第一节 根据所给单词的首字母, 完成下列句子 5分 71. In American English, an e is a device that carries people up and down. 72. He failed in the English exam because of his poor English v . 73. His mother tongue is German, but he speaks Italian like a . 74. He speaks English with a strong German . 75. An i card is a card with a person’s name, photograph, date of birth, and other information about them on it. 查看更多







71.On a freezing night, the little match girl was f__________ to death in a street corner.

72.It was the first time that he had been on the stage. He could feel his heart b__________ wildly.

73.If you were Expo v__________, what would you do to make contributions to this great event?

74.With the d______of modern society, we have become more and more dependent on advanced technology.

75.I’m interested in business and I’ll run a company of my own after learning some c__________ courses at university.

76.Having prepared for the exam for half a year, he stepped into the classroom and took the exam _________(自信地).

77.People call the USA a “melting pot” because its society is one __________(组成)of people from all over the world.

78.Most American people __________(最初) came from Europe.

79.What is the __________(官方的)language of India?

80.Looking at the volcano through a pair of binoculars, we can hardly imagine how this quiet volcano __________(摧毁)the whole city 2000 years ago.



第二卷 (共35分)




71.On a freezing night, the little match girl was f__________ to death in a street corner.

72.It was the first time that he had been on the stage. He could feel his heart b__________ wildly.

73.If you were Expo v__________, what would you do to make contributions to this great event?

74.With the d______of modern society, we have become more and more dependent on advanced technology.

75.I’m interested in business and I’ll run a company of my own after learning some c__________ courses at university.

76.Having prepared for the exam for half a year, he stepped into the classroom and took the exam _________(自信地).

77.People call the USA a “melting pot” because its society is one __________(组成)of people from all over the world.

78.Most American people __________(最初) came from Europe.

79.What is the __________(官方的)language of India?

80.Looking at the volcano through a pair of binoculars, we can hardly imagine how this quiet volcano __________(摧毁)the whole city 2000 years ago.

