The reason he didn't come was he had to take care of his sick mother. A. why; that B. why; which C. which; why D. that; for 查看更多



- The reason_________ he didn't come was _________ he had to take care of his sick mother.

A. why; that                   B. why; which   

C. which; why                  D. that; for


The reason________ he didn't come was ______he had to take care of his sick mother.

A. why ; that                   B. why ; which   

C. which ; why                  D. that ; for


The reason_________  he didn't come was _________ he had to take care of his sick mother.

A. why ; that                   B. why ; which   

C. which ; why                  D. that ; for


The reason_________  he didn't come was _________ he had to take care of his sick mother.

A. why ; that                   B. why ; which   

C. which ; why                  D. that ; for


The reason_________ he didn't come was _________ he had to take care of his sick mother.

A. why ; that    B. why ; which     C. which ; why     D. that ; for


