We have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose based on your own interests. A. either B. each C. one D. it 查看更多



―How come a simple meal like this cost so much?

―We have ________ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

A. added B. included  C. contained     D. charged


—I've got some wonderful news.We have been invited to the palace ball.


A.I don't believe soB.I believe not

C.I can't believe it D.I don't believe it


完形填空 (满分20分)


When Carol was diagnosed, her cancer had   21   to her bones. We calmly talked about what to expect. I reviewed choices for   22  and printed out new research. But   23   , I cried and struggled. Only half the patients are alive two years after diagnosis.

Carol began treatment afterwards. She felt almost   24   and went right back to work. Carol hates the idea of being   25   as a “sick” person. She likes her life   26   . Last winter, Carol suddenly found   27   difficult to swallow. She slept a lot and was slow to wake in the morning. There was continuous pressure in her chest and   28   I saw her looking thoughtful. One day, she told me, “I think I   29   never leave the hospital,” she continued, “I just want to enjoy the little things---   30   is out of the window.” We had never spoken of that before.   31   we began an African safari, a trip she had dreamed of for years.

Morning and afternoon, we went diving and rolled into the clear water    32   down like peas in honey. In the evenings, we spent time on the pier, watching the sun set. One of the young couples on the island wondered if we were sisters. We laughed. “Friends for 34 years,” I said. I could see by their   33   that they didn’t really understand that kind of time. We have been friends   34   than they have been alive.

   35   dives, we talked about where to go next. I made lists    36   she slept. Our plans were now more theoretical, and the big trip to the South Pacific one day seemed a long way off. Cancer has become part of our   37  . We are well aware that our bodies are temporary gifts. Not knowing what comes next means   38   is possible. Perhaps I will be hit by a truck, or my heart will stop. Life is   39   .

We took our last dive of the trip. When we reached the deep blue water, we spread our arm out like wings and pretended to   40   .      

. A. spread        B. delivered       C. developed           D. sent   

A. directions B. medicine        C. instructions        D. treatment

A. in danger    B. in tears       C. in private          D. in trouble

A. same       B. common      C. usual               D. normal

A. looked      B. considered      C. thought         D. felt

A. as it is        B. to good purpose C. of general interest  D. in a way

A. this       B. one         C. it              D. that

A. now and then B. more or less   C. here and there      D. sooner or later

A. should          B. might       C. must                D. need

A. what        B. which       C. that                D. when

A. Still      B. Yet         C. Then                D. Even

A. sinking        B. swimming        C. dropping            D. disappearing

A. words      B. voices      C. faces               D. actions

A. longer     B. older           C. closer          D. elder

A. Among      B. With         C. Between         D. Beyond

A. because        B. though      C. since               D. while

A. leadership B. scholarship C. friendship          D. membership

A. everything B. nothing     C. anything            D. something

A. dangerous  B. colorful        C. difficult           D. different

A. enjoy      B. dance           C. sing                D. fly


The days we have been looking forward to ____ soon.

  A.coming   B.will come   C.came   D.have come




TIME IS IT.Over 92% of people who own exercise equipment and 88% of people who own health club memberships do not exercise.A 4-minute complete workout is no longer hard to believe for all the people who have bought our excellent Range of Motion machine(ROM) since 1990.Over 97% of people who rent our ROM for 30 days end up buying it,due to the health benefits experienced during that tryout and the ROM performance score that tells the story of health and fitness improvement.At under 20 cents per use,the 4-minute ROM exercise is the least expensive full body complete exercise a person can do.How do we know that it is under 20 cents per use?Over 90% of ROM machines go to private homes,but we have a few that are in commercial use for 12 years and they have endured over 80,000 uses each,without need of repair.The ROM 4-minute workout is for people from 10 to over 100 years old and highly trained athletes as well.The ROM balances blood sugar,and repairs bad backs and shoulders.Too good to be true?Get our free video and see for yourself.The best proof for us is that 97% of rentals become sales.Please visit our website at www. fitness.com or call(800) 123-6460.

Factory Showroom:ROMFAB.823 Main Street.Baton Rouge,LA70893

Fax:(800)123-6461   Email:sales@fitness.com

What is ROM?

A.A piece of exercise equipment.

B.A club membership card.

C.A commercial health club.

D.An electric wheelchair.

How many people bought ROM after trying it out?

A.92%.                        B.88%.                        C.97%.                        D.90%.

One selling point of ROM is that _______.

A.it makes full body exercise possible in 4 minutes

B.it can kill back and shoulder pains in 10 minutes

C.it needs no repair in the first 20 years

D.it is sold on a 3-month trial basis

The advertisement is made believable by _______.

A.telling stories                                                B.using figures

C.making comparisons                                      D.asking questions

