第二节 完形填空. 30分 When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to the United States.It wasn’t the first time I had been 31 .Like most English children I learned French 32 school and I had often been to France,so I 33 speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand 34 .But when I went to America I was really looking forward to 35 a nice easy holiday without an 36 problems. 37 wrong I was!The misunderstanding began at the airport.I was looking for a 38 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 39 and tell her that I had arrived.A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 40 he could help me. “Yes, I said, “I want to give my friend a ring. “Well, that’s 41 , he exclaimed. “Are you getting 42 ?But aren’t you a bit 43 ? “Who is talking about marriage? I replied. “I 44 want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived. Can you tell me 45 there’s a phone box ? “Oh! he said, “there’s a phone downstairs. When at last we 46 meet up, Danny explained the misunderstandings to me. “Don’t worry, she said to me. “I had so many 47 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 48 differently in meaning from us British. You’ll soon get used to 49 funny things they say. Most of the 50 British and American people understand each other! 31. A. out B. away C. outside D. abroad 32. A. from B. during C. at D. after 33. A. get used to B. was used to C. used to D. used 34. A. English B. French C. Russian D. Latin 35. A. buying B. having C. giving D. receiving 36. A. time B. human C. language D. money 37. A. Too B. What a C. What D. How 38. A. cheap B. popular C. public D. good 39. A. letter B. ring C. news D. information 40. A. that B. if C. where D. when 41. A. well B. over C. nice D. ring 42. A. to marry B. to be married C. marrying D. married 43. A. small B. little C. old D. young 44. A. very B. just C. just now D. so 45. A. where B. in which C. over there D. that 46. A. did B. do C. could D. had 47. A. trouble B. difficulties C. things D. fun 48. A. write B. speak C. use D. read 49. A. every B. these C. some D. all the 50. A. chance B. situation C. condition D. time 查看更多



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5,满分30分)


One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t face my 1_____ apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the 2_____between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the 3____every time she leaned over to talk to him. 4_____ he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such 5____ in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but 6_____ it turned out, it was an Italian movie. 7____ about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and 8_____ on my popcorn. I’ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, 9____. Afetr a while I heard 10____ more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the 11____ of the popcorn crunching(咀嚼) between my teeth. My thought started to 12 _____. I remembered when I was in South Korea, I 13 ____ to watch Kojak on TV frequently.

He spoke perfect Korean-I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me, 14____I saw him again in NewYork speaking 15_____English instead of perfect Korean. He didn’t even have a Korean accent and I 16_____like I had been betrayed(背叛). When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English. 17____we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very 18_____ and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring that to 19____ in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it 20_____ out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We’ve been speaking Korean at home ever since.

.A.warm            B. hot              C. heated            D. cool

. A.crack            B. blank            C. break             D. opening

. A.seat              B. view            C. space             D. angle

. A.while            B. whenever         C. or                D. and

. A.attraction         B. attention          C. affection           D. motion

. A.since             B. when             C. what              D. as

. A.Within            B. After            C. For                D. Over

.A.set               B. chew              C. fix               D. taste

. A.too               B. still              C. though            D. certainly

.A.much             B. any               C. no               D. few

. A.voice            B. sound             C. rhythm            D. tone

. A.wonder          B. imagine          C. wander             D. depart

. A.enjoyed          B. happened          C. turned             D. used

. A.until            B. because              C. then            D. therefore

. A.false             B. informal            C. perfect          D. practical

. A.felt               B. looked             C. seemed         D. appeared

. A.While            B. Before             C. If               D. Once

. A.empty            B. quiet              C. noisy            D. calm

. A.telling            B. shouting            C. saying         D. speaking

. A.worked           B. got                C. came           D. made


My wife and I moved into our home nine years ago. We16 a lot of time and 17  in the yard to get it looking the way it does today. We live on a corner, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall.
We did the best to cultivate(耕种) it and called this area our rock garden. 18   We had found flowers and plants, Denise or I will plant them, just to bring some 19 to the area.
Last summer I found a tiny little  plant that I could not immediately
20. I was sure that we didn’t plant it. We decided to let it 21 to grow until we could  22  what it was.
Weeks passed, and as I made my way back to the 23  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I 24 to nurture(培育) it and weed around it. As I picked up rocks from the area to get to the 25, I noticed something 26 . The sunflower had not started to grow from where I first saw the stalks(茎)appear. 27  it had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to 28 the sun.
That's when I realized that if a tiny little sunflower wouldn't let a big rock stand in its way when growing up, then we have the29 to do the same.  30 we believe in ourselves, like that little sunflower, we can
31 the type of nourishment(营养)and growth. We need to believe in
32,  knowing that we have the ability to 33 our desires. If you stand all like the sunflower and are 34 of who and what you are, then the environment will begin to 35 you. You will find a way to go under or around your obstacles( 障碍)in order to reach your goals.
16. A. took         B. spent        C. cost         D. pay
17. A. strength     B. energy       C. power        D. force
18. A. However      B. When       C. Whenever     D. Whatever
19. A. weed         B. color        C. water        D. soil
20. A. classify      B. accept       C. clarify      D. identify
21. A. remain       B. prevent      C. continue     D. leave
22. A. figure out    B. hold out      C. stand out    D. try out
23. A. endangered   B. convenient    C. mysterious   D. enormous
24. A. refused      B. decided      C. adapted      D. proposed
25. A. seeds        B. stalks        C. rocks        D. weeds
26. A. unusual      B. common       C. fantastic    D. unnatural
27. A. Casually     B. Basically      C. Actually     D. Strangely
28. A. enlarge      B. expand       C. reach        D. spread
29. A. chance       B. choice       C. power        D. ability
30. A. What if      B. As far as      C. Only if      D. As long as
31. A. inspire      B. attain         C. lose         D. refuse
32. A. ourselves    B. yourselves     C. themselves   D. myself
33. A. preserve     B. comfort        C. achieve      D. suggest
34. A. ashamed      B. pride         C. proud        D. ambitious
35. A. ensure       B. support       C. satisfy      D. protect             


About 10 years ago my daughter studied in Ayrlie Beach, about 2 500 kilometers from Newcastle. She rang me one day crying because of an emotional trauma(创伤) she was16. She told me that she needed17, and my arms around her would be the best thing!18I couldn’t do that at that exact moment, I asked her to describe her19to me and told her that if she hadn’t heard from me in about 30 minutes she should20me back.
After21up the phone, I just sat for a few seconds. After only a very short time a phone number22into my head. I rang the number and it was a23who had bought a house from me about 18 months before, when I24in Real Estate. To my surprise, my25words to her were these, “Oh, it’s you Liz, I have no idea26I’m calling you in particular, but my daughter is in27in Ayrlie Beach, and I just got the28to ring you and tell you that. Have you any idea why?”
“It could be because my29lives there,” says Liz.
“Oh really, that’s got to be it,” I said. “Do you30giving me his phone number, Liz?”
“Of course not, and I can only hope that he can be31!”
Liz gave me his mobile number and I rang straight away. 32, he answered immediately, and I told him the33of who I was, and why I’d rung.
I gave him the34of the place where my daughter was standing; and that she needed emotional support if he could find it in his heart to help out so unexpectedly like this.
“Oh yes, I can go and35her,” he said... “She’s right across the street from where I’m standing!” He walked across the street and told my daughter that her Dad had sent him to help her!
16.A.curing           B.facing         C.finding               D.treating
17.A.food              B.money        C.support                     D.clothes
18.A.If                  B.When          C.Whether             D.Because
19.A.surroundings  B.feelings       C.difficulties      D.problems
20.A.pay               B.send            C.follow                D.ring
21.A.hanging         B.looking              C.talking               D.putting
22.A.walked          B.jumped              C.divided                     D.turned
23.A.girl               B.man            C.woman               D.boy
24.A.visited           B.stopped       C.appeared            D.lived
25.A.kind              B.sweet          C.funny                 D.exact
26.A.how                     B.where         C.why                   D.what
27.A.silence           B.trouble        C.surprise              D.danger
28.A.thought         B.strength       C.decision             D.permit
29.A.son               B.daughter      C.husband             D.sister
30.A.mind             B.kind            C.sweet                 D.funny
31.A.brave            B.helpful        C.valuable             D.important
32.A.Clearly          B.Surely         C.Fortunately         D.Unluckily
33.A.story             B.trick           C.news                  D.lesson
34.A.examination   B.description  C.expression          D.condition
35.A.like               B.know          C.see                     D.punish


  Years ago a John Hopkin’s professor gave a group of graduate students this task: Go to the slums(平民窟).  31 200 boys, between the ages of 12 and 16, and  32 their background and environment. Then predict their  33 for the future.
  The students, after  34 social statistics, talking to the boys, and collecting much data,  35 that 90 percent of the boy would spend some time in  36 .
  Twenty-five years later another group of graduate students was  37 the job of testing the  38 . They went back to the same area. Some of the boys— 39 men—were still there,a few had died,some had moved away, 40 they got in touch with 180 of the  41 200. They found that only four of the group had ever been sent to prison.
   42 was it that these men,who had lived in a breeding place of crime,had such a 43 good record? The researchers were continually told,“Well,there was a teacher…”
  They pressed  44 ,and found that in 75 percent of the  45 it was the same woman. The researchers went to this teacher,now living in a home for retired  46 . How had she had this remarkable influence  47 that group of children? Could she give them any reason why these boys  48 have remembered her?
  “No,”she said.“No I really couldn’t.”And then,  49 back over the years,she said musingly,more to herself than to her  50 ,“I loved those boys…”
31.A.Take         B.Elect      C.Appoint     D.Mention
32.A.learn         B.inform     C.study      D.describe
33.A.careers       B.statuses     C.promises     D.chances
34.A.checking       B.closing     C.storing     D.trying
35.A.drew         B.concluded    C.decided     D.confirmed
36.A.hospital       B.prison      C.camp       D.court
37.A.offered        B.provided    C.given      D.served
38.A.result        B.accuracy     C.effect     D.prediction
39.A.by then       B.so far      C.as usual    D.soon after
40.A.and         B.so        C.but      D.then
41.A.exact        B.considerable   C.mere      D.original
42.A.What         B.When       C.Why       D.Where
43.A.surprisingly    B.relatively    C.similarly    D.undoubtedly
44.A.deeper        B.further      C.higher     D.wider
45.A.cases        B.samples     C.affairs     D.examples
46.A.workers       B.teachers     C.professors    D.guards
47.A.against       B.versus      C.over       D.through
48.A.would        B.should      C.might      D.could
49.A.calling       B.going       C.thinking    D.remembering
50.A.students       B.relatives     C.roommates   D.questioners


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
When I began my high school years, I was quite interested in biology. I read lots of books of my father’s about animals, and I was   36   much educated about such matters as a 16-year-old could be.
One Sunday afternoon, I was   37  with friends about animals. I said the whale(鲸鱼)was  __38  a mammal animal. They disagreed. Finally, I called a   39  over to help settle the matter. I knew I was  40 , so I was looking forward to the teacher  41   I was right. My friends were eager for an opposite answer. We asked her   42 the whale was a mammal. “No, the whale is a fish,” she said without a moment’s   43  .
You could have knocked me over with a feather. My   44   was hurt because I lost the argument, but that wasn’t the main reason I was too  45 to speak. I still knew I was right, which   __46  the teacher was wrong. Not only was she wrong,   47  she was completely ignorant(无知的) about something I thought was   48   knowledge. But she was a teacher who had taught a long time. Everyone   49   her and no one else thought she could be wrong.
__50  that, I hadn’t known grown-ups could be wrong. This   51  shaped the way I viewed people as I grew up.   52   I found anyone treated another person with too much respect and admiration, I thought——and still think——“   53  silly.” From that point on, I had no  54__ for authority(权威). To earn my respect, you have to be smart or  55   . I’ll never respect you just because you happen to be in charge or have a degree.
36. A. as  B. so       C. too          D. very
37. A. meeting       B. working     C. arguing      D. staying
38. A. about    B. like         C. beside      D. above
39. A. professor     B. biologist     C. librarian     D. teacher
40. A. clever   B. fight       C. creative    D. silly
41. A. proving       B. finding       C. promising   D. hoping
42. A. how     B. why        C. if      D. when
43. A. doubt   B. silence       C. regret  D. hesitation
44. A. heart    B. mind   C. pride   D. feeling
45. A. foolish  B. anxious      C. serious       D. astonished
46. A. meant   B. suggested   C. admitted     D. concluded
47. A. and         B. but     C. for           D. or
48. A. special  B. normal       C. regular       D. common
49. A. pleased B. admired     C. believed     D. loved
50. A. Before  B. After   C. Until   D. Since
51. A. fairly    B. properly     C. nearly D. greatly
52. A. Whenever    B. Although    C. While D. Whether
53. A. I’m         B. that’s  C. he’s    D. you’re
54. A. idea      B. respect       C. choice D. question
55. A. energetic      B. patient       C. talented      D. diligent

