Experts think that recently discovered painting may be Picasso. A. the ;不填 B. a ;the C. a; 不填 D. the; a 查看更多



Let’s do some sleep math.You lost two hours of sleep every night last week because of a big project due on Friday.On Saturday and Sunday,you slept in,getting four extra hours.On Monday morning,you were feeling so bright—eyed that you only had one cup of coffee,instead of your usual two.But don’t be cheated by your energy.You’re still carrying around a heavy load of sleepiness,or what experts call “sleep debt”一in this case something like six hours,almost a full night’s sleep.
Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually get.It’s a shortage that grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly sleep.“People get more sleep debt gradually without being noticed,”says William C.Dement,founder of the Stanford University Sleep Clinic.Studies show that such short term sleep lack leads to a foggy brain,worsened vision,and trouble remembering.Long-term effects include obesity(肥胖),insulin(胰岛素)resistance,and heart disease.A survey by the National Sleep Foundation reports that we’re losing one hour of sleep each night——more than two full weeks of sleep every year.
The good news is that,like all debt,with some work,sleep debt can be repaid.Adding all extra hour or two of sleep a night is the way to catch up.For the long-term lack of sleep, take it easy for a few months to get back into a natural sleep pattern.
Go to bed when you are tired,and allow your body to wake you in the morning(no alarm clock allowed).You may find yourself catatonic(有紧张症的)in the beginning of the recovery cycle:expect to have ten hours shut—eye per night;As the days pass,however,the amount of sleeping time will gradually decrease.
So earn back that lost sleep and follow the rules of your innate(固有的)sleep needs. You’ll feel better.“When you put away sleep debt,you become a superman,”says Stanford's Dement,talking about the improved mental and physical capabilities that come with being well rested.
53.If you have short-term sleep lack,you may___________.   
A.put on weight    B.get heart disease  C.hate eating food   D.have a poor sight
54.The example of sleep math is used to show______. what case you build up a sleep debt what way you can make up for lack of sleep
C.why you are energetic even without enough sleep
D.why you need six hours’sleep every night
55.By saying the underlined sentence,Dement means that______. need a lot of sleep to be a superman will be in a good state with enough sleep need to be a superman to repay sleep debt will become a superman with more sleep debt
56.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?   
A.How can you keep energetic?    B.What is sleep debt?
C.Can you catch up on lost sleep?  D.Can coffee refresh you?


Recently, a study was carried out to determine who was the greatest American president.Sixty-five presidential historians took part in it, and they judged the past forty-two American leaders based on ten leadership qualities, including public persuasiveness (信服), crisis leadership, management of the economy, moral leadership, and conduct of international relations.The historians also looked at administrative (管理) ability, relations with Congress, ability to set goals, and the pursuit of equal justice for all.Finally, the experts took into consideration the historical period in which the president lived.
The historians chose Abraham Lincoln as American’s greatest president.He had also been named best president in a similar study in 2000.Abraham Lincoln was the president who led the nation through the Civil War in the 1860s, and was able to unite it in the end.He also took the first steps to abolish slavery in America.
Edna Medford, a professor of history at Howard University in Washington, D.C., was an adviser on this study and the earlier one.She says Abraham Lincoln is seen to represent the values the nation most honors, such as truthfulness, moderation, and respect for human rights.
The historians put American’s first president, George Washington, second on the list, while Franklin D.Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry Truman follow in that order.John   F.Kennedy, the country’s first Roman Catholic president, is sixth on the list.Like Lincoln, Kennedy was murdered while in office.
Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan was named the tenth best and Bill Clinton rated fifteenth, while the historians put former president George W.Bush at number thirty-six.His father, George H.W.Bush, did much better, being placed at number eighteen.
【小题1】We learn from the text that ___________.

A.this is the second time that Abraham Lincoln has been chosen as America’s greatest president
B.Edna Medford didn’t take part in the study conducted in 2000.
C.George H.W.Bush was thought to have done worse in office than George W.Bush
D.Harry Truman was rated the fourth-best president by the study
【小题2】Which of the following belong to the ten leadership qualities considered?
a.Being able to persuade the public
b.Taking effective measures during a financial crisis.
c.Balancing home life and career.
d.Pursuing equal justice for all.
【小题3】Who is rated worst among the following four presidents?[来源:学|科|网]
A.John F.KennedyB.George Washington
C.Bill ClintonD.George W.Bush
【小题4】The text is mainly about ________.
A.the ten qualities a great president needs
B.a study of American presidents
C.the values the American nation honors most Abraham Lincoln improved the country


There is nothing else but economy that occupies the minds of Americans at present times of economic crisis(危机). The statistics on unemployment,housing costs and consumer confidence keep coming and coming,leaving people not just scared to spend money but also very stressed and emotionally exhausted. This stress has an effect on everything,starting with our sleep,mood,physical health,relationships and eating habits.
“Time of economic stress leads to increase rates of depression(忧郁),”says Dr. Christopher Palmer,director of continuing education at McLean Hospital in Belmont,Massachusetts. “It worsens illness in people who have been constantly depressed. But it also causes new cases of depression. Just the fear of losing one’s job can put people over the edge. ”
And,without any doubt,just depression alone can create a variety of bad health effects.
33 percent of Americans reported that they have lost sleep due to the economic crisis. 26 percent say they are sleeping less than 6 hours per night,which is considered to be at least one hour less than the most favorable 7 to 8 hours recommended by sleep experts.
●Mental health,stress and heart attack
80 percent of Americans reported that last year the economy is a huge source of stress; 49 percent said the situation makes them feel nervous or anxious; 48 percent reported that they feel very sad and have developed depression.
Nearly twice the risk of heart attack or death was found in patients with the highest levels of depression or anxiety. Among those individuals,a 10 percent higher rise of heart attack or death was found in those whose anxiety rose over time.
The chances of violent behavior are nearly 6 times higher for individuals who are left without a job. Workplace stress can lead to domestic violence.
1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Now Americans don’t dare to spend money.
B. Now all Americans have problems in sleeping.
C. Economy is the most troubling problem for Americans now.
D. Economic crisis has destroyed many American families.
2. How does the economic crisis affect most Americans according to the passage?
A. They sleep fewer than six hours.                  B. They sleep less than the proper amount.
C. Diseases caused by economy make them sleepless.  D. They lose sleep at night.
3. If a person is out of work,he might   __________.        .
A. become more violent   B. get divorced    C. get rid of workplace stress   D. go mad
4. The best title of this passage is probably______________  .        .
A. The World Economic Crisis Is Getting Worse
B. Economic Crisis Affects Our Health
C. Economic Crisis Causes Trouble to Sleep
D. Ordinary People Suffer Greatly in Economic Crisis
5.What does the underlined word “favorable” mean?
A. proper    B. perfect    C. useful     D. fashionable


Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook by yourself? Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the stores? What can't you be bothered to do?
A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of the adults are so idle (懒散的) that they'd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs.
Just over 2000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health, Britain's largest health center. The results were extremely surprising.
About one in six people questioned said if their remote control was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.
More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus. Worryingly, of the 654 respondents with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.
This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese (very fat) before they start school.
Dr Sarah Dauncey, medical director of Nuffield Health, said, “People need to get fitter, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their families, friends and evidently their pets too.”
“If we don't start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the most fundamental tasks.”
And Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the most idle city in the UK, with 75% questioned admitting they do not get enough exercise, followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%.
The results bring serious challenges for the National Health Service, where obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.
60.How many people questioned don't play with their children?
A.1280.   B.More than 333.     C.654.    D.About 420.
61.The study leads us to believe that      .
A.the pets in the UK will be in trouble if their owners keep their way of life
B.Glasgow people feel ashamed because they don't get enough exercise
C.British people are the laziest around the world
D.five sixths of the British children are healthy
62.How does the author convince the readers?
A.By presenting the results of a study.                 B.By providing answers to questions.
C.By interviewing some experts.                            D.By telling a story.
63.What is the passage mainly about?
A.A study of British people's laziness.                 B.A study of British people's lifestyles.
C.The health service in the UK.                       D.The obesity problem in the UK.


BERLIN — With the crisis in Japan raising fears about nuclear power, Germany and Switzerland said on Monday that they would reassess the safety of their own reactors.
Doris Leuthard, the Swiss energy minister, said Switzerland would put off plans to build nuclear plants. She said no new ones would be permitted until experts had reviewed safety standards.
Germany will put off “the recently decided extension of the running time of German nuclear plants,” Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters. “This moratorium(延缓)will run for three months and it will allow for a thorough examination of the safety standards of the county’s 17 nuclear power plants.
The European Union called for a meeting on Tuesday of nuclear safety authorities to assess Europe’s preparedness.
Germany’s foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, called for a new risk analysis of the country’s nuclear plants, particularly regarding their cooling systems. He is the leader of the Free Democratic Party, which strongly supports nuclear power.
A previous government, led by the Social Democrats, passed a law in 2001 to close all the country’s nuclear plants by 2021. But Mrs. Merkel’s government changed that decision last year to extend the lives of the plants by an average of 12 years.
In Switzerland, Doris Leuthard said she had already asked to analyze the exact cause of the problems in Japan and draw up new or tougher safety standards “particularly in terms of seismic(地震的) safety and cooling.”
In Russia, the Prime Minister said his government would “draw conclusions from what’s going on in Japan.”
【小题1】Where can you most likely read this passage?

A.In a newspaper.B.In a magazine.
C.In a science report. D.In a diary.
【小题2】How will Germany react to Japan’s nuclear crisis?
A.Germany will close all the country’s nuclear plants.
B.Germany will hold a meeting of nuclear safety authorities.
C.Germany will change the decision made last year.
D.Germany will delay the extension of nuclear plants running time.
【小题3】The author mentions all the following EXCEPT ______.
A.The moratorium in Germany will give time to examine the nuclear plants safety standards.
B.Switzerland will not build new nuclear plants unless they meet the experts’ safety standards.
C.The Social Democrats in Germany shares the same view with the Free Democratic Party.
D.Russia will try to learn something from the nuclear power crisis in Japan.
【小题4】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Watch Out for the Danger of Nuclear Power
B.Europe Is against Building Nuclear Plants
C.Nuclear Plants in Europe Are Delayed
D.Opinions on Nuclear Power Are Opposite.

