[答案]D. a subtle.[详解]subtle微妙的.微细的.难以捉摸的.a subtle difference..Submerged浸没的;indecisive非决定性的.非结论性的.未清楚标明的;indistinct不清楚的.模糊的;subconscious下意识的. 查看更多



Latest data shows an estimated 39.5 million people around the world are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. According to the report, this means every eight seconds somebody in the world is infected with HIV, resulting in 11,000 people becoming newly infected every day.
The director of UNAIDS, Peter Piot, says most of the new infections, nearly two-thirds, are in Sub-Saharan Africa. But, the biggest increases are in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where infection rates have risen by more than 50 percent since 2004. He says 2.9 million people died from AIDS-related illnesses this year, the highest number ever.
UNAIDS senior epidemiologist(流行病学家), Karen Stanecki, says infections are rising in countries where HIV prevention programs have not adapted to the changing nature of the epidemics(流行病).  Stanecki noted,"In Thailand, one of our past success stories, a large percentage of new HIV infections are occurring in people considered to be low risk. One third of new infections are among married women."
It says data shows increased use of condoms has resulted in drops in HIV prevalence(流行) among young people between 2000 and 2005 in a number of African countries, including Botswana, Kenya and Zimbabwe. Nevertheless, the report notes young people between the ages of 15 and 24 account for 40 percent of new HIV infections. It finds the risk behavior, such as injecting drug use, homosexuals, is a factor of concern in many regions of the world, especially in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.
The report notes the emergence (出现) of injecting drug use as a factor of HIV in Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria and South Africa is a recent development in Sub-Saharan Africa.
51. According to the news report, how many people are newly infected with HIV a year?
A. 39.5 million.            B. 2.9 million.             C. 3.5 million.              D. 4 million.
52.   The highest rate of new HIV infection is in ________.
A. Sub-Saharan Africa                                      B. Eastern Europe
C. Central Asia                                                 D. both A and B
53. The underlined word “noted” in the third paragraph mean?
A. specially mentioned                                     B. said angrily
C. fully noticed                                                D. uttered weakly
54.   Which of the following statements is Not True?
A. Most of new infections of HIV are among married women.
B. Two fifths of the new infections are among young people aged 15 to 24.
C. The risk behavior, such as injecting drug use and homosexuals, exists in many parts of the world.
D. Injecting drug use occurs in many African countries.
55.   What is the main idea of the new report?
A. More and more women in the world are getting new HIV infection.
B. The AIDS epidemic continues to grow in the world.
C. The AIDS epidemic has been reduced in the world.
D. No one can tell when the AIDS epidemic will be completely controlled.



A:Good morning. ____

B:Yes, please. Could you introduce me a nice place to see over the weekend?

A:OK, Qingdao is a nice place to visit. ____ The weather is neither hot nor cold.

B:Sounds good. ____

A:You can get there by train.

B:Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Qingdao?

A:Sure. ____

B:Really perfect. ____

A:280 yuan each person. It includes train tickets, park tickets, hotel and meals.

B:Well. It’s nice. I’d like to book the tour for two.

A. It’s the right time to go there.     B. Which place are you going to visit?

C. How can I get there?           D. Hope you will have a great time there.

E. How much does it cost?      F. Can I help you, madam?

G. Our sightseeing bus will take you around the city.



We’ve talked about snails (蜗牛) and their slow move. But much of the time snails don’t move at all. They are in their shells (壳) —sleeping.
Hot sun will dry out a snail’s body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into his shell. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So when it rains, a snail does the same thing, too. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It spends all  the winter months in its shell, asleep.
In the spring the snail wakes up. Its body, about three inches long, comes out from the shell. When hungry, the snail  looks for food. Its eyes, at the end of the top feelers (触角), are very weak. But its sense (感觉) of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to find food and the new greens.
A snail’s mouth is no bigger than the point of a pin (大头针). Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are very small, and you can’t see them. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out! And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.
51. A snail _________.
A. moves more slowly at night        B. has thousands of  feet
C. doesn’t move at all                     D. sleeps much of the time
52. In the sentence “A snail draws its body into its shell”,  the word “draw” means _____.
A. to make with a pencil        B. to push      C. to pul     D. to move away
53. From the story, we know _________.
A. a snail’s shell is very thin           B. a snail can’t see well
C. a snail’s nose is quite short        D. a snail’s body changes                                    in different seasons
54. A snail goes to sleep when _____.
A. it feels hungry   B. it is put into a paper box  C. spring is coming   D. it rains heavily
55. Which of the following is wrong?
A. In winter the snail doesn’t eat or move. 
B. A snail doesn’t like living under the sun.
C. The snail’s teeth can’t be worn out.      
D. The snail’s nose helps to find food.



第三部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


We’ve talked about snails (蜗牛) and their slow move. But much of the time snails don’t move at all. They are in their shells (壳) —sleeping.

Hot sun will dry out a snail’s body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into his shell. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So when it rains, a snail does the same thing, too. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It spends all  the winter months in its shell, asleep.

In the spring the snail wakes up. Its body, about three inches long, comes out from the shell. When hungry, the snail  looks for food. Its eyes, at the end of the top feelers (触角), are very weak. But its sense (感觉) of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to find food and the new greens.

A snail’s mouth is no bigger than the point of a pin (大头针). Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are very small, and you can’t see them. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out! And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.

51. A snail _________.

A. moves more slowly at night        B. has thousands of  feet

C. doesn’t move at all                     D. sleeps much of the time

52. In the sentence “A snail draws its body into its shell”,  the word “draw” means _____.

A. to make with a pencil    B. to push      C. to pul     D. to move away

53. From the story, we know _________.

A. a snail’s shell is very thin               B. a snail can’t see well

C. a snail’s nose is quite short             D. a snail’s body changes                                     in different seasons

54. A snail goes to sleep when _____.

A. it feels hungry      B. it is put into a paper box  C. spring is coming   D. it rains heavily

55. Which of the following is wrong?

A. In winter the snail doesn’t eat or move. 

B. A snail doesn’t like living under the sun.

C. The snail’s teeth can’t be worn out.      

D. The snail’s nose helps to find food.



Mr. Brown had a nice shop in the main street of a small town. He sold jewelry, watches and the like. All went well some years, and then his shop was broken into twice in one month at night, and a lot of jewelry was stolen each time. Three weeks had passed, yet the police had not done much to catch the thief. So Mr. Brown decided to try to do something about it himself. He bought a good camera and fixed it up in his shop and put some cheap jewelry in front of it for the thief so that it could take a photo of anyone who stole the jewelry. A few nights later the thief did come again. But he did not touch any of the cheap jewelry that Mr. Brown had put out for him. He took the camera, which was worth 15,000 pounds.
1. The jewelry the thief had stolen was ________
A. very valuable.    B. worth little money.
C. quite cheap.      D. of no use to the thief.
2. How did the thief know about jewelry?
A. He knew a little about jewelry.
B. He knew a lot about it.
C. The poor one knew nothing about jewelry.
D. He knew little about it.
3. Why did Mr. Brown buy a camera and put it in the shop?
A. Because the camera was not so expensive as the jewelry or the watches in the shop.
B. Because he knew that the thief was interested in a cheap camera.
C. Because he thought that a good camera could help him find out who the thief was.
D. Because the policemen told him to do so.
4. What did Mr. Brown lose during the two months?
A. 15,000 pound notes.
B. A camera and 15,000 pounds.
C. Lots of jewelry and a good camera.
D. A lot of jewelry, a camera and 15,000 pound notes.

