C. carry on. [详解]carry on 继续, 参看Ⅲ,28. 查看更多




"Everything happens for the best." My mother said whenever I faced disappointment, "If you 36    one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous   37  ."

    Mother was right. After graduating from college I had decided to try for a job in   38  , then work my way up to   39   . I got   40   on the door of every station every time.

    In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations wouldn't   41   hiring an inexperienced person. "Go out in the sticks(边远地区) and find a   42   station that'll give you a chance." she said.

    I thumbed(搭便车) home to Dixon, Illi.   43   there were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local   44   to manage   45   sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high-school football, I  46   the post, but I wasn't hired.

    My disappointment must have shown. "Everything happens for the best." Mom   47  me. I drove to Davenport, in Iowa. I   48   WOC Radio there. Peter Macarthur, the program director, told me they had already hired an announcer.

    As I left his office, my frustration(挫折感)   49   over. I asked aloud. "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station ?" I was waiting for the   50   when I heard Macarthur calling. "What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about   51   ?" Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast a(an)   52   game.

    I remembered a game we had won. I did a 15-minute buildup to that play, and Peter told me I would   53   Saturday's game!

On my way home, I thought of my mother's words,   54   I have many times since, "If you … , one day something good will happen...."

I often wonder what my   55   might have been like if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.

A. work hard       B. are brave    C. carry on     D. are lucky

A. problems      B. difficulty    C. disappointment  D. unemployment

A. sports      B. radio   C. shops  D. clubs

A. sports announcer    B. sports star   C. shop manager    D. film maker

A. turned away    B. turned down      C. turned in    D. turned off

A. like        B. decide C. stand   D. risk

A. bigger     B. small  C. local   D. private

A. If        B. While C. Unless D. Until

A. businessman    B. college student   C. athlete        D. announcer

A. his        B. her     C. their   D. its

A. applied for    B. accepted     C. considered  D. refused

A. blamed  B. suggested   C. reminded    D. persuade

A. listened to   B. found  C. tried   D. expected

A. became  B. turned C. went   D. boiled

A. lift      B. director      C. result  D. reply

A. radio   B. directing    C. football      D. broadcasting

A. live     B. imaginary   C. exciting      D. lively

A. join in   B. miss    C. broadcast    D. organize

A. as      B. then    C. when  D. though

A. dream    B. aim     C. life     D. failure


We meant to finish the work by dark, but we were so tired that we could not ______.

    A. hold on       B. last on        C. carry on      D. keep to


I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we ______ fine.

   A. look out         B. stay up       C. carry on     D. get along


 We must ________ our task, however hard it is.

A. carry about               B. carry off                  C. carry on                   D. carry away.



 I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we ________fine.

   A. look out                B. stay up                         C. carry on                        D. get along

