19.D根据句意分析.他们结婚是已过去的事.那么.他们互相了解大约一年的时间肯定发生在结婚前.发生在过去某一动作之前的动作.应该使用过去完成时. 查看更多




1.He has always ________(要求)the highest standards of behaviour from his children.

2.Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need to adopt a different ________(方式)to it.

3.Should the opportunity ________(出现),I’d love to go to China.

4.We had a lot of good applicants for the job, but only one ________(突出)from the rest.

5.There’s a clear ________(区别)between the dialects spoken in the two regions.

6.Could you turn your music down and show a little ________(体谅)for the neighbours?

7.Have you filled in the ________(申请)form for your passport yet?

8.She has such an ________(天真的)face that I find it hard to believe anything bad of her.

9.She organizes her financial ________(事情)very efficiently.

10.He was brought to the court for being accused of ________(试图)murder.

11.The evening party was ________(结束)with the song of Auld Lang Syn.

12.The chairman ________(宣布)the winner of the competition to the excited audience.

13.The hot weather is partly to ________(归咎于)for the water shortage.

14.All the students ________(支持)the reduction of their homework.

15.All the possible causes of the big fire are being(分析)by the police.



1.We must take a correct a_________________ towards criticism from the masses.

2.The modern are museum l_____in the street attracts a lot of visitors every day.

3.This shop sells all kinds of f___________, such as beds, chairs, tables, and so on

4.He was deeply i____________ by the beautiful sights of the West Lake.

5.These experiments began a few months ago, and some p_____ has already been made.

6.They had to stand for hours without changing p______.

7.He had an unusual e_________yesterday.

8.what p________you from joining us last night?

9.After the  d_______there  were many people who wanted food and shelter.

10.Never waste food! You know ,children in some African countries die of h______every day.



单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
【小题1】_ If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S______ of Liberty by yourself.
【小题2】_ While traveling, we often find many r_________ paintings on the walls of temples.
【小题3】_The first living ______________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.
【小题4】_. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful s___________ to the nuclear problem.
【小题5】_ Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ______________(优雅地) on the stage.
【小题6】_The world-famous artist’s works are on _______________(展览) here.
【小题7】_ He worked so hard that e_______________ he made himself ill.
【小题8】_ It was our ____________ (祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.
【小题9】_ They give 10% d________________ for cash payment.
【小题10】_ At the crossing of the street you can find the ____________ (农业的) Bank of China.


单词拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


_ If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S______ of Liberty by yourself.

_ While traveling, we often find many r_________ paintings on the walls of temples.

_The first living ______________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

_. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful s___________ to the nuclear problem.

_ Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ______________(优雅地) on the stage.

_The world-famous artist’s works are on _______________(展览) here.

_ He worked so hard that e_______________ he made himself ill.

_ It was our ____________ (祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.

_ They give 10% d________________ for cash payment.

_ At the crossing of the street you can find the ____________ (农业的) Bank of China.





Since I was __________  _____________ , I got a job working in an office.


   In his life, he has always tried to help those ___________ fortunate ________himself.

3.暑热持续了一周, 弄得人人疲惫困倦不堪。

   The hot weather ___________  __________ a whole week, which made everyone tired and sleepy.


   He has ___________  ________ his mind to go into business when he leaves college.


   Norman Bethune _____________  ___________ the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II.


 It was very dangerous __________  ________  I was caught I could be put in prison.


Only then _________ we decide to answer violence _________ violence.

8. 即使他们反对我们的计划,我们也不会让步的。

  Even though they don’t agree to our plan, we won’t________ ________.


At that time the Jewish________  _______important role in the development of economy and culture.


  __________  ________ sympathy, she threw several coins into his bowl.


