D. missing.[详解]missing 缺少的; a book with some missing pages. . 查看更多



I’ve spent most of my career as a traveling salesman, and so I know that    1    is an occupational disease. But one year, my    2    gave me the cure for my homesickness.

It had black bright eyes, a red bow tie and orange feet--- a stuffed penguin (企鹅) that   3    about five inches tall. Attached to its left wing    4    a little sign with the hand-painted declaration “ I Love My Dad!”. I immediately   5    the penguin on my table.

On my next trip, I put the   6    in my suitcase. That night when I called home, my daughter Jeanine was    7    because the penguin had disappeared. “Honey, he’s here with me,” I explained, “ I brought him    8  ”.

   9   , the penguin came with me --- as necessary as my briefcase. And we     10    along the way. In Albuquerque, I checked into a    11   , dropped my bag and ran to a meeting. When I returned, the maid had    12    the bed and stood the penguin on the pillow.

One night, I discovered the penguin    13   , and after a mad phone call, I learned I’d    14    it in my previous hotel room,    15    it had been rescued by a maid. I       16      a hundred miles to get it, and when I arrived at midnight, the penguin was waiting at the front desk. In the hotel lobby (大厅), other tired business travelers were    17      at the reunion of my penguin and me --- I think with a touch of    18   .

Jeanine is in college now, and I don’t travel    19   . The penguin sits on my table, a reminder that love is a wonderful traveling companion. All those years on    20   , it was the one thing I never left home without.

1.A. cold            B. hunger              C. loneliness      D. fever

2.. A. boy               B. daughter        C. friend           D. mother

3.A. stood               B. lay                 C. jumped           D. climbed

4. A. wrote          B. turned          C. was                  D. had

5.. A. threw             B. lost            C. gave             D. placed

6.. A. bear              B. penguin         C. dog                  D. rabbit

7. A. upset              B. happy           C. glad             D. excited

8. A. up             B. off                 C. along            D. down

9. A. From now on    B. In the future   C. In future            D. From then on

10. A. had friends      B. had friend      C. made friends  D. made friend

11.A. school         B. hotel           C. shop             D. supermarket

12. A. given             B. turned              C. made             D. carried

13.A. sleeping           B. going           C. living           D. missing

14.A. forget         B. left            C. ordered              D. sent

15.A. there              B. when            C. where            D. how

16. A. ran               B. walked              C. hurried              D. drove

17.A. surprised          B. frightened          C. looked          D. laughed

18. A. anger         B. envy            C. sadness          D. illness

19.A. as many       B. as seldom      C. so little            D. as much

20.A. the hotel          B. the meeting         C. the road             D. the house



I had been rather proud of myself when my friends and family got the ticket, whether it was for speeding, parking or stop sign violations(违反). It was something that happened to others. But last Friday I joined the club.

I was asked to do a new project last week. On Friday morning on my way to work, I suddenly remembered that I had spent the past six weeks without considering that I had a week’s vacation planned during that time. I was very disappointed with myself for not remembering it.

The truth is that I was not paying enough attention to my driving and I did not come to a complete stop at the stop sign in front of a school. I was so distracted(思想不集中的) that I didn’t even notice I had a policeman on my tail with his lights flashing. Finally I looked in my mirror and caught on.

The policeman was rude and took my papers. Luckily, I had everything up to date and since I had never had a ticket before, there was nothing for him to do but write me a ticket. While I was sitting there in the seat of “shame”, I felt bad. If I had been that distracted and a child had run onto the road, perhaps I would have not reacted as well as I could have. It was a wake-up call.

People at work asked me if I tried to talk my way out of it. Frankly, it never occurred to me. I felt guilty(有罪的). Now I no longer have a clean driving record. Please be careful out there, as a moment’s distraction can lead to tragedy(悲剧).

1.What is this passage mainly about?

A. The writer’s most unforgettable experience.

B. How the writer got her first ticket.

C. An accident caused by the writer.

D. Why the writer is always so careful.

2.We can infer that the underlined part “the club” in Paragraph 1 here refers to         .

A. people who are crazy about driving cars

B. a club for drivers without much experience

C. people who get tickets for breaking traffic rules

D. a club for people to talk about their driving stories

3.What made the writer unable to focus on(集中思想) her driving?

A. Planning how to spend the vacation.

B. Thinking of the forgotten vacation.

C. Thinking about her work.

D. Missing her children.

4.When the writer received the ticket, she         .

A. felt lucky that she was an experienced driver

B. was so nervous that she shook all over

C. was ashamed of herself for being distracted

D. was worried about being laughed at



Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were torn and that very often he ___31____ a bath.

   In his file, his first-grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is a bright child with a ___32____ smile. He does his work neatly and he is a ___33____ to be around.”

   His second-grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is a well-liked boy __34____ he is troubled by his mother’s illness and life at home must be a _____35___. ”

   His third-grade teacher wrote, “Teddy continues to work hard but his mother’s death has been ____36____ on him. ”

   Teddy’s fourth-grade teacher wrote, “Teddy doesn’t show much interest in school. He doesn’t have many friends and he sometimes sleep in class. He could become a ____37__. ”

   On Christmas, Mrs. Thompson received presents from her class, ___38___ in beautiful ribbons and bright paper ____39___ Teddy’s which was in a brown shopping bag.

Mrs. Thompson opened the parcel in which was an old necklace ____40__ some of the stones ____41__, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of perfume (香水). She stopped the children’s laughter, put the necklace on and dabbed some of the perfume behind her ears.

Teddy stayed behind just long enough to say, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my mom __42____.”

On that __43____ day, Mrs. Thompson began to pay particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to become _____44__. The more she encouraged him, the faster she responded. By the end of the year he had become one of the smartest children in the class.

Every Christmas after Teddy graduated, she would receive a letter from Teddy. Then one day his letter was ____45___: Theodore F. Stoddard, Ph. D.(博士)

Another letter came on a beautiful spring day. Teddy said he’d met his girl and was to be ___46___. He was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the seat for his mother. She ____47__ on the wedding wearing the necklace Teddy gave her many years ago and using the perfume smelling just like the ___48____ Teddy remembered his mother smelling.

You can never ____49___ what type of effect you may make on another’s life by your actions or ___50__ of actions.

1. A. enjoyed           B. avoided          C. wanted      D. needed

2. A. ready             B. loud        C. false            D. crazy

3.A. joke           B. joy         C. cheer            D. comedy

4. A. for           B. but              C. so          D. and

5. A. shock         B. damage      C. struggle         D. ruin

6. A. rude          B. scary        C. harmful       D. hard

7.A. problem            B. companion     C. difficulty          D. disadvantage

8.. A. none         B. all          C. many         D. few

9. A. together with    B. including      C. except for      D. besides

10. A. besides         B. with         C. without        D. among

11. A. stolen           B. dropping      C. robbed     D. missing

12. A. wished to       B. preferred to    C. used to       D. had to

13. A. very        B. last             C. every            D. extra

14.. A. light          B. right        C. fresh            D. alive

15.. A. signed          B. said          C. copied         D. written

16. A. graduated      B. employed      C. examined     D. married

17. A. pretended      B. appeared           C. occurred       D. practiced

18. A. way          B. manner           C. behavior         D. fashion

19. A. talk            B. say           C. speak            D. tell

20. A. disappearance  B. shortage           C. lack        D. ignorance



During the Christmas break from college, a young man wanted to borrow his father’s car. He was going to a New Year’s Eve   21   to be held in Vermont. The father was   22   about the son hitting one of the roadblocks that people set up all over the place on New Year’s Eve. However, a(n)   23   reached was that the son would be allowed to use the car, but he would not drink at all.

So he drove to Vermont, got completely   24  , and attempted to drive home. On the way home he hit a roadblock. He was told to   25   the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the sobriety (not drunk)   26  . However, the policeman   27   him out. He was     standing off to the side while the others were   29   the police officer how well they could walk a   30   line, etc.

         At 7:00 am the next morning, his father got up to answer the   31  . There were   32   policemen there. They asked him if he was the   33   of that red FIAT. He replied, “Yes, I am.” One of the policemen asked him if he was driving the car the evening before and he said that his son had been the driver.

         When the young man   34   himself in front of the policemen, he knew he was in some sort of   35  . Upon questioning, he   36   that he was driving the car. But when asked if he had been   37  , he said, “NO!” When the policemen asked if they could see his car, he was unable to remember the   38  . He said that it was in the garage.

         And when the four of them walked out to look at the car, instead of looking at the car he had driven the   39   before, they saw a   40   car parked there.

A. party               B. meeting              C. concert                         D. sports meeting

A. sure             B. worried           C. curious                   D. anxious

A. suggestion    B. condition          C. conclusion                  D. agreement

A. excited         B. tired                C. pleased                   D. drunk

A. stop             B. get out of             C. drive                  D. get into

A. punishment     B. test                 C. education             D. talk

A. gave             B. made            C. missed                    D. found

A. considered      B. required          C. suggested             D. left

A. showing       B. explaining           C. asking                    D. telling

A. long             B. straight            C. calm                   D. direct

A. telephone      B. call                 C. doorbell                 D. question

A. many             B. two                 C. four                       D. one

A. manager       B. father                  C. student                   D. owner

A. stood              B. found              C. put                         D. took

A. danger            B. test                 C. trouble                   D. accident

A. believed      B. told                 C. admitted                 D. said

A. driving         B. hurting            C. drinking                 D. missing

A. drive              B. test                 C. time                          D. line

A. day              B. morning       C. evening                  D. afternoon

A. similar           B. familiar         C. police                     D. damaged




    Two brothers lived on the 80th floor. On coming home one day, they were depressed to realize that the lifts broke 36 . Although they carried a big pack of luggage, it seemed to have no other choice, so they decided to climb the 37 up together!

    When they arrived at the 20th floor, the elder brother 38 putting the luggage there and coming back for it the next day. Feeling much more relaxed, they 39 to climb up. When they 40 to the 40th,the younger started to complain and 41 of them quarreled till the 60th floor. Arriving there, they were so tired that they didn't have any 42 to quarrel. The younger said,“Don't quarrel, let's 43 climbing the stairs.”And they went on climbing 44,finally reaching the 80th!They felt 45 arriving at the door of their home. But soon they found their 46 were kept on the 20th.

    This story is a reflection on our lives. Many of us live under the 47 of our parents, teachers and friends when young. We seldom get to do the things we love.

    By the age of twenty,with so much pressure, we get 48 and then decide to throw down this load.49 from this load, we work energetically with ambitious dreams.

    But at the age of forty,we discover the youth has already died, so much 50 is produced unavoidably, and begin to feel sorry for that. When you 51 the age of sixty ,we discover life hasn't remained too much, so we tell ourselves not to complain and 52 the remaining days! Upon that we walk silently over our own 53 years of life. Arriving at the 54 of the life, we think there is nothing left to disappoint us, only the 55 that we can't rest in peace. Follow your dream , so you will not live with regrets.

A.out          B.through        C.up               D.down

A. lift         B. mountain         C. tower          D. steps

A. insisted     B. suggested      C. decided          D. demanded

A. continued    B. started          C. set                 D. prepared

A. arrived  B. hurried          C. struggled      D. fought

A. all         B. both           C. neither           D. each

A. strength     B. courage       C. opportunity       D. ability

A. begin       B. stop           C. give up            D. finish

A. happily     B. silently       C. hurriedly        D. angrily

A. afraid          B. sad                  C. excited       D. fortunate

A. keys           B. luggage           C. money         D. bags

A. suspicions          B. inspections      C. expectations      D. obligation

A. calmed         B. tired                C. relaxed       D. confused

A. Freed          B. Suffering            C. Recovering        D. Keeping

A. sadness         B. excuse               C. regret          D. forgive

A. get               B. arrive               C. grow          D. reach

A. value          B. forget               C. ignore            D. pass

A. lost            B. rest             C. spending      D. missing

A. end            B. beginning            C. middle         D. rest

A. achievement     B. decision         C. realization      D. promise

