B. raised.[详解]raise one's voice提高嗓门, 高声叫喊.Raise one's voice against sth. 意为“为抗议某事而大声疾呼 , 如:As no one raised his voice against the plan, it was agreed on. (因为没有人发表反对意见, 该计划就一致通过了.) voice的常用习语有:the public voice , under one's voice , with one voice ,lose one's voice , have no voice with . 查看更多



Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.
A. swollen     B. raised       C. developed        D. increased


Linda’s parents died when she was a baby and was _________by her aunt.

A.brought out    B.raised up     C.grown up    D.brought up



Some students _____ their hands , showing that they have questions to ask.

A. put  B. raised  C. rose  D. lifted



I would like to share with you a story of the monkey. In Thompson’s The Outline of Science there is a story about a scientist who ___1___ several chimpanzees and monkeys in order to ___2___ animal psychology. He took a glass bottle, ___3___ its cork (瓶塞) and put two peanuts inside the bottle. Needless to say, the peanuts dropped to the bottom of the bottle and were easily seen from the ___4___. He then passed the bottle to a monkey, who shook it __5____ for a long while and was ___6___ able to get the peanuts when they __7___ fell out. The scientist then put some peanuts into the bottle again ___8___ he had done before and showed the monkey that it only needed __9____ the bottle upside down for the peanuts to drop out. ___10___ the monkey always ignored his ___11___. Each time it just shook the bottle frantically, with great __12____ but without necessarily achieving __13____ result.

   Now the question is why the monkey was unable to understand what the scientist instructs. __14___ because all its attention was focused on the peanuts. As it was simple-mindedly concentrating on reaching the food, it had no time for understanding ___15___ learning. To learn, it must take its eyes off the peanuts and shift its attention to the ___16___ mo9vement of the man and the ___17___ the bottle was turned upside down. To shift its attention, it had to ___18___ down and not be taken over by the impulse (诱惑) of its appetite. Yet the monkey was not able to understand this. It is instances like this __19____ reveal (提示) the monkey’s lack of ___20___.

1. A. kept  B. raised  C. fed  D. caught

2. A. learn  B. know  C. study  D. find

3. A. to move  B. removed  C. taking off  D. having taken away

4. A. inside  B. top  C. upside   D. outside

5. A. happily  B. anxiously  C. hurriedly  D. easily

6. A. quite  B. only  C. of course  D. not

7. A. suddenly  B. accidentally  C. occasionally  D. quickly

8. A. as   B. that  C. what  D. until

9. A. turning  B. to be turned  C. to turn  D. being turned

10. A. But  B. Then  C. Therefore  D. Thus

11. A. directions  B. explanations  C. performances  D. instructions

12. A. effort  B. strength  C. power  D. force

13. A. expecting  B. interesting  C. desired  D. satisfying

14. A. Probably  B. Likely  C. Simply  D. Nearly

15. A. nor  B. and  C. but  D. instead of

16. A. gesture  B. mouth  C. hand  D. eye

17. A. manner  B. way  C. method  D. direction

18. A. sit   B. get  C. let  D. calm

19. A. that  B. which  C. how  D. what

20. A. speech  B. ability  C. training  D. wisdom



Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

  A. spoken  B. raised  C. developed  D. increased


