15.A 本题为连词用法的考查.句子无承接和转折的意思.故排除B.D.而while更强调两个动作同时发生.所以也不符合题意. 查看更多




  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    1 g脂肪氧化分解释放的能量是1 g糖元的2倍多,所以脂肪是主要的能源物质



1.New furniture is too ________; we'll use the old pieces.

2.The railroad connects two cities, ________, New York and Chicago.

3.He surrounds himself with attractive, ________, or well-known people.

4.The steam engine is a ________ invention.It marks the coming of a new era.



Zhang Daqian(1899~1983), was   1  (冠词)Chinese painter,   2  (连词)was a native of Neijiang, Sichuan, and   3  (settle)in Taiwan in 1977, Zhang devoted his   4  (形容词)years   5  (介词)traditional painting, developed a style of purity in his middle age,   6  (并列连词)invented the free and “splash color” technique for   7  (人称代词)late years.Mastering the Chinese palette(调色), he stood out in use light reddish-brown and blue-and-green colors.  8  (改正错误)In honor of Zhang, after it is three years of preparation,   9  (改为介词短语)the TV series about Zhang Daqian is going to begin filming in March.It is expected to hit Chinese screens before the end of this year.  10  (改为复合句)



1.If you say or do something ________, you say or do it with the intention of amusing someone rather with any serious meaning or intention.

2.Justice will triumph over ________.

3.The campaign is intended to ________ public awareness of the disease.

4.The little boy held ________ his mother's hand when he saw a snake in the yard.

5.I ________ believe that we must act at once.

6.The ________ is an official who governs a country or part of a country that is ruled by another state.

7.The US has represented itself as the ________ of democracy.

8.Chocolate is ________ for a lot of people.

9.Xishi was a woman of ________ beauty at that time.



Most young people only get seven hours   1  (介词)sleep each night,   2  (对比连词)they actually need nine hours.And   3  (make)up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping   4  (介词)weekends doesn’t really work.In fact, sleeping late may actually do you much harm.You have sleep problems.  5  (合并为主从复合句)What happens if you don’t   6  (谓语动词)enough sleep? If   7  (人称代词)sleep problem continues for a few nights, you could suffer serious   8  (problem).  9   Lack of sleepy can affect learning and memory.(改正错误)  10  (比较级), sleep difficulties could lead to anxiety or depression(抑郁).

