First, you should go to the office to get ,and then go to the teacher to get registered. A. one number B. number one C. one mark D. mark one 查看更多




Steve, Adam, Jenny, Frank和Wendy就自己在学校或学习上遇到的困惑分别给Boy’s Life杂志写信,向编辑咨询。阅读下列编辑的回答(A、B、C、D、E和F)选出可以解答每个人疑问的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1.Steve: One of my friends is always copying me.It’s getting really annoying, and I don’t know what to do.Help!

2.Adam: I did badly in school, so my dad switched me to another school to help me.What can I do to stay out of trouble at my new school? My mouth got me in trouble in the first place.

3.Jenny: Some kids are making fun of me because I’m in honors math and read 800-page books.Isn’t that something to be proud of?


4.Frank: I have a problem: I can’t socialize.I’m really shy, and I’m already a freshman in high school.Can you help me, please?

5.Wendy: I always make honor roll, but I’m going to high school next year.How can I manage this: keep up my A’s and B’s, and at the same time, do other after class activities I’m interested in.



A wise man once said, “It’s better to do a few things well than a lot of things poorly.” As you make the transition to a tougher workload, focus on maintaining a balance of schoolwork, scouting, other activities, friends, family and just the games you are enjoying playing.You may always think of this: we can learn things not only in classes, but outside of classes.You’ll be happier, not to mention more successful at the things you like.

If you’re having trouble keeping up, ask your teachers if they can recommend someone to tutor you for an hour after school.I know it sounds like torture, but trust me.I was struggling through math and eventually my mum made me get a tutor.I was very angry.But it turned out that with the tutor’s help, I could get through my work in an hour instead of three hours at home.So after a few weeks, I caught up with the rest of the class.



You should be flattered—he looks up to you.But I understand; it’s completely up-setting.My little sister went through a stage in which she constantly bought the same exact clothes as me.But after a few months she turned to someone else.Wait it out for a while, and your friend will probably discover his own sense of style.Then let him know you think he’s cool, especially he does his own thing.Your comment will spare him embarrassment, boost his self-esteem and, ultimately, get him to stop cloning around.

You’re right.Intelligence is a quality that everyone wants, and as you get older it’s going to be what people love and respect about you.And yet, just as hyper-social people need to make time for schoolwork, you might benefit from a little balance as well.In addition to exercising your brain with classes and books, exercise your spirit with music, sports, Scouts or other activities.Bonus: Some of those kids who laughed at you might someday realize how cool you actually are and shut up.



The fact that you recognize what the problem is and want to fix it is fantastic.Avoid becoming a regular in the schoolmaster’s office, and make a good first impression in the new place.This doesn’t mean you have to be a top student.Jus do your work, speak up in class when the teacher asks a question and seek extra help if your grades start to slip.And stay involved in after-class activities so that you can keep yourself too busy to get into trouble and help you burn off some of the energy that tends to land you in hot water.

A teacher once gave me this great advice: Prepare a conversation in your head before going into an uncomfortable social situation.It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s easy – and it works! For example, if you know you’re hiking a certain mountain with Scouts this weekend, go online and Google the area you’re hiking.Find an interesting or funny fact or two and talk about them when your troop is climbing up the mountain.As for the “cool” kids, forget them.Coolness runs out after high school.







M:Would you like a red skirt?

W:No.I don’t like red skirt.

M:How about yellow, green?

W:Yes.But they are too short.

M:We have some longer ones but they are orange.

W:Good.I like orange best.

1.hat color does the girl like best?




W:I really enjoyed meeting your parents.I hope they like me.

M:Don’t worry.I’m sure they’ll say yes.

2.hat’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.A girl and her boyfriend.

C.Teacher and student.

M:Do you have to go now?

W:Yes, I’m afraid I do.I’ll get up at 6∶30 tomorrow to catch the first bus, and to be at work at 7∶30 in my factory.

3.hat are the two speakers doing?

A.Catching the earliest bus.

B.Working in a clothes factory.

C.Saying goodbye to each other.

M:I’d like a first-class ticket to London.

W:Fine.The next flight leaves at 4 p. m. are the two speakers?

A.In a classroom.

B.At a booking office.

C.At a railway station.

M:When do you serve lunch?

W:Around 12 o’clock.But you can order some drinks now.

M:Are they free of charge?

W:For soft drinks, yes.

5.hat can you know from the conversation?

A.It is 12 o’clock now.

B.Drinks are free of charge.

C.Soft drinks are free of charge.




W:Tom, I have some presents for you and Tim.You can choose two of them.

M:Why not three?You have five here.

W:Because you choose first.

M:Then ask Tim to choose first.

6.How many presents does the woman have?




7.Why doesn’t Tom want to choose first?

A.He thinks Tim should choose first.

B.He doesn’t like the presents.

C.He wants to get more presents.

8.Who will choose first?



C.It’s hard to say.


W:I’ve had this terrible pain in my back for three days now.I couldn’t get to sleep till around five o’clock this morning.Can you give me something for it?

M:Without a prescription, the strongest thing I can give you is aspirin.In the old days we used to be able to give out all kinds of medicine without a prescription, but these days the laws have changed and I can’t give you anything strong enough to help without a prescription.

W:Gee.Aspirin isn’t strong enough and I don’t have an appointment with my doctor until the end of the week.

M:What’s your doctor’s name?

W:My doctor is Dr Anderson.

M:Oh, Dr Anderson, I know him.He’s certainly a wonderful fellow.I’ll tell you what I can do.I can call Dr Anderson and ask him for a prescription right over the phone.I’m sure he can do that.

W:That would be wonderful.I really need to get some strong pain killers as soon as I can.Do you think he’ll still be in his office?

M:Sure, I know he stays late at the clinic every day to perform experiments.


M:You just relax and we’ll get you fixed up in no time.

9.Why is the man going to call Dr Anderson?

A.To tell him the woman is coming.

B.To make an appointment.

C.To fill the prescription.

10.Which is NOT true?

A.The woman needs drugs to kill her pain.

B.The woman thinks aspirin will solve her problem.

C.The man and the woman both like Dr Anderson.

11.Why does Dr Anderson stay late at the office?

A.He lives there.

B.He does experiments after work.

C.He loves his work.


W:Hello, China Airlines.What can I do for you, sir

M:Hello, I’d like to ask if you have the tickets to Beijing on Friday afternoon.

W:Wait a minute, please.Yes, we have.One is at 1∶30,the other at 3∶45.

M:May I have two at 3∶45?

W:Sorry, we have only one left.Would you please have the ones at 1∶30?

M:All right.

W:Thank you.When will you come for the tickets?

M:How about this afternoon?


12.What are they talking about?


B.Booking airline tickets.

C.The timetable of China Airlines.

13.On which day will the man leave for Beijing?




14.Which flight does he get at last?

A.The 1∶30 flight.

B.The 3∶45 flight.

C.The 5∶00 flight.


M:I’d like to book a ticket to Beijing.

W:What day are you planning to go?

M:I’m supposed to be in Beijing on the morning of the fourteenth, but I’d rather get there on the evening of the thirteenth.

W:What time would you like to leave?

M:Late in the afternoon, after work.

W:We’ve a flight at four thirty.

M:That’s too early.I don’t get out of work until five.Do you have a later flight?

W:The next flight is at five thirty, but there are only back seats left.What about another at six thirty?We still have some seats on the flight on the thirteenth, and it only takes you an hour and a half to get into Beijing.

M:Oh, good, I’d better take the six thirty.By the way, do they serve dinner on the flight?

W:Yes, they do.

15.Which flight does the man decide to take?

A.The six thirty flight.

B.The five thirty flight.

C.The four thirty flight.

16.What time will the man get into Beijing?

A.At five on the afternoon of the fifteenth.

B.At nine on the morning of the fourteenth.

C.At eight on the evening of the thirteenth.

17.Where will the man have supper most probably on the day when he leave for Beijing?

No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。

A.At home.

B.On the plane.

C.In a restaurant.


Goats always seem to be the second best to other farm animals.They give milk, but not as much as cows do.They provide wool, but not as much as sheep do.They carry loads, but not as well as horses do.However, goats have their own special strong points.They develop well on weeds and small branches that would make cattle and sheep sick.They can live just about anywhere since they need very little space.Years ago, city residents even raised goats in their backyard.Goats can also climb just about anything, and they can even live on the steep slopes of mountains.In fact, the animal seems healthiest and happiest when there is something for them to climb.Because of all these above, goats are raised for their milk, meat, hair and leather in many parts of the world.

18.Why does the speaker say that goats are the second best to other animals?

A.They’re much smaller.

B.They don’t produce much.

C.They learn more slowly.

19.Why are goats popular in some areas?

A.They can live on steep slopes.

B.The are particularly healthy animals.

C.Their leather is very valuable.

20.What can goats provide?

A.Wool and fur.

B.Milk and meat.

C.All above.

