[答案] C. for good.[详解] for good 永久地:He says he's leaving the country for good. for long 长久地.按本题题意.用 for long 不妥.once upon a time 从前.once in a while 偶尔. 查看更多



完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)


For years we have been told that encouraging a child’s self-respect is important to his or her success in life. __41__ child experts are now learning that __42__ praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-aholic(受表扬上瘾的) kids who __43__ it at every turn may become teens who try to get the same kind of __44__ from friends when asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car. ks5*u

The meaning of saying “You are the __45__ girl in class,” or talking about the goals she scored but not her general __46__, is that you love her __47__ when she looks the best, scores the highest, achieves the most. And this __48__ over to the classroom.

Social psychologist Carrol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of overpraise on 400 fifth graders __49__ she was at Columbia University. She found that the kids who were __50__ for “trying hard” did better on tests and were more likely to take on difficult tasks than __51__ praised for being “smart”.

“Praising qualities or abilities leads to a false __52__ that success will come to you because you __53__ that quality, and it devalues(贬值) effort. __54__, children are afraid to take on challenges, ” says Dweck, now at Stanford University, “They think they’d better __55__ while they’re ahead.”

1.  A. And      B. But              C. Then             D. So

2.  A. enough   B. a little     C. too much         D. some

3.  A. expect       B. rescue           C. notice   D. design

4.  A. education    B. praise       C. competition      D. direction

5.  A. prettiest    B. youngest     C. tallest      D. fattest

6.  A. ability          B. value        C. kindness     D. effort

7.  A. still        B. only         C. already          D. yet

8.  A. carries  B. looks        C. turns                D. takes

9.  A. while    B. because      C. until        D. unless

10. A. set down     B. looked through   C. picked up        D. thought highly of

11.A .one       B. it               C. that     D. those

12.A. idea     B. plan         C. schedule             D. decision

13. A. have B. like             C. advise               D. make

14.A. After all B. At first         C. As a result  D. In addition

15. A. move             B. stop         C. fight    D. work






Anna arrived far too early. Usually she left things to the last minute,   36   today was a very special occasion. It was almost   37   by getting there an hour beforehand that she   38   to cause the plane to arrive sooner.   39   raced through her mind. “Do I look all right? Will he notice that I’m wearing a   40   trouser suit? Will he even   41   me?” After all, it was a year almost to the day since she had   42   seen Joe. She fished a   43   out of her handbag and inspected her face. Too much make-up? Joe had  44   made any comment but she knew that he did not approve of heavy make-up — “gilding the lily”(画蛇添足), he   45   it. It was funny how much importance she attached to   46   a good impression on him. After all, friends do not judge each other by   47  . All the same, it was the first meeting after a long separation, and she wanted everything to   48   right.

Looking out of the window, Joe   49   a first glimpse, through a break in the   50  , of the town far below. Certainly it was very flattering that they had   51   him to be the guest lecturer at their Autumn Congress yet again. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, as a matter of courtesy (礼貌),had   52  to meet him at the airport, as he had done on previous occasions. This time,   53  , it was not necessary,   54   because Joe was quite familiar with the city, but mainly because Anna had said that she could   55   the afternoon off in order to come and meet him.

36. A. and         B. but            C. for         D. as

37. A. because     B. since          C. as if       D. when

38. A. thought     B. liked          C. had        D. hoped

39. A. Idea        B. Facts          C. Thoughts    D. Matters

40. A. new         B. strange          C. latest      D. single

41. A. like         B. recognize      C. terrify     D. tell

42. A. before     B. recently         C. most      D. last

43. A. purse       B. handkerchief      C. mirror     D. book

44. A. never       B. almost         C. often      D. regularly

45. A. told         B. called         C. saw        D. thought

46. A. offering          B. taking         C. having          D. making

47. A. appearance   B. clothes              C. make-up     D. looking

48. A. come across B. turn up          C. go off     D. get out

49. A. caught     B. left            C. enjoyed      D. met

50. A. air         B. rain           C. train      D. clouds

51. A. employed     B. invited              C. told       D. informed

52. A. offered     B. arrived              C. intended    D. attempted

53. A. therefore      B. however        C. instead          D. as well

54. A. luckily     B. really         C. partly     D. separately

55. A. put             B. make         C. leave      D. take



完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)

    阅读短文, 掌握大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。

For Chinese students, the end of their senior year is filled with studying and 36 when they prepare for the college entrance exams in June. But for American high school seniors, the experience 37 be more different. It is a celebration of their time in high school and 38 parties, games and fun.

Seniorities is a commonly used 39 . It means seniors have a disease which 40 them unable to do work. This starts in April, 41 seniors find out whether they have been accepted to university.

Unwilling to do school work, seniors have plenty of 42 activities to focus on.

Many school have a “Senior Show”. Only seniors are allowed to perform in it. Some seniors sing  43 dance but many of them perform skits (滑稽短剧).They 44 their favorite teachers or their friends. For example, a group of boys may 45 and imitate a group of their friends. It is all 46 .

The “Senior Show” is just a part of Senior Week — the week 47 intended for seniors. During this week, seniors usually get academic or athletic 48 for their wonderful jobs in high school. They also vote 49 one of their male and female classmates who they believe 50 the best-looking or funniest or most involved, etc. These are then 51 in the yearbook.

The yearbook is an important part of high school for seniors. There are all their pictures and some words from them in it. Seniors will 52 to get 53 signed by their friends so they can always remember their time together.

The end of 54 is a truly special and wonderful time for American students. It’s 55 they will remember for the rest of their lives.

A. attitudes

B. stress

C. difficulty

D. experience

A. shouldn’t

B. needn’t

C. couldn’t

D. mustn’t

A. consists of

B. makes up

C. makes for

D. forms

A. translation

B. explanation

C. expression

D. depression

A. allows

B. asks

C. means

D. makes

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. when

A. another

B. others

C. other

D. the other

A. or

B. and

C. also

D. nor

A. play with 

B. make fun of 

C. take in

D. act as

A. put up

B. dress up

C. pack up

D. stand up

A. open-mouthed

B. tongue-tied

C. hand-emptied

D. light-hearted

A. specially

B. normally

C. doubtfully

D. obviously

A. jobs 

B. positions

C. chances

D. awards

A. against

B. with

C. for

D. over

A. were 

B. are

C. was

D. is

A. written

B. appeared

C. published 

D. signed

A. go around

B. go away

C. go through

D. go over

A. them

B. it

C. these 

D. one

A. senior show

B. senior week

C. senior year

D. senior students

A. something

B. anything

C. nothing

D. everything


第三节 完形填空(每空1分,共20分)
After the war between Britain and France which lasted 7 years, James Cook got married and   21   down in London. For several years, Captain Cook   22   to the east of America   23   he made a map of its  24  .In 1768 came Cook's   25   for a major expedition. The navy was   26   a plan for an expedition   27   the South Pacific Ocean in   28   of watching a very unusual   29 , that is the planet Venus   30  between the earth and the sun in 1769. His   31   hope was to find a new land   32   was thought to be   33   in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.   34   Captain Cook was to be there in charge of this expedition   35   Captain of the ship   36  "Endeavour". It was an old merchant ship just like   37   on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. It was strongly built and had a lot of space   38   for storage. Cook understood there would be a lot of hardship for them, so he got everything   39   it. In this expedition, he had sailed around   40   and up the east coast of Australia, charting(绘制) over 8,000 miles of coastline that had been unknown before.
21. A. set         B. sailed     C. sent      D. settled
22. A. went      B. flew       C. sailed    D. came
23. A. which     B. where     C. that       D. when
24. A. countries    B. coasts     C. cities     D. seas
25. A. chance          B. hope      C. ship      D. expedition
26. A. finding      B. learning     C. doing    D. making
27. A. in              B. to              C. for        D. at
28. A. the hope     B. a view     C. an idea   D. plan
29. A. accident     B. incident      C. matter    D. event
30. A. existing      B. setting     C. passing   D. appearing
31. A. first       B. second          C. third      D. last
32. A. which     B. where     C. what      D. on which
33. A. passing      B. going     C. existing      D. sailing
34. A. but        B. as          C. and        D. for
35. A. of          B. for         C. like       D. as
36. A. which called      B. called  C. call       D. calling
37. A. one        B. it         C. the one       D. what
38. A. down     B. off         C. up         D. away
39. A. full prepared for           B. fully prepared for
C. fully preparing        D. full preparation
40. A. Endland         B. Australia   C. New Zealand      D. Tasmania


For the first 10 years after the Wright brothers' original flight in 1903, flying was only a sport.It was a pastime for daredevils (不怕死的人).One very determined daredevil was Bessie Coleman.She was the first black woman to fly an airplane.
Coleman, born in Texas in 1892, the tenth of 13 children, dreamed of becoming a pilot.To earn money for flying lessons, she washed other people's laundry.At the age of 19 she took a train to Chicago, where she began to study in a beauty school.For five years she worked in a barbershop, and then she looked for a flying school.There were none in the United States that would teach women, but Coleman heard that there were schools in France that would.So she studied the language and sailed off to France.
When she returned to the United States in 1921, Coleman was the first licensed black woman pilot.Her "aerial acrobatic (航空特技)exhibitions" impressed audiences.She took her airplane through loop-the-loops and flew upside down.She did slow rolls and sharp rolls.Audiences were amazed when she performed a move called "falling leaf."
Coleman became a famous person.She performed her acrobatic flights all over the country.She also spoke to African-American audiences in schools, churches, and theatres.Fly, she told them.Be a part of the new aviation(航空) industry.Many young African-American men listened to her.Some became honored military pilots during World War II.Many others made their careers in aviation.
On April 29, 1926, Coleman was flying when a tool carelessly left in the airplane hit the control stick.The plane went into a dive and did not recover.The daring 34-year-old pilot was killed.
【小题1】Bessie Coleman went to France to ____.

A.work in a barbershopB.study the language
C.look for a flying schoolD.take flying lessons
【小题2】Which of the following is probably an "aerial acrobatic"?
A.Flying upside down.B.Speaking to audiences.
C.Getting a pilot's licence.D.Impressing audiences.
【小题3】The underlined word "exhibition" in paragraph 3 means _____.
A.a holding backB.a public show
C.falling leafD.loop-the-loops
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.An early daredevilB.The first flying woman
C.A pioneer in aviationD.The first licensed black pilot

