What is the author’s main purpose in writing the passage? A. To encourage the skeptics to have a critical eye. B. To warn the public of the danger of half–blindness with reviews. C. To blame the media’s lack of responsibility in presenting information. D. To show the importance of presenting overall information by the media. BAAD 查看更多



      Skeptics are a strange lot.Some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities to the
environment, and they are tired of people who disagree with them.Those people, say skeptics, spread
nothing but bad news about the environment.The "ecoguilt" brought on by the discouraging news about our planet gives rise to the popularity of skeptics as people search for more comforting worldviews.
       Perhaps that explains why a new book by Bjorn Lomborg received so much publicity.That book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, declares that it measures the "real state of the world" as fine.Of course, another explanation is the deep pockets of some big businesses with special interests.Indeed, Mr Lomborg's
views are similar to those of some industryfunded organizations, which start huge activities through the
media to confuse the public about issues like global warming.
      So it was strange to see MrLomborg's book go largely unchallenged in the media though his beliefs
were contrary to most scientific opinions.One national newspaper in Canada ran a number of articles and
reviews full of words of praise, even with the conclusion that "After Lomborg, the environmental movement will begin to die down."
      Such onesided views should have immediately been challenged.But only a different review appeared in Nature, a respected science magazine with specific readership.The review remarked that Mr Lomborg's "preference for unexamined materials is incredible (不可信的)".
     A critical (批判的) eye is valuable, and the media should present information in such a way that could
allow people to make informed decisions.Unfortunately, that is often inaccessible as blocked by the
desire to be shocking or to defend some special interests.People might become halfblind before a world
partially exhibited by the media.That's a shame, because matters concerning the health of the planet are far too important to be treated lightly.

1. According to the passage, which of the following may be regarded as "skeptics" ?

A. People who agree on the popularity of "ecoguilt". 
B. People who disbelieve the serious situation of our planet.
C. People who dislike the harmful effect of human activities.
D. People who spread comforting news to protect our environment.

2. Which of the following can be a reason for the popularity of Lomborg's book?

A. Some big businesses intend to protect their own interests.
B. The book challenges views about the fine state of the world.
C. The author convinces people to seek comforting worldviews.
D. Industryfunded media present confusing information.

3. The author mentioned the review in Nature in order to ________.

A. voice a different opinion
B. find fault with Lomborg's book
C. challenge the authority of the media
D. point out the value of scientific views

4. What is the author's main purpose in writing the passage?

A. To encourage the skeptics to have a critical eye.
B. To warn the public of the danger of halfblindness with reviews.
C. To blame the media's lack of responsibility in presenting information.
D. To show the importance of presenting overall information by the media.


Maurice Sendak’s children’s book, Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963, has become very successful throughout the years and was made into a movie earlier this year.

The book’s main character is a boy named Max who gets into trouble with his mother and is sent to bed without any supper.Before long, Max’s room magically becomes a forest, and he sails away to a land where monsters live.Max isn’t scared, though, and becomes king of the wild things, but after a while, he begins feeling homesick.Max sails back home and his supper is still hot when he arrives in his bedroom.                  

Many teachers and professors like this story and use it to help children develop creativity and imagination.Melina Davis, an education professor, said she likes how the book contains a couple of pages that have only pictures on them.“This allows children to shape the story themselves,” she said.

The book contains a few of larger words that some parents worry may confuse children, but experts say those words help improve children’s reading skills and challenge them.

Davis said the book is well written which helps kids get involved in the story.“The book talks about what all children go through, like ‘I was naughty but my mommy still loves me’,” Davis said.

The book also encourages children to face their fears.“I think it’s really good to show that Max is friends with the monsters,” Davis said.“Kids can find out monsters aren’t always the thing under the bed that’s going to scare them.I think this is good because it shows that the children can go to scary places but still have a positive experience.”

Since the book has been successful throughout the years, a movie was recently made and many people are excited to see it.Davis said she thinks the movie will be wonderful but it might be a little scary for younger children.“You don’t want bad dreams over a book that’s extremely wonderful,” Davis said.

1.Teachers and professors like the book Where the Wild Things Are because it helps children ___________.

A.learn to draw their own pictures            B.understand their own fear

C.develop more quickly                           D.become more imaginative

2.What is the intention of using the larger words in the book?

A.To add to the difficulty while children are reading.

B.To help challenge the children’s reading skills.

C.To cause the children some confusion.

D.To help children get involved in the story.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the book?

A.The character Max is brave enough in the story.

   B.Max was sent to the forest as punishment.

   C.It is suitable for people of all ages.

   D.It is the most popular children’s book ever published.

4.What does Davis think of the movie?

A.She thinks children of all ages will love it.

B.She encourages children to see it to fight against their fear.

C.She worries that it might be too frightening for some children.

D.She believes it will be a better choice for children than the book.

5.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To suggest ways to improve children’s reading.

B.To comment on a famous children’s book.

C.To encourage children to read scary stories.

D.To introduce a movie based on a children’s book.


Maurice Sendak’s children’s book, Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963, has become very successful throughout the years and was made into a movie earlier this year.

The book’s main character is a boy named Max who gets into trouble with his mother and is sent to bed without any supper. Before long, Max’s room magically becomes a forest, and he sails away to a land where monsters (怪物) live. Max isn’t scared, though, and becomes king of the wild things, but after a while, he begins feeling homesick. Max sails back home and his supper is still hot when he arrives in his bedroom.  

Many teachers and professors like this story and use it to help children develop creativity and imagination. Melina Davis, an education professor, said she likes how the book contains a couple of pages that have only pictures on them. “This allows children to shape the story themselves,” she said.

The book contains a few of larger words that some parents worry may confuse children, but experts say those words help improve children’s reading skills and challenge them.

Davis said the book is well written which helps kids get involved in the story. “The book talks about what all children go through, like ‘I was naughty but my mommy still loves me’,” Davis said.

The book also encourages children to face their fears. “I think it’s really good to show that Max is friends with the monsters,” Davis said. “Kids can find out monsters aren’t always the thing under the bed that’s going to scare them. I think this is good because it shows that the children can go to scary places but still have a positive experience.”

Since the book has been successful throughout the years, a movie was recently made and many people are excited to see it. Davis said she thinks the movie will be wonderful but it might be a little scary for younger children. “You don’t want bad dreams over a book that’s extremely wonderful,” Davis said.

59. Teachers and professors like the book Where the Wild Things Are because it helps children _____.

A. learn to draw their own pictures   B. understand their own fear

C. become more imaginative     D. develop more quickly

60. What is the intention of using the larger words in the book?

A. To add to the difficulty while children are reading.

B. To help children get involved in the story.

C. To cause the children some confusion.

D. To help challenge the children’s reading skills.

61. Which of the following is TRUE about the book?

A. Max was sent to the forest as punishment.

B. The character Max is brave enough in the story.

C. It is suitable for people of all ages.

D. It is the most popular children’s book ever published.

62. What does Davis think of the movie?

A. She thinks children of all ages will love it.

B. She encourages children to see it to fight against their fear.

C. She believes it will be a better choice for children than the book.

D. She worries that it might be too frightening for some children.

63. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To comment on a famous children’s book.

B. To suggest ways to improve children’s reading.

C. To encourage children to read scary stories.

D. To introduce a movie based on a children’s book.


     Maurice Sendak's children's book, Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963, has become
very successful throughout the years and was made into a movie earlier this year.
     The book's main character is a boy named Max who gets into trouble with his mother and is sent
to bed without any supper. Before long, Max's room magically becomes a forest, and he sails away
to a land where monsters(怪物,怪兽) live. Max isn't scared, though, and becomes king of the wild
things, but after a while, he begins feeling homesick. Max sails back home and his supper is still hot
when he arrives in his bedroom.
     Many teachers and professors like this story and use it to help children develop creativity and
imagination. Melina Davis, an education professor, said she likes how the book contains a couple
of pages that have only pictures on them. "This allows children to shape the story themselves," she
     The book contains a few of larger words that some parents worry may confuse children, but
experts say those words help improve children's reading skills and challenge them.
     Davis said the book is well written which helps kids get involved in the story. "The book talks
about what all children go through, like 'I was naughty but my mommy still loves me'," Davis said.
The book also encourages children to face their fears. "I think it's really good to show that Max
makes friends with the monsters," Davis said. "Kids can find out monsters aren't always the thing
under the bed that's going to scare them. I think this is good because it shows that the children can
go to scary places but still have a positive experience."
     Since the book has been successful throughout the years, a movie was recently made and many
people are excited to see it. Davis said she thinks the movie will be wonderful but it might be a little
scary for younger children. "You don't want bad dreams over a book that's extremely wonderful,"
Davis said.
1. Teachers and professors like the book because it helps children ______.
A. understand pictures                      
B. improve reading skills
C. face their fear bravely                  
D. become more imaginative
2. Why does the book contain some larger words?
A. To make the story more formal.    
B. To help challenge the children's reading skills.
C. To encourage the children to learn more new words.          
D. To help children better understand the story.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The character Max is brave enough in the story.        
B. Max was sent to the forest as punishment.
C. People of all ages are in favor of the book.            
D. The movie based on the book proves to be a great success.
4. What does Davis think of the movie?
A. She thinks children of all ages will love it.  
B. She encourages children to see it to fight against their fear.
C. She worries that it might be too frightening for some children.
D. She believes it will be a better choice for children than the book.
5. What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A. To advise parents to help children to improve their reading skills.        
B. To comment on a famous children's book.
C. To encourage children to face their fear and become more imaginative.        
D. To introduce a movie based on a children's book.



                                  Maurice Sendak’s children’s book, Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963, has become very successful throughout the years and was made into a movie earlier this year.

The book’s main character is a boy named Max who gets into trouble with his mother and is sent to bed without any supper. Before long, Max’s room magically becomes a forest, and he sails away to a land where monsters live. Max isn’t scared, though, and becomes king of the wild things, but after a while, he begins feeling homesick. Max sails back home and his supper is still hot when he arrives in his bedroom.      

Many teachers and professors like this story and use it to help children develop creativity and imagination. Melina Davis, an education professor, said she likes how the book contains a couple of pages that have only pictures on them. “This allows children to shape the story themselves,” she said.

The book contains a few of larger words that some parents worry may confuse children, but experts say those words help improve children’s reading skills and challenge them.

Davis said the book is well written which helps kids get involved in the story. “The book talks about what all children go through, like ‘I was naughty but my mommy still loves me’,” Davis said.

The book also encourages children to face their fears. “I think it’s really good to show that Max is friends with the monsters,” Davis said. “Kids can find out monsters aren’t always the thing under the bed that’s going to scare them. I think this is good because it shows that the children can go to scary places but still have a positive experience.”

Since the book has been successful throughout the years, a movie was recently made and many people are excited to see it. Davis said she thinks the movie will be wonderful but it might be a little scary for younger children. “You don’t want bad dreams over a book that’s extremely wonderful,” Davis said.

46. Teachers and professors like the book Where the Wild Things Are because it helps children ________.

A. learn to draw their own pictures

B. understand their own fear

C. develop more quickly

D. become more imaginative

47. What is the intention of using the larger words in the book?

A. To add to the difficulty while children are reading.

B. To help challenge the children’s reading skills.

C. To cause the children some confusion.

D. To help children get involved in the story.

48. Which of the following is TRUE about the book?

A. The character Max is brave enough in the story.

   B. Max was sent to the forest as punishment.

   C. It is suitable for people of all ages.

   D. It is the most popular children’s book ever published.

49. What does Davis think of the movie?

A. She thinks children of all ages will love it.

B. She encourages children to see it to fight against their fear.

C. She worries that it might be too frightening for some children.

D. She believes it will be a better choice for children than the book.

50. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To suggest ways to improve children’s reading.

B. To comment on a famous children’s book.

C. To encourage children to read scary stories.

D. To introduce a movie based on a children’s book.


