A.heard from B.cared for C.knew of D.read about [解析] 四个选项的短语动词所表达的意思不同.hear from接到--的信,cared for关心.照顾.喜欢,know of知道.听说,read about 谈到.获悉.短文第二段中they said that they had 4 caught Yetis on two occasions 5 none has ever been produced as evidence说明了人们对珠穆朗玛峰上雪人的存在只不过是听说而已.却拿不出任何证据.自然最佳答案应该选C了.[答案] C 查看更多



He has been called the “missing link”.Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world—Mount Everest.

He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The   1  of Snowman has been around for

  2  .?Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they  3  this creature and called it the “Yeti”,and they said that they had   4  caught Yetis on two occasions   5  none has ever been produced as evidence.

Over the years, the story of the Yetis has  6  . In 1916, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not   7  the tracks of a monkey or bear and   8  that the Abominable Snowman might really   9  .

Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only things people have ever found were   10  footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than   11  animal tracks, which had been made  12  as they melted and refroze in the snow.  13  ,in 1964,a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was   14  and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But,?  15  ,?no evidence has ever   16  been produced.

These days, only a few people continue to take the story of Abominable Snowman  17  ,?but if they ever   18  catching one, they may face a real  19  : Would they put it in a   20  or give it a room in a hotel?

1.A.event                            B.story                         C.adventure                  D.description

2.A.centuries                B.too long                    C.some time                 D.many years

3.A.heard from             B.cared for                   C.knew of                    D.read about

4.A.even                      B.hardly                       C.certainly                    D.probably

5.A.as                          B.though                      C.when                        D.until

6.A.developed               B.changed                    C.occurred                    D.continued

7.A.entirely                  B.naturally                   C.clearly                      D.simply

8.A.found                     B.declared                    C.felt                           D.doubted

9.A.exist                      B.escape                       C.disappear                   D.return

10.A.clearer                  B.more                         C.possible                     D.rare

11.A.huge                     B.recent                      C.ordinary                    D.frightening

12.A.strange                 B.large                         C.deep                         D.rough

13.A.In the end             B.Therefore                  C.After all                    D.However

14.A.imagined                     B.real                           C.special                      D.familiar

15.A.so                        B.besides                      C.again                        D.instead

16.A.rightly                  B.actually                     C.normally                   D.particularly

17.A.lightly                  B.jokingly                    C.seriously                   D.properly

18.A.succeed in             B.insist on                    C.depend on                 D.join in

19.A.decision                B.situation                    C.subject                      D.problem

20.A.zoo                      B.mountain                   C.museum                    D.laboratory


He has been called the“missing link”.Half-man,half-beast.He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world—Mount Everest.

He is known as the Abominable Snowman.The__36  of the Snowman has been around for__37  .Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they__38 this creature and called it the“Yeti”,and they said that they had__39  caught Yetis on two occasions__40 _none has ever been produced as evidence (证据).

Over the years,the story of the Yetis has__41 .In 1951,Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest.Shipton believed that they were not__42  the tracks of a monkey or bear and__43 that the Abominable Snowman might really__44  .

Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis.But the only things people have ever found were__45 footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than__46 animal tracks,which had been made__47 as they melted (融化) and refroze in the snow. __48  ,in 1964,a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was__49  and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans.But, __50  ,no evidence has ever__51  been produced.

These days,only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman__52.But if they ever__53_catching one,they may face a real__54  :Would they put it in a__55 or give it a room in a hotel?

36.A.event         B. story            C. adventure       D. description

37.A.centuries     B. too long         C. some time       D. many years

38.A.heard from    B. cared for        C. knew of         D. read about

39.A.even          B. hardly           C. certainly       D. probably

40.A.as            B. though           C. when            D. until

41.A.developed     B. changed          C. occurred        D. continued

42.A.entirely      B. naturally        C. clearly         D. simply

43.A.found         B. declared         C. felt            D. doubted

44.A.exist         B. escape           C. disappear       D. return

45.A.clearer       B. more             C. possible        D. rare

46.A.huge          B. recent           C. ordinary        D. frightening

47.A.strange       B. large            C. deep            D. rough

48.A.In the end     B. Therefore       C. After all       D. However

49.A.imagined       B. real            C. special         D. familiar

50.A.so             B. besides         C. again           D. instead

51.A.rightly        B. actually        C. normally        D. particularly

52.A.lightly        B. jokingly        C. seriously       D. properly

53.A.succeed in     B. insist on       C. depend on       D. join in

54.A.decision       B. situation       C. subject         D. problem

55.A.zoo            B. mountain        C. museum          D. laboratory


So far nothing _____ Tom. I want to know the reason _______ he hasn’t written to me.

  A. heard from; why       B. has been heard from; why

  C. was heard from; that   D. has heard from; that


He has been called the “missing link.” Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world-Mount Everest.

He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The   1   of the Snowman has been around for    __2  . Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mound Everest. The native people said they   3   this creature and called it the “Yeti,”and they said that they had   4   caught Yetis on two occasions   5   none has ever been produced an evidence(证据).

Over the years, the story of the Yetis has   6   . In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not   7   the tracks of a monkey or bear and   8   that the Abominable Snowman might really   9  .

Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only things people have ever found were   10   footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than   11   animal tracks, which had been made   12    as the melted(融化)and refroze in the snow.   13  , in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was   14   and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But,   15  . no evidence has ever   16   been produced.

These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman   __17  . But if they ever   18   catching one, they may face a real   19  : Would they put it in a   20   or give it a room in a hotel?

1. A. event                          B. story                      C. adventure               D. description

2. A. centuries                    B. too long                  C. some time              D. many years

3. A. heard from                 B. cared for                C. knew of                 D. read about

4. A. even                           B. hardly                    C. certainly                 D. probably

5. A. as                              B. though                   C. when                     D. until

6. A. developed                   B. changed                 C. occurred                D. continued

7. A. entirely                       B. naturally                 C. clearly                   D. simply

8. A. found                         B. declared                 C. felt                        D. doubled

9. A. exist                           B. escape                    C. disappear               D. return

10. A. clearer                      B. more                      C. possible                 D. rare

11. A. huge                         B. recent                    C. ordinary                 D. frightening

12. A. strange                     B. large                      C. deep                      D. rough

13. A. In the end                 B. Therefore               C. After all                  D. However

14. A. imagined                   B. real                        C. special                   D. familiar

15. A. so                            B. besides                   C. again                     D. instead

16. A. rightly                      B. actually                  C. normally                D. particularly

17. A. lightly                       B. jokingly                  C. seriously                D. properly

18. A. succeed in                B. insist on                 C. depend on              D. join in

19. A. decision                    B. situation                 C. subject                   D. problem

20. A. zoo                          B. mountain                C. museum                 D. laboratory


He has been called the “missing link”. Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world — Mount Everest. He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The ___1___ of Snowman has been around for ___2___. Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they ___3___ this creature and called it the “Yeti”, and they said that they had ___4___ caught Yetis on two occasions ___5___ none has ever been produced as evidence (证据).

Over the years, the story of the Yetis has ___6___. In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not ___7___ the tracks of a monkey or bear and ___8___ that the Abominable Snowman might really ___9___.

Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only things people have ever found were ___10___ footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than ___11___ animal tracks, which had been made ___12___ as they melted(融化) and refroze in the snow. ___13___, in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was ___14___ and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But, ___15___, no evidence has ever ___16___ been produced.

These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman ___17___, but if they ever ___18___ catching one, they may face a real ___19___: Would they put it in a ___20___ or give it a room in a hotel?

1. A. event     B. story   C. adventure   D. description

2. A. centuries       B. too long     C. some time  D. many years

3. A. heard from    B. cared for    C. knew of     D. read about

4. A. even      B. hardly C. certainly     D. probably

5. A. as   B. though       C. when  D. until

6. A. developed      B. changed     C. occurred     D. continued

7. A. entirely  B. naturally    C. clearly       D. simply

8. A. found     B. declared     C. felt     D. doubled

9. A. exist      B. escape C. disappear    D. return

10. A. clearer  B. more   C. possible      D. rare

11. A. huge     B. recent C. ordinary     D. frightening

12. A. strange B. large   C. deep   D. rough

13. A. In the end    B. Therefore   C. After all     D. However

14. A. imagined     B. real     C. special       D. familiar

15. A. so B. besides       C. again  D. instead

16. A. rightly  B. actually      C. normally    D. particularly

17. A. lightly  B. jokingly     C. seriously    D. properly

18. A. succeed in    B. insist on     C. depend on  D. join in

19. A. decision       B. situation     C. subject       D. problem

20. A. zoo      B. mountain    C. museum     D. laboratory

