[答案]B. After all.[详解]after all毕竟. “for all + 名词 意为“尽管 : For all his wealth, he was unhappy.(尽管他富有.但他并不幸福.) 查看更多




三、完形填空 (共20小题,20分)


When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the __36__ side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to __37__ in good health, or __38__ about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front article, the opposite one is likely to __39__ damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text __40__ the title. Therefore, the scissors would __41__ before they start, __42__ halfway done when I find out the __43__result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worth your __44__. You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be __45__ up. But you know the future is unpredictable --- the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left __46__. Thus you are __47__ in a difficult position and feel sad. How __48_nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life __49__ greatly on our preference of one choice to the other.

In fact that is what __50__ is like: we are often __51__ with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only ____52____ we get into another. The __53__ may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. I __54__ remember a philosopher’s remarks: “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” So a casual __55__ may not be a bad one.

36 A. front                   B. same                        C. either                       D. opposite

37 A. get                      B. keep                        C. lead                         D. bring

38 A. advice                 B. news                        C. a theory                   D. a report

39 A. suffer                  B. reduce                      C. prevent                    D. cause

40A. on                        B. for                           C. without                    D. off

41A. use                 B. handle                      C. prepare                    D. stay

42 A. or                       B. but                          C. so                            D. for

43 A. satisfying             B. regretful                   C. surprising                 D. impossible

44 A. courage               B. strength                    C. attention                   D. patience

45A. given                   B. held                         C. made                       D. picked

46 A. near                    B. alone                       C. about                       D. behind

47 A. filled                   B. attracted                   C. caught                      D. struck

48 A. dare                    B. come                       C. deal                         D. do

49 A. improves             B. changes                    C. progresses                D. goes

50 A. study                   B. society                            C. nature                      D. life

51 A. faced                   B. supplied                   C. connected                 D. fixed

52 A. before                 B. after                        C. until                        D. as

53 A. following             B. next                         C. above                       D. former

54 A. still                            B. also                         C. once                        D. almost

55 A. treatment             B. action                      C. choice                      D. remark




Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence. That  36  two out of every three people simply don’t know the  37  they already have to be successful when it’s  38  there in their hands!  39  if you want others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. Remember: “No one can make you feel inferior (差的)unless you  40  them.” A successful businessman says, “You can’t push anyone up a ladder  41  he knows he can climb himself.”

Many of us have an image  42 , the image(形象) we have of ourselves.  43  one guy put it: “You can’t win a horse race if you think you look  44  on a horse.” To succeed, the first person you have to  45  is yourself! So stop believing your own lies about yourself. Just  46  your mind and you’ll change your life.

One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life are the two little words: “ 47 ”. You know that people used to  48  that if human beings traveled faster than 30 miles an hour it would  49  our circulation(循环)of blood and kill us? Thank goodness a few people didn’t believe that  50  thinking, or we wouldn’t be riding in cars, buses, and flying in airplanes today. You’ll never know until you  51 .

Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. But  52  he did it, most people in the world didn’t think it was even  53 . Yet only weeks after Bannister did it, suddenly  54  all over the world began running a mile in less than 4 minutes! If we believe something can be done, we’ll  55  do it.

A. reflects         B. means                C. reads                D. explains

A. chance           B. strength             C. reason           D. ability

A. immediately     B. properly             C. right                D.accurately   

A. But              B. Because          C. What             D. While

A. challenge            B. let              C. admit            D. help

A. if               B. except           C. unless           D. until

A. quiz                 B. question             C. mystery          D. problem

A. As                   B. When             C. While            D. Since

A. curious          B. good-looking         C. funny            D. serious

A. knock            B. beat                 C. strike           D. defend

A. settle               B. bend                 C. fix              D. change

A. I failed.            B. Not me.          C. I can’t.            D. Can I?

A. think                B. imagine          C. expect           D. doubt

A. start                B. help                 C. close                D. stop

A. empty            B. silly                C. reasonable       D. terrible

A. realize              B. try              C. understand       D. judge

A. before           B. after                C. since                D. because

A. likely               B. unbelievable         C. impossible       D. possible

A. runners          B. workers          C. competitors     D. players

A. simply           B. seldom           C. usually              D. never



In order to separate loving parents from their freshman sons, Morehouse College in Atlanta has held a/an ___36_____"Parting Ceremony."

When University of Minnesota freshmen ____37_____ at the end of this month, parental separation will be a little trickier: mothers and fathers will be ___38_____ to a reception elsewhere ___39_____ students can meet their roommates and talk about dorm room space -- _____40_____ adult breaking in.

In the latest wave in which superinvolved parents ____41_____ their children to college, universities are ____42_____activities ____43_____to speed the separation. In the age of MSN and twice-daily texts home, ___44______colleges are urging "sticky parents" to leave sooner so students can ___45____independence.

Grinnell College here, like others, has found it ____46____ to make it clear when parents _____47__ say goodbye. After computer printers and bags had been carried to dorm rooms, everyone gathered in the gymnasium, students on one side, _____48____on the other.

Shortly____49______, mothers and fathers were urged to leave campus.

Moving their students in usually takes a few hours. Moving on? Most deans can tell _____50_____of parents who hang around campus for days. At Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. "We recognize it's a ____51______ day for families," Beverly Low, the dean(学监) of first-year students said.___52___, during various parent meetings on Colgate's move-in day, Ms. Low and other officials plan to tell the parents ____53_____ that "activities for the class of freshmen begin at 4 on time, so parents should leave before 4." she said.

Formal departure ceremonies are unusual __54___ growing in popularity, said Joyce Holl, head of the National Orientation Directors Association. A more common method is for colleges to limit the hour for last hugs.____55_____, the parents of Princeton freshmen learn from the move-in schedule, "the rest events are intended for students only."

1.A  formal                 B  informal                 C  casual              D  grand  

2.A  move out              B  move in                  C  move around    D  graduate

3.A  sent                     B  driven                    C  invited             D  called on

4.A  so                        B  but                         C  still                 D  yet

5.A  with                     B  as                           C  where              D  without 

6.A  rescue                  B  deliver                    C  bring               D  release

7.A  running out          B  taking out               C  carrying out     D  picking out

8.A  wanted                 B  meant                     C  devoted           D  prepared

9.A  in which               B  which                     C  how                D  where  

10.A  form                  B  create                     C  increase           D  develop

11.A  necessary            B  unimportant            C  useless             D  difficult  

12.A  will                    B  need                       C  must                D  would  

13.A  teachers              B  police                     C  professors        D  parents

14.A  before                B  after                       C  later                D  passed

15.A  news                  B  comments               C  stories             D  shadows

16.A  little                   B  huge                       C  long                D  large  

17.A  Still                   B  Therefore                C  Thus                D  Whereas

18.A  rudely                B  directly                   C  conveniently    D  hardly   

19.A  and                    B  but                         C  however          D  so

20.A  For the time beingB  For a long time      C  For example     D  For a change






After spending a weekend away with my son, I was so impressed by his generous heart that I sent him this letter.

Dear son,

I want to thank you for teaching me a very __16__ lesson in life by the great example you __17__. When we were eating at that café in Bondi and a person who had __18__ his hamburger didn’t have enough money to pay for it, without any __19__, you went over and put the __20__ $2 into this hand.

When we were leaving, you __21__ threw a five-cent coin onto the pavement and said __22__ like, “Some kid will really enjoy __23___ this.”

Last week, a young man __24___ me in the line at a petrol station didn’t have __25__ money to pay for his petrol. I asked the money collector, “How much __26__ is he ?” she told me he had meant to put $15 of petrol in his car __27__ he had been looking at the wrong gauge (计量表) and had put in 15 __28__, which came to just over __29__. That is an easy mistake __30__ both gauges run fast.

Something made me think of you and __31__ you did that night at the café in Bondi. I handed the man $6. He was so __32__ and said, “But why would you do this for me?” I just smiled as I thought of you.

 Thank you, son, for teaching me that “it’s __33__ to give than receive”. Now when I see a five-cent coin on the __34__ and want to pick it up, I think of you and leave it __35__, just in case some kid will get a kick out of finding it.

16. A. humorous      B. private                   C. reasonable  D. valuable

17. A. followed         B. gave              C. set                          D. took

18. A. ordered          B. booked                   C. offered                   D. bought

19. A. hesitation      B. doubt            C. permission  D difficulty

20. A. other               B. last                         C. extra             D. rest

21. A. again               B. already                  C. only                         D. also

22. A. nothing           B. everything   C anything   D something

23. A. finding             B. accepting     C looking for D pointing at

24. A. behind             B. beyond                   C. ahead of       D. next to

25. A. much               B. some             C. any                         D. enough

26. A. far                    B. long                        C. short             D. high

27. A. and                            B. but                          C. so                            D. while

28. A. litres (升)       B. kilograms     C. pounds                   D kilometers

29. A. $15                            B. $20                         C. $25                         D. $30

30. A. until                    B. as                     C. although      D. unless

31. A. what                B. which            C. whatever     D whichever

32. A. excited         B. surprised     C. interested D encouraged

33. A. easier              B. better           C. faster            D. worse

34. A. corner             B. way                         C. ground                   D. carpet

35. A. there               B. here                        C. out                          D. around




第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Mark liked talking. I had to  36 him that talking in class was not acceptable. 37  impressed me was that he responded with such sincerity. “Thank you for correcting me, Sister!” I didn’t know what to make of it at 38  , but soon I got used to 39  it many times a day.

One morning my  40   was growing thin when Mark talked once again. I said, “If you say one more word, I’ll tape your mouth  41  !”

It wasn’t ten seconds  42  when one boy shouted, “Mark is talking again.” I had to keep my  43  . I took out some tape from my desk and covered it 44  Mark’s mouth. Later as I walked back to remove the tape, his first words were “Thank you for correcting me, Sister.”

One afternoon, the students got noisy and started to call each other 45 .

I had to do 46 . I asked each student to prepare 34 small pieces of paper, saying they should write the name of a classmate on each piece and, under that, say something 47  about the person. Then I collected the slips of paper and gave them  48  later. Everyone smiled. Their classmates had  49  such nice things about them!

Nobody ever mentioned the paper again. I never knew if they discussed them after class, but it didn’t matter. The students were  50  with themselves.

Several years later, after I had returned  51  a vacation, my parents met me at the airport. On our way back, my father  52  his throat, as he usually did before saying something  53 .

“The Eklunds called yesterday,” he began. “Really?” I said. “I haven’t heard from them in years. I 54  how Mark is.” Dad responded quietly. “Mark was killed in Vietnam,” he said. “The funeral is tomorrow .”

At the funeral Mark’s father came up and took some slips of paper from his wallet to show me. I knew the slips were the ones on which Mark’s classmates had listed all the nice things about him.

“Thank you so much,” Mark’s mother said. “  55 you can see, Mark treasured those pieces of paper.”

36.A. order              B. remind            C. mind              D. suggest

37. A. Which               B. That                    C. What              D. How

38. A. first                 B. last              C. once              D. next

39. A. speaking           B. taking            C. talking             D. hearing

40. A. patience            B. strength                 C. energy           D. power

41. A. close               B. shut             C. open            D. opened

42. A. before             B. after            C. later            D. that

43 A. rule                 B. words          C. compromise    D. word

44. A. through            B. in              C. across           D. cross

45. A. name                B. names           C. curses           D. swear

46. A. something                B. everything       C. nothing           D. anything

47. A. terrible           B. nice              C. kind                    D. mean

48. A. in                 B. up              C. back             D. away

49. A. asked              B. spoken           C. told             D. said

50. A. glad                     B. sad                C. unhappy          D. happy

51. A. from              B. on                 C. during           D. at

52. A. cleared            B. cleaned            C. wet              D. dried

53. A. necessary          B. important         C. difficult           D. sad

54. A. doubt            B. believe           C. wonder          D. want

55. A. Because                  B. Though          C. When             D. As


