B. admitted.[详解] admit sb. to (=allow sb. or sth. to enter; let in) 允许某人某物进入; 让......进入:1) Children are not admitted. Only one hundred boys are admitted to the school the school every year. (这所学校每年只收100名男生.) admit (=acknowledge; confess) 承认, 供认:1) We have to admit that he is a highly competent man. (我们不得不承认他是一位能力很强的人.) 2) The thief admitted his crime. 3) She admitted having read the letter, 4) I admit breaking the window. 注意admit后可接动名词的一般式或完成式.5) We must admit the task to be difficult.注意admit也可以接复合结构.allow和permit后均可接sb. to do sth., 故不合本题题意.approve sth. 批准; approve of doing sth. 赞成, 赞许:1) I am afraid they won't approve of your going there. (恐怕他们不会赞成你去那里的.) 2) I don't approve of your way of looking at things. (我不赞同你看待事情的方法.) 查看更多



Such people shouldn’t be_______ into the party.

A. permitted   B. admitted   C. allowed  D. agreed


He was not _____ to the club because he wasn't a member.

A. allowed    B. admitted    C. permitted    D. approved




I have lived in Falmouth for about 10 years. I had moved several times before finding Falmouth,  36   setting in one place for a long time. My favorite experience of Falmouth was when I   37   to deliver Thanksgiving dinner to families or individuals unable to drive or suffering from illness. It was (a)n   38   experience.

Volunteers checked in, lined up and followed the   39   given. There were many people working. How they manage all of this is quite amazing. The   40   of such an event is inspiring.

The best part of the day was delivering the food to homes.   41  , they had enough drivers and no assignment for us.   42  , the gentleman in front of us checking in had six meals to deliver. So my husband and I   43   him, offering to help him fill his box and take the meals to his car. He was   44   and we began our task. When he was   45     to deliver his quota(配额,限额), he handed us one of the delivery cards, saying, “Since this is your first time, I want you to be able to feel the   46   that comes from meeting the people.” I   47   that I was somewhat nervous at this first   48  . Who knows what I might find behind a stranger’s door.

We rang the doorbell and were met by an extremely   49   man. He asked us inside and from the hallway, I could see the silver   50  of a walker approaching. We saw a little old lady. She expressed deep gratitude for the delivery.   51   she had been diagnosed with cancer, she has had trouble getting out. She could not have been any more gracious and handed me a beautiful scarf she had made and an envelope of   52   to the homeless. Can you imagine? Cancer, unable to get out to gather dinner and she still   53   such deep gratitude. We   54   but not before we hugged goodbye. The gentleman that was kind enough to give us one of his deliveries was   55  . This was the best part.

36. A. still                   B. never                      C. even                 D. ever

37. A. volunteered           B. failed                      C. pretended        D. happened

38. A. confusing       B. strange             C. amazing           D. secret

39. A. troubles             B. helpers             C. directions         D. cars

40. A. hope            B. reason              C. goal                 D. harmony

41. A. At once             B. For this reason   C. At first             D. Shortly afterwards

42. A. However            B. Furthermore     C. Therefore         D. Otherwise

43. A. cheated              B. approached       C. passed            D. remembered

44. A. disappointed       B. sympathetic      C. angry                      D. grateful

45. A. allowed            B. forced            C. refused           D. driven

46. A. regret              B. panic                C. surprise          D. joy

47. A. forgive              B. admitted           C. dreamt             D. hoped

48. A. expression        B. embarrassment   C. task                D. agreement

49. A friendly              B. cruel              C. worried            D. depressed

50. A. wings            B. legs                C. rings              D. lines

51. A. Unless             B. If                   C. Although               D. Since

52. A. thanks                  B. tickets             C. donation         D. advice

53. A. hid                  B. exhibited          C. saved              D. exchanged

54. A. left                  B. promised               C. met                  D. greeted

55. A. risky            B. challengeable     C. right               D. stupid



 The other day I decided to come home early because it was such a beautiful day. The      were outside playing in my apartment complex (公寓大楼) and the ice cream truck was whistling its tune. As I       slowly to avoid an accident, I noticed a little boy       at the ice cream truck. He didn’t get anything and he walked away with a       look on his face. I asked the ice cream seller what happened and he said the little boy had no      . I had no cash on me so I drove to my building and went upstairs to       some cash. When I found it, the ice cream seller was       waiting but the little boy had      .

I went in the      I thought he might have gone and I saw a       getting out of her vehicle. I asked her if she had a little boy and she said yes. She then told me that she and her son had gone to the grocery store the day before and had       ice cream but she did not have enough money to buy        .

She quickly went into the        to get her son, and when she        several minutes later, I realized that he was not the         little boy I had seen. This boy was a bit older and his sister came out with him. I took them both to the truck and let them         out what they wanted.

I        told the mom it was not the same boy I was talking about. I        myself to the mother properly and         my baby-sitting services free of charge if she ever needed them. 1 couldn't find the original boy        but 1 hope he gets some ice cream soon.

1.A. cats                 B. kids                      C. dogs                     D. students

2.A. walked                          B. ran                      C. climbed           D. drove

3.A knocking                  B. shooting                   C. lying                   D. looking

4.A. puzzled                         B. curious          C. disappointed          D. delighted

5.A. excuse                          B. money                     C. parents          D. friends

6.A put away                        B. look for                   C. borrow          D.  lend

7.A. still                           B. anxiously                  C. doubtfully               D. nervously

8.A. left                           B. appeared                 C. cried                        D. escaped

9.A. station                     B. line                            C. sight                   D. direction

10.A. woman                  B. girl              C. granny                      D. conductor

11.A. chosen                  B. ordered          C. wanted     D. eaten

12.A. it                             B. ones                          C. them                  D. those

13.A. house                    B. shop                    C. truck                         D. market

14.A. disappeared              B. returned                 C. waited                     D. stayed

15.A. lost                     B. strange          C. short                        D. same

16.A. look                   B. pick                    C. speak                        D. make

17.A. never                          B. seldom           C. often                  D. ever

18.A. explained                   B. admitted                 C. devoted                  D. introduced

19.A. denied                  B. resigned                   C. offered          D. operated

20.A. somewhere               B. everywhere           C. anywhere          D. nowhere



Sandy could do nothing but _________ to his teacher that he was wrong.

A. admit          B. admitted    C. admiting     D. to

