B. yet [详解] yet 常用于现在完成时的否定句中, 意为“尚, 还 . 查看更多



Sometimes people come into your life You know that they will help you  out who you

are or who you want to become·You never know   these people may bepossibly your roommateneighboror even a complete strangerBut when you  eyes with themyou know at that very moment they will   your life in some way

??? And sometimes things happen to you that may seem  at firstbut in reflection you find that without them you would have never  your potential ability

??? Everything happens for a   Nothing happens by chance or  good luckIllnessinjurylove all occur to test the  of your soulWithout these small testslife would be like? a  road to nowhere The people affecting your lifeand the  and failure you experiencehelp to create who you are and who you become.?   the bad experiences can be learned fromfor they are  the most important ones·If someone loves youlove them back unconditionallybecause they are  you to loveIf someone hurts you  themfor they have helped you learn about  and the

importance of being cautious

??? Make every day   Appreciate every momentfor you may never be able to 53 it again·Tell yourself you are a great individual and  yourself. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no  Most importantlyif you LOVE someonetell him or herfor you never know what tomorrow

may have in store

1.A. figure  ???? B. take  ??? C. give  ??? D. speak

2.A. where ????? Bhow  ?? Cwho  ?? D. what

3.Afill  ?????? Block  ? Ccover  ? D. close

4.Avalue  ??? Baffect  ?? Clove  ?? Dwaste

5.A. exciting  ?? B. inspiring   C. inviting  ? D. challenging

6.A. realized  ??? B.lacked  ?? Ccontrolled D. tested

7.A. profit  ???? B. fact  ????? C. reason  ? D. result

8.A. in need of   B. on behalf of  C. on account of D. by means of

9.A. degrees  ?? B. limits  ???? C. influence  D. condition

10.A. smooth  ?? B. snowy  ??? C. busy  ?? D. heavy

11.A. sense  ??? B. incident  ?? C. success   D. feeling

12.A. So ??????? B. Yet ?????? C. Thus  ?? DEven

13.A. probably ?? B. exactly  ? C. certainly  D. rarely

14.A. persuading  B. allowing??? C. teaching  D. forcing

15.A. warn ????? B. forgive  ?? C. scold  ?? D. charge

16.A. agreement? B. society  ??? C. right  ?? D. trust

17.A. count  ? B. mean  ???? C. go ??????? D. change

18.A. save  ??? B. experience  C. share  D. miss

19.A. hold on   B. care for  ?? C. think of  D. believe in

20.A. efforts  ? B. beliefs  ??? C. regrets  D. directions




Harriet Tubman was born a slave. She didn’t get a   1   to go to school.   2   a child, Harriet had to work very hard in   3   all day. That way, her owner could   4   a lot of money when he sold his crops. Harriet   5   think that she was being treated fairly.

  6   Harriet grew up, she ran away from the plantation(庄园)to the Northern United States. There, and in Canada,   7   could be free.

Harriet liked to be free. She felt   8   for all of the black people who were   9   slaves.

Harriet returned to   10   to help other slaves to run away. She made   11   that they got to the North and became free.

Harriet was in great   12   because of a law that   13  .The law said it was not permitted to   14   runaway slaves. She also   15   that the slave owners said they would   16   $4000 to anyone who could catch Harriet Tubman.

There were many stories about Harriet   17   slaves run away. In all, she made nineteen trips back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to   18  .When the Civil War broke out, the northern states   19   with the southern states. Harriet   20   the northern states because the Northerners believed that slaves should be free. She worked as a nurse and spied behind enemy lines until the northern states won the war.

1.A.day      B. chance     C. permission     D. moment

2.A.As       B.Being      C.Since         D.Like

3.A.the farm   B.a school    C.the fields        D.a factory

4.A.make B.pay       C.got            D.spend

5.A.certainly   B.didn’t      C.did           D.no longer

6.A.Since     B.After       C.Then          D.With

7.A.the white  B.white      C.black               D.black people

8.A.happy     B.sure        C.wrong     D.sorry

9.A.still      B.yet        C.only           D.not

10.A.Canada   B.the South   C.the North       D.the U.S.

11.A.perfect    B.way        C.possible        D.sure

12.A.anger    B.anxiety C.hurry         D.danger

13.A.has just been passed         B.had just been broken

C.had just been passed           D.has just been broken

14.A.help B.set free C.stop                D.catch

15.A.found   B.noticed C.found out            D.made sure

16.A.pay B.make       C.spend         D.get

17.A.help B.helped  C.helping      D.to help

18.A.freedom  B.safety      C.North         D.Southern states

19.A.united   B.fought  C.made peace      D.gave in

20.A.looked for     B.stood for   C.looked on       D.went to



Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. 1 in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street. Main Street was always in the heart of a town. This street was 2 on both sides with many 3 businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. 4 ,some shops offered 5 .These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe-repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. 6 in the 1950s, a change began to 7 .Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street 8 too few parking places were 9 shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces 10 the city limits. Open space is what their car-driving customers needed.

And open space is what they got 11 the first shopping centre was built. Shopping centres, or rather malls, 12 as a collection of small new stores 13 crowded city centres. 14 by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from 15 areas to outlying malls. And the growing 16 of shopping centres led 17 to the building of bigger and better?stocked stores. 18 the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves. In addition toproviding the 19 of one stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, 20 benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.

1.A.As early as B.Early    C.Early as  D.Earlier

2.A.built   B.designed  C.intented  D.lined

3.A.varied   B.various   C.sorted   D.mixed up

4.A.Apart from B.However   C.In addition D.As well

5.A.medical care       B.food    C.cosmetics  D.services

6.A.suddenly  B.Abruptly  C.Contrarily D.But

7.A.be taking place     B.take place   C.be taken place D.have taken place

8.A.while   B.yet     C.though   D.and then

9.A.available for      B.available to C.used by  D.ready for

10.A.over   B.from    C.out of   D.outside

11.A.when   B.while    C.since   D.then

12.A.started  B.founded   C.set up   D.organized

13.A.out of  B.away from  C.next to  D.near

14.A.Attracted B.Surprised  C.Delighted D.Enjoyed

15.A.inner   B.central   C.shopping  D.downtown

16.A.distinction       B.fame    C.popularity D.liking

17.A.on    B.in turn   C.by turns  D.further

18.A.By    B.During   C.In     D.Towards

19.A.cheapness B.readiness  C.convenience D.handiness

20.A.because of B.and     C.with    D.provided



My brother,Mark,died in a traffic accident four years ago. He was my big brother and   36  looked after me. I am   37  today for all of the special times we had as running partners,and times   38  driving to different races,where we had so many   39  about life in general. I   40  these talks terribly at this time of the year.

  41  ,I am so happy he shared with me the   42  of his faith. He was always so   43  to people,and I had been with him many times   44  we pulled over to help someone in need,  45  a smile and helping them get back on the road. So I was not   46  when he told me of the time when he was   47  in college. It was the end of the month. To make matters worse,it was Friday and he had no   48  in his pocket for the weekend. Payday was Monday and he had no gas money to get home to   49  my dad and no money to buy food but he had faith that helping others   50  helping yourself.

On his way home from classes that day,as he was driving along,he noticed a guy ahead of him   51  his lumber (木材) all over the road as he turned the corner. Mark   52  right over and helped him load the lumber back into his truck. The guy was so thankful and   53  his hand to Mark,and in it was one hundred dollars. Mark couldn’t believe his   54  . He told him that was unnecessary but the man   55  and off he drove.

I still think of Mark sitting there telling me that story, with tears in his eyes, and how faithful he was.

21.   A. hardly          B. never        C. sometimes  D. always

22.   A. successful        B. thankful       C. cheerful   D. hopeful

23.   A. spared         B. wasted       C. spent        D. saved

24.   A. questions        B. arguments     C. differences  D. conversations

25.   A. miss          B. remember     C. keep     D. fear

26.   A. However        B. So          C. Then     D. If

27.   A. record         B. belief         C. story     D. secret

28.   A. careful          B. helpful    C. powerful   D. grateful

29.   A. because         B. while         C. until      D. when

30.   A. sharing          B. forcing       C. recognizing  D. understanding

31.   A. pleased          B. worried       C. surprised   D. excited

32.   A. never           B. yet          C. even      D. still

33.   A. food           B. money    C. paper    D. key

34.   A. change          B. attend        C. see     D. persuade

35.   A. means          B. follows       C. explains   D. agrees

36.   A. carry          B. lose          C. arrange    D. place

37.   A. pushed          B. moved    C. pulled      D. walked

38.   A. raised          B. held         C. offered    D. shook

39.   A. eyes           B. ears         C. mind      D. feeling

40.   A. complained        B. apologized     C. regretted     D. insisted


No one has _____ been able to trace the author of the poem.

A. still  B. yet  C. already  D. just


