It is the most instructive lecture that I since I came to this school. A .attended B. had attended C. am attending D.have attended 34 In the near future, more advances in the robot technology by scientists. A. are making B. are made C. will make D. will be made 查看更多



【小题1】I believe that it is good to ask        (挑战性的) questions often.
【小题2】You can put your       (私人) things in the next room.
【小题3】The expert is going to give out some        (问卷) forms to collect the opinions.
【小题4】Would you please tell me how many        (志愿者) will be sent to Zhouqu for rebuilding?
【小题5】She spent a        (宁静的)afternoon by the river,reading a novel.
【小题6】It is the ability that m       (很重要),not where you come from or what you are.
【小题7】The police officer is carrying out an important task       (附近的)the railway station.
【小题8】Though it happened in the        (遥远的)past, I can remember very clearly today.
【小题9】The new patient is in        (紧急的)need of medical attention.
【小题10】Teaching can be a tiring and       (紧张的)job,but I still love it.
【小题11】The new model of the car       (设计) by the engineer is popular with the youth.
【小题12】To build a road in the mountainous area was a real c          .
【小题13】An        helps to sell goods although something is false in it.
【小题14】Zhang Yimou created many famous        (角色) in his films.
【小题15】        (就自己而言), I prefer walking to going there by bus.


A morning rarely began so perfect. I took in the fresh air and felt my heart run into an enthusiastic rhythm. Though cool, the sun warmed my back as it rose over the horse from not far from my house. The slightest wind danced on my skin. Just enough to keep a runner form overheating. My ever-faithful jogging partner, a black dog named Nika pulled my leg with her mouth, mirroring my eagerness to start our run.
We raced forward with determination, ready to leap tall buildings and race against speeding trains. We pushed harder and ran faster, demonstration our skill and impressing passing motorists and neighbors.
We kept on running until we hit the Beast, a name for a very difficult, nearly two-mile long steep climb.
Only a few paces into the Beast, I gasped for air. Far short of superhero status, my enthusiasm and active steps were lost somewhere at the base of the hill. A vision of the newspaper and a cup of coffee waiting in my kitchen appeared, attracting me to turn back toward home.
With a glance I noticed Nika wasn’t doing any better. She continued to faithfully follow me, putting one paw in front of the other, but without her former eagerness. Her tiredness touched me. And in that moment, I felt a sudden spark of renewed determination to press on. I couldn’t allow this mountain to get the better of us. To improve both our spirits, I managed to shout, “Good girl, Nika! Keep going…you can do it!”
“I’m encouraging a dog, for heaven’s sake!’’ I needed to pull myself together. With a few simple words, I changed our course. One moment we were on the edge of quitting. The next, our feet picked up the pace and we continued. Though tired and discouraged myself, with a few kind words I impacted a dog’s ability to go further. I’m sure I could have completed the opposite with ill-chosen comments and an unpleasant tone. Instead, the Beast was defeated and we flew like heroes the rest of the way home.
Life is full of beasts to conquer. For some, it is the seemingly impossible climb of cancer. For others, their beast takes the shape of parenting a child or a teenager. Uphill climbs come in all shapes and sizes, common only in their ability to defeat, discourage and tempt tired travelers to quit. Sometimes all that’s needed is a few spoken, well-timed words of encouragement from a fellow runner – someone who sees the struggle, dares to jogs alongside, and cares enough to say, “Keep going! You can do it! You’re not alone. I believe in you!”
【小题1】 The writer starts the text by describing________.

A.the beautiful scene of the morning
B.his or her preparations for a jogging
C.a lively dog named Nika
D.the growth of crops at the farm
【小题2】 The writer mentioned the newspaper and coffee to suggest that he or she _______.
A.liked reading newspapers while drinking coffee
B.had an intention to give up running
C.would treat himself or herself to coffee after running
D.might appear on the newspaper for the long running
【小题3】 The writer decided to continue running _______.
A.after he or she found the dog was still energetic
B.because they came near the top of the hill
C.when he or she noticed the tired dog
D.before they arrived at the bottom of the hill
【小题4】 What does the writer expect to show by telling the story?
A.Words are powerful than deeds.
B.Beasts in life aren’t easily to conquer.
C.Dogs are the best friend of humans.
D.Try it one more time before giving up.


Ed Viesturs grew up in Rockford, Illinois, where the tallest thing on the horizon was the water tower. But on Thursday, Viesturs became the only American to climb to the top of the world's 14 highest mountains.

His last hike was up Mount Annapurna, in Asia's snowcapped Himalayas. At 26,545 feet, its peak is the 10th highest in the world. It is the mountain that inspired him to start climbing.

"It tends to be the trickiest, the most dangerous," said Viesturs. "There's no simple way to climb it. There are threatening avalanches (雪崩) and ice falls that protect the mountain."

In high school, Viesturs read French climber Maurice Herzog's tale of climbing the icy Annapurna. Herzog's story was of frostbite (冻伤) and difficulty and near-death experiences. Viesturs was hooked right away.

Viesturs got his start on Washington's Mount Rainier in 1977, guiding hikes in the summer. Fifteen years ago, he set out to walk up to the world's highest peaks. Finally, he's done.

The pioneering climber talks about mountains as if they were living creatures that should be treated with respect. "You have to use all of your senses, all of your abilities to see if the mountain will let you climb it," said Viesturs. "If we have the patience and the respect, and if we're here at the right time, under the right circumstances, they allow us to go up, and allow us to come down."

What's next for a man who can't stop climbing? "I'm going to hug my wife and kids and kind of kick back and enjoy the summer," says Viesturs. But for a man who's climbed the world's 14 tallest mountains, he will probably soon set off on yet another adventure.

1.What record has Ed Viesturs set?

A. He has succeeded in climbing to the world’s 14th highest mountain.

B. He has been to the top of the world’s 14 highest mountains.

C. He has become the first to climb to the height of 26,545feet.

D. He has become the first man to climb to the top of 14 highest mountains in the world.

2.The underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “______”.

A. frightened           B. discouraged                 C. interested            D. upset

3.The author used Viestures’ words in Paragraph 6 to support a view that ______.

A. mountain climbing is a dangerous sport

B. mountains should be regarded as living creatures

C. mountain climbing needs more skills than physical energy

D. those who like mountain climbing won’t stop climbing

4.What’s the next probably plan of Viestures?

A. Stopping climbing and staying with his family.

B. Climbing to the top of the world’s 14 tallest mountains again.

C. Climbing another one of the highest mountains.

D. Writing down the experiences about his adventure.



Abby Subark is a mother of two from Boston. “For my kids, I’m nervous. I don’t know if they’ll be able to achieve their American dream.” She may be right. More than hard work or education, the best way to get rich in America is to be born rich.
It is the case that somebody who is in the upper third of income, poor scores, in the bottom on tests when they are in eighth grade, is more likely to go to college and finish college than a poor kid with the top scores. That’s what the working persons’  children are up against.
The Economic Policy Institute finds it would take a poor couple with 2 children 9 or 10 generations to achieve middle class status. That’s about 200 years. The hallmark (特征) of American opportunity has always been the ability to do better than your parents. But compared with similar developed countries, the United States ranks fifth out of six for so-called intergenerational mobility (变动).
If you look at the mechanisms (机制) for upward mobility that were so readily available 50 years ago, they are becoming out of reach, like plentiful factory jobs with good wages and affordable education and health care.
White families are twice as likely as blacks to be upwardly mobile. For most people in America today, where you end up depends on where you start.
If you started in the middle-income class, about 40 to 45 percent of what you are making right now is due to the fact that your parents were in the middle-income class. The rest is up to you.
But for the millions of people who find themselves below the poverty line and the millions more who are the working poor, their starting point for the American dream leaves them painfully far away from the middle class.
【小题1】The main idea of the passage is _______.

A.How the middle class comes about in the U.S.
B.It’s hard to realize the American dream for the poor.
C.Wealth and social status depend on family background.
D.Upward mobility in America is never easy.
【小题2】Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.People used to have job opportunities and welfare for upward mobility.
B.A great many poor people can hardly realize their American dream.
C.You can make all your dreams come true in America if born rich.
D.Rich kids are more likely to go to college than poor kids.
【小题3】The underlined sentence “where you end up depends on where you start” most probably means _______.
A.Your starting point cannot determine your destination.
B.Only a high goal can ensure success.
C.One’s birth has nothing to do with his fate.
D.One’s family lays solid foundation for his future achievements.
【小题4】Why is Abby Subark nervous?
A.Her kids don’t want to compare with other rich kids in achievements.
B.Her kids don’t want to achieve success at all.
C.Her kids can achieve success through hard work and education.
D.Her kids can’t reach their goal without a rich family.
【小题5】What can we infer after reading the passage? 
A.Poverty causes people much pain.
B.People below the poverty line can never be in the middle class.
C.Lower starting point makes it hard for people to realize their dream.
D.Poor people’s starting point is too low.


Dear Xiaohua:
I’m very glad to receive your letter. From your letter, I know you have shown 【小题1】  great interest in inventing new things. That’s great. As for how to be an inventor, there is no quick answer to   【小题2】  .
Coming from different cultures and having different backgrounds, inventors do not seem to have much   【小题3】  common. But creative thinking,   【小题4】  is greatly valued, is perhaps the basic skill an inventor should have. In order to explore new possibilities, you will have to learn to break   【小题5】 from old thought patterns. When you get stuck, try to look at the problem in   【小题6】 many ways as possible. Each new   【小题7】may improve your understanding.
More importantly, always keep it in your mind  【小题8】  success is no accident. It is the result of a long process of trial and error. Above all, the main task for you is to study hard and try to learn more knowledge. This, of course, will lay a solid foundation.
Hope your future invention will make a difference.
Good luck.                                       
Wang Li

