More highways have been built in China, it much easier for people to travel form one place to another. A. making B. made C. to make D. having made 查看更多



Kincaid looked at his watch: eight-seventeen. The truck started on the second try, and he backed out, shifted gears, and moved slowly down the alley under hazy sun. Through the streets of Bellingham he went, heading south on Washington 11, running along the coast of Puget Sound for a few miles, then following the highway as it swung east a little before meeting U.S Route 20.
Turning into the sun, he began the long, winding drive through the Cascades. He liked this country and felt unpressed stopping now and then to make notes about interesting possibilities for future expeditions or to shoot what he called “memory snapshots.” The purpose of these causal photographs was to remind him of places he might want to visit again and approach more seriously. In later afternoon he turned north at Spokane, picking up U.S Route 2, which would take him halfway across the northern United States to Duluth, Minnesota.
He wished for the thousandth time in his life that he had a dog, a golden retriever, maybe, for travels like this and to keep him company at home. But he was frequently away; overseas much of the time and it would not be fair to the animal. Still, he thought about it anyway. In a few years he would be getting too old for the hard fieldwork. “I must get a dog then.” He said to himself.
Drives like this always put him into a sentimental mood. The dog was part of it. Robert Kincaid was alone as it’s possible to be – an only child, parents both dead, distant relatives who had lost track of him and he of them, no close friends.
He thought about Marian. She had left him nine years ago after five years of marriage. He was fifty–two now, that would make her just under forty. Marian had dreams of becoming a musician, a folksinger. She knew all of the Weavers’ songs and sang them pretty well in the coffeehouse of Seattle. When he was home in the old days, he drove her to the shows and sat in the audience while she sang.
His long absences – two or three months sometimes – were hard on the marriage. He knew that. She was aware of what he did when they decided to get married, and both of them had a vague (not clear) sense that it could all be handled somehow. It couldn’t when he came from photographing a story in Iceland and, she was gone. The note read, “Robert, it didn’t work out, I left you the Harmony guitar. Stay in touch.”
He didn’t stay in touch. Neither did she. He signed the divorce papers when they arrived a year later and caught a plane for Australia the next day. She had asked for nothing except her freedom.
46. Which route is the right one taken by Kincaid?
A. Bellingham – Washington 11 – Puget Sound – U.S Route 20 – U.S Route 2 – Duluth
B. U.S. Route 2 – Bellingham – Washington 11 – Puget Sound – U.S Route 20 – Duluth
C. U.S. Route 2 – U.S Route 20 – Duluth – Bellingham – Washington 11
D. Bellingham – Washington 11 –U.S. Route 2 –U.S Route 20 –Duluth
47. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A. Kincaid’s parents were dead and he only kept in touch with some distant relatives.
B. Kincaid would have had a dog if he hadn’t been away from home too much.
C. Kincaid used to have a golden retriever.
D. Kincaid needed a dog in doing his hard fieldwork.
48. Why did Kincaid stop to take photos while driving?
A. To write “memory snapshots”.
B. To remind himself of places he might want to visit again.
C. To avoid forgetting the way back.
D. To shoot beautiful scenery along the road.
49. What can you know about Marian?
A. She died after five years of marriage.
B. She was older than Kincaid.
C. She could sing very well and earned big money.
D. She was not a professional pop singer.
50. We can draw a conclusion from the passage that _____
A. Marian knew what would happen before she married Kincaid.
B. Kincaid thought his absence would be a problem when he married Marian.
C. It turned out that Marian could not stand Kincaid’s absence and left him.
D. After Marian left him, they still kept in touch with each other.


Runners in a relay race pass a stick in one direction.However,merchants(商人) passed silk,gold, fruit,and g1ass along the Silk Road in more than one direction.They earned their living by traveling the famous Silk Road.

The Silk Road was not a simple trading network. It passed through thousands of cities and towns. It started from eastern China, across Central Asia and the Middle East, and ended in the Mediterranean Sea. It was used from about 200 B.C. to about A.D.1300, when sea travel offered new routes (路线). It was sometimes called the world’s longest highway. However, the Silk Road was made up of many routes, not one smooth path. They passed through what are now 18 countries. The routes crossed mountains and deserts and had many dangers of hot sun, deep snow and even battles. Only experienced traders could return safe.

The Silk Road got its name from its most prized product. Silk could be used like money to pay taxes or buy goods. But the traders carried more than just silk. Gold, silver, and glass from Europe were much found in the Middle East and Asia. Horses traded from other areas changed farming practices in China. Indian merchants traded salt and other valuable goods. Chinese merchants traded paper, which produced an immediate effect on the West. Apples traveled from centre Asia to Rome. The Chinese had learned to graft(嫁接) different trees together to make new kinds of fruit. They passed this science on to others, including the Romans. The Romans used grafting to grow the apple. Trading along the Silk Road led to world-wide business 2,000 years before the World Wide Web.

The People along the Silk Road did not share just goods. They also shared    their beliefs.The silk Road provided pathways for learning,diplomacy(外交),and religion.·

1.It’s probable that traders along the Silk Road needed__________. remember the entire trade route deal with a lot of difficulties receive certain special training know the making of products

2.The Silk Road became less important because___________.

A.sea travel provided easier routes trading became less popular was made up of different routes

D.people needed fewer foreign goods

3.New technologies could travel along the Silk Road because people_________·

A.traded goods along the route

B.shared each other’s beliefs

C.1earned from one another

D.earned their living by traveling

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Silk Road: Pathways for Learning

B.The Silk Road:Past and Present

C.The Silk Road: Routes Full of Dangers

D.The Silk Road:East Meets West



Cities alarmed by deaths and injuries of pedestrians are taking efforts to make crosswalks safer for people on foot, especially seniors and children who need more time to cross streets. ks5u

A pedestrian is killed in a traffic accident in the USA every 110 minutes;one is injured every nine minutes, according to official date. Crosswalk can be especially dangerous for the elderly. Among people 70 and older, 36% of pedestrian deaths in 2006 occurred in crosswalks, compared with 21% of those younger than 70, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. ks5u

The Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)advises that next year states increase by nearly 15% the amount of time traffic lights provide for pedestrians to cross the street after the flashing orange hand appears . ks5u

FHWA spokesman Doug Hecox says reasons for the change include an aging population that needs more time to cross, health-conscious Americans walking more, children encouraged to walk to prevent getting overweight and high gas prices pushing people to walk instead of drive. ks5u

Pedestrian deaths went down by 12% from 5,449 in 1996 to 4,784 in 2006. But among those in 2006, 471 were killed in crosswalks, down slightly from 488 ten years earlier, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says. ks5u


53. Which of the following is true according to the text? ks5u

A. Among 100 pedestrian deaths there were 21 people younger than 70. ks5u

B. Old people are more likely to meet with accidents in crosswalks. ks5u

C. Traffic accidents killed more old people than young people. ks5u

D. About seven traffic accidents happened per hour. ks5u


54. What is FHWA’s suggestion to states? ks5u

A. Fixing more traffic lights. ks5u

B. Providing more crosswalks. ks5u

C. Giving pedestrians more time to cross streets. ks5u

D. Increasing the time before the orange lights appear. ks5u


55. What’s the cause of the crosswalk safety problem according to the test? ks5u

A. There’re many cars and buses on the road. ks5u

B. Pedestrians are careless. ks5u

C. Crosswalks are crowded. ks5u

D. Drivers don’t give way. ks5u


56. The report from NHTSA suggests that              . ks5u

A. fewer people were injured in crosswalks ks5u

B. crosswalk safety has been greatly improved ks5u

C. much has been done to reduce traffic accidents ks5u

D. pedestrian deaths in crosswalk remain a serious problem ks5u


I teach biology at UNLV three times per week . Last Monday , at the beginning of class , I cheerfully asked my   21  how their weekend had been . One young man said that his weekend had not been so   22  . He had his wisdom teeth removed . Then he went on to ask me why I always seemed to be so     23  .
His question   24  me of something I’d read somewhere before : “Every morning when you get up , you have a   25  about how you want to deal with life that day .” I said . “I choose to be cheerful .”
“Let me give you an example ,” I continued ,   26  all sixty students in the class . “In   27  to teaching here at UNLY , I also teach out at a   28  in Henderson , 17 miles down the highway from where I live . One day a few weeks ago I drove those 17 miles to Henderson . I   29  the highway and turned onto College Drive . I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college . But just then my car   30  .I tried to start it again , but the   31  wouldn’t work .   32  I turned my flashers on , took my books , and   33  down the road to the college .”
“As soon as I got there , I called and   34  for a tow truck to meet me at my car after   35  . The secretary there asked me what had happened . ” This is my   36  day .” I replied , smiling .
She was   37  . “What do you mean ?”
“My car could have broken down anywhere along the highway . It didn’t .” I relied . “  38 , it broke down in the perfect place : off the highway ,   39  walking distance of here . I’m still able to teach my class , and I’ve been able to get the tow truck to meet me after class . If my car was meant to break down today , it couldn’t have been arranged in a more convenient   40  .”
I ended my story . In spite of the early hour , no one in my class seemed to be asleep . Somehow , my story had touched them .

【小题3】A. grateful      B cheerful          C. hopeful         D. thankful
A.brokeB.endedC.died D.finished
A.instrument B.engineC.wheelD.light
【小题12】A. So          B. But      C. And      D Or
A.usualB.luckyC.unusual D.unlucky
A.AnywayB.Also C.InsteadD.Still


Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Rest is critical to life and work and a positive attitude towards rest needs to be maintained, for enough rest is significant to our body and mind while a lack of adequate rest, as well as misleading attitudes to rest, will do great harm to our health.
Rest is vital to our ability to function at our best. Recent news stories report that scientists are learning surprising things about the importance of sleep. There is enough evidence suggesting that rest will refresh us, enabling our body and mind to work efficiently. Besides, rest is important for more than that; it is helpful in setting appropriate goals and deciding what goals to attain first. Those who are caught up in extremely busy lives lack the time to think about what they are doing and to make objective decisions, which blocks the maximization of their potential.  
On the contrary, lack of adequate rest damages brain function, so much so that sleep experts have been able to measure drops in IQ in patients who are short of sleep. Other studies have presented a negative effect on body movements in sleep-wanting subjects. It should not, therefore, be a surprise that the California Highway Patrol has stated that sleep-wanting drivers are as great a threat to road safety as are drunk drivers.
However, rest is widely misunderstood by some people. Instead of sleep, they go to pubs and clubs and claim that this kind of entertaining is rest. For example, what they call social drinking or having a smoke with friends. Nowadays, the economy forces people to drink and gamble for the sake of the circles one moves in. This is what fools claim thoughtlessly that it’s restful. The truth is that rest means not using our labor both physically and mentally, even spiritually.
We need to rest correctly and sufficiently; otherwise, tiredness and illness will occur. Without sufficient rest, good work is impossible.Rest is critical; it is not an end in itself.

