B. make out.[详解] make out 辨别, 详见III.123.注释. 查看更多



Ero Carrera is watching the computer screen in a lab in California as he tracks a new computer virus slowly circling the globe, targeting cell phones. Working from the US office of the Finnish computer   21   firm, Carrera knows this virus could be the start of something big and   22  . He’s one of a couple of hundred “virus hunters” worldwide who guard computers and cell phones from   23  . That’s the job for these unlikely action heroes of the Internet age, where quick and curious minds are more important than strong   24  .

    Carrera works with Tzvetan Chaliavski to form the two-man team in California. Like that of other employees in the anti-virus companies in the world, their work is at the battle front of providing   25   from the damaging of computer virus, worms and Trojans. They break down software to discover a new virus and crack its code. Then they   26   and ship out a software update to customers. Roughly 300 new samples of viruses await the pair on a(n)  27   day.

    Carrera has created a mathematical formula(公式), to   28   easily the software structure of viruses. With it, he is better able to compare the many variants(变种) and families of malware(恶意软件). To his   29  , Chaliavski, it doesn’t even matter why someone would create a virus. All that   30   is the hunt.

21. A. advertising          B. commercial                     C. printing                    D. security

22. A. admiring             B. exciting                    C. inviting                    D. threatening

23. A. attack                 B. bombing                  C. competition                     D. struggle

24. A. heads                  B. feelings                    C. muscles                    D. spirits

25. A. access                 B. contact                     C. measures                  D. protection

26. A. copy                   B. create                    C. delete                    D. download

27. A. average               B. original                    C. previous                   D. special

28. A. get off                B. make out                  C. pick up                    D. take in

29. A. assistant              B. manager                   C. partner                            D. secretary

30. A. ignores               B. matters                     C. overlooks                 D. rejects


 I listened carefully to his long boring speech, but could not        what he was talking about.  

A. pick out     B. make out    C. bring out     D. give out



They have held several meetings to _____ next year's production plans.

A. set down      B. make out     C. work up    D. draw up


When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to _____ the last sentence as it is rather boring.

A. point out        B. make out       C. leave out        D. put out



They have held several meetings to _____ next year's production plans.

   A. set down                    B. make out            C. work up    D. draw up

