A.explain B.prove C.show D.see [解析] 作为分析的第一步.Sam必须查看自行车的毛病出在哪儿.see在此的含义是:examine or recognize by looking.[答案] D 查看更多





  WASHINGTON-According to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 72 officers were killed by criminals in 2011, increased markedly in recently years.

  The 2011 deaths were the first time that more officers were killed by suspects than car accidents.The number was the highest in nearly two decades, excluding those who died in the Sept.11 attacks in 2001 and the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

  While the F.B.I.and other law enforcement(执行)officials cannot fully explain the reasons for the rise in officer homicides, they are clear about the terrible consequences.

  “In this law enforcement job, when you pin this badge on and go out on calls, when you leave home, you can't guarantee that you will come back,” said Sheriff Ray Foster of Buchanan County, Va.

  After a series of killings in early 2011, Attorney General Eric H.Holder Jr.asked federal authorities to work with local police departments to try to come up with solutions to the problem.

  The F.B.I., which has tracked officer deaths since 1937, paid for a study conducted by John Jay College that found that in many cases the officers were trying to arrest or stop a suspect who had previously been arrested for a violent crime.

  That prompted the F.B.I.to change what information it will provide to local police departments, the officials said.Starting this year, when police officers stop a car and call its license plate into the F.B.I.'s database, they will be told whether the owner of the vehicle has a violent history.Through the first three months of this year, the number of police fatalities has dropped, though it is unclear why.

  Some law enforcement officials believe that techniques pioneered by the New York Police Department over the past two decades and adopted by other departments may have put officers at greater risk by encouraging them to conduct more street stops and to seek out and confront(对抗)suspects who seem likely to be armed.In New York and elsewhere, police officials moved more officers into crime-ridden areas.

  Some argue that the rise in violence is linked to the tough economy.With less money, police departments, after years of staffing increases, have been forced to make cutbacks(削减).

  The police chief in Camden, N.J., J.Scott Thomson, whose force of 400 was cut by nearly half last year because of financing issues, said that having fewer officers on the street “makes it that much more difficult to create an environment in which criminals do not feel as encouraged to attack another person, let alone a law enforcement officer.”

  “Every stop can be potentially fatal, so we are trying to make sure the officers are ready and prepared to face deadly force every single day they go out.” Ms.Klimt said.



  Fear can be fun. Many young people queue up to ride very fast and scary roller coasters, screaming but enjoying themselves. Other people like to read “goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩)” books or watch horror movies at night, scared to death but feeling excited. Why do people like being scared?

  Fear is an ancient way of surviving. Being scared makes animals, including humans escape from danger and save themselves. It is because of fear that we have lived through millions of years of evolution. Those who lacked a strong fear response were more likely to be killed, leaving the more fearful and careful to pass their genes onto the next generation.

  How do scientists explain why shaking over such scary things is fun? “Some kids will go to a scary movie and love it and laugh over it, others will feel anxious and hide their faces and some won’t even set foot in the cinema,” said Ned Kalin, a US scientist. “Which kind of person you are depends partly on experiences you’ve had and partly on your genes.”

  What happens in the brain when something frightens you? Nerves that begin at the eyes and ears lead to a part of the brain called the amygdale. When you suddenly see a snake, for example, the amygdale makes you freeze, sweat, have a quickened heartbeat, or run very fast. However, seeing the snake also uses another part of the brain, the cortex. It analyzes the situation, and if it finds that the snake is only made of rubber it tells your heart and the rest of your body to calm down. Think of the amygdale as the engine and the cortex as the brake.

  Back to the first question: Why do some people like to make themselves scared? “One reason is that we can play games with fear, find ways to reduce the scariness by looking away or thinking of something else,” Kalin said. “To believe we have control over a situation gives us a feeling of power.” “Scary movies or novels are good practice to prepare young people for the real thing. Thrills such as roller coaster rides also go to the brain’s pleasure centre.”

  And there might be some evolutionary advantage to being able to adjust this system that is there to protect people.

  72. How many questions are answered in the passage?

  A. 2.    B. 3.    C. 4.    D. 5.

  73. Some people like to be scared because______.

  A. they are afraid that the fear genes will be passed onto their children

  B. it’s a good practice to get prepared for the real frightening situation

  C. it can help them show their own personalities

  D. they will feel powerful after getting rid of fear

  74. Which of the following is true about the people who are not easily scared?

  A. Their cortex is better at analyzing the situations.

  B. They are more likely to suffer from potential danger.

  C. They are born unaffected by anything horrible.

  D. They lack a strong response towards threat.

  75. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. Ready to scream?     B. How to be scared?

  C. Willing to shake?    D. Why to be scared?


He requires that he _______ an opportunity to explain his case.

         A.is given         B.should give         C.give      D.be given



People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 36 problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without 37 ; they try to find a solution by trial and error(反复试验).  38 , when all of these methods 39 , the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six 40 in analyzing a problem.

41 ,the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must 42 that there is a problem with the bicycle.

Next, the person must find out the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must 43 the parts that are wrong.

Now the person must look for 44 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 45 solutions. For example, suppose Sam decides that his bicycle does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes.  46 , he can look into his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, talk to his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.

After 47 the problem, the person should have 48 suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example 49 , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.

In the end, one 50 seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the

51 idea comes quite 52 because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a different way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum (口香糖) stuck to a brake. He 53 hits on the solution to his problem: he must 54 the brake.

Finally the solution is 55 . Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem.

36. A. serious        B. usual         C. similar           D. common

37. A. searching      B. thinking       C. finding           D. looking

38. A. Besides       B. Instead       C. Otherwise        D. However

39. A. fail           B. work         C. change          D. develop

40. A. ways         B. conditions     C. stages           D. orders

41. A. First          B. Usually       C. In general         D. Most importantly

42. A. explain        B. prove        C. show            D. see

43. A. check         B. determine     C. correct           D. recover

44. A. answers       B. skills         C. explanation       D. information

45. A. possible        B. exact         C. real             D. special

46. A. In other words   B. Once in a while C. First of all       D. At this time

47. A. discussing       B. settling down   C. comparing with   D. studying

48. A. extra           B. enough        C. several         D. countless

49. A. secondly       B. again          C. also           D. alone

50. A. suggestion       B. conclusion      C. decision        D. discovery

51. A. next           B. clear          C. final           D. new

52. A. unexpectedly     B. late           C. clearly         D. often

53. A. fortunately       B. easily          C. clearly         D. immediately

54. A. clean          B. separate        C. loosen         D. remove

55. A. recorded       B. completed       C. tested          D. accepted


My Teacher in the School of Life

I spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes ___1___ 30 years ago; I sat in Dr Charles E. Offutt's British literature class, listening to him __2___ what his seniors would learn and get them excited about the journey they would __3__.I'm the principal(校长) of the school now, but for a few minutes I was back in 1975, __4__ what the future held.

I have been learning from Dr Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he has been teaching at DeMatha.He not only taught me to think, he __5__ me, as much by example as___6__, that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve __7__.

Neither of us could know how our __8__ would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr Offutt, then the department chair. After several years, I was __9__ department chair, and our relationship changed __10__. I thought that it might be __11__chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr Offutt __12__ me throughout. He knew when to give me __13__ about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course.

In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. __14__, he encouraged me to seize the new __15__.

Five years ago, I became the __16__ of DeMatha.Once again, Dr Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could__17__ on him as I tried to fill such big shoes, I've learned from him that great teachers have a(n) __18__ wealth of lessons to teach. __19__ his students don't know it yet, I know how __20__ they are; I'm still one of them.

1.A.mostly   B.exactly   C.only   D.simply

2.A.explain     B.predict       C.speak     D.teach

3.A.keep       B.achieve       C.choose   D.take

4.A.preparing   B.discovering   C.wondering  D.realizing

5.A.assisted    B.reminded      C.advised   D.convinced

6.A.words     B.action        C.explanation  D.models

7.A.the others  B.everyone       C.others   D.anyone

8.A.relationship  B.position      C.situation  D.condition

9.A.pointed    B.named         C.given    D.taken

10.A.already      B.yet       C.still  D.again

11.A.foolish      B.surprising  C.uncertain  D.challenging

12.A.promoted    B.accepted  C.supported  D.welcomed

13.A.advice      B.information  C.notice   D.thought

14.A.Otherwise  B.Therefore  C.Furthermore  D.Instead

15.A.choice     B.opportunity  C.occupation  D.possibility

16.A.teacher     B.principal  C.officer      D.clerk

17.A.live       B.look     C.depend       D.take

18.A.rich      B.little     C.valuable       D.endless

19.A.Once     B.Even if  C.Unless       D.Until

20.A.fortunate  B.curious  C.innocent      D.satisfied

