific

C. Wang Faces a Serious Problem of Neurasthenia

D. Coach Mao's New Challenge

(5)Where is the passage probably taken from?

[  ]

A. Novel.

B. Ad.

C. Newspaper.

D. Magazine.


The problem of _________ become a serious one.

[  ]

dealing with waste plastics have


deal with waste plastics have


dealing with waste plastics has


to deal with waste plastics has


I really can't understand ________ about such a serious matter.

[  ]

A.you to joke

B.you joke

C.why joke

D.your joking

