, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. A. Hopefully B. Normally C. Thankfully D. Conveniently 查看更多



In the first class of my first day at school, my new English teacher enters the classroom. I discovered that she was the beautiful girl with a big smile in her face. First, she introduced herself. Then she asked us introduce ourselves in turn in English. When it was my turn, I felt shy that she didn’t dare to say a word. She came up to me and told me not to be afraid of. “Just have a try!” she said. My face turned red before I heard that. Finally I managed to speak, but did it quite good. The teacher praised me for my progresses.


It was her giggling (咯咯笑) that drew my attention. Note taking really wasn’t all that funny.

Walking over to the offender (肇事者), I asked for the   36  . Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet   37   between a teacher and a student. When she finally   38   it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didn’t draw it.” It was a hand-drawn   39   of me, teeth blackened and the words “I’m stupid” coming out of my mouth.

    I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind,   40   , was working angrily as I struggled not to   41  . I figured I knew the two most likely students who drew the picture. It would do them some   42   to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it.

Thankfully, I was able to keep myself   43  .

    When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how   44   this was for me. I told them there must be a reason   45     and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I was seated in the back of the classroom, with tears in my eyes.

    As I   46   the notes later, many of them said something like, “I’ve got nothing   47   you.” or “I’m sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “We’re afraid of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I   48   drew the picture, had a list of issues. I was too   49  , too strict…

Reading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of   50   my students, I had begun commanding them to   51  . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was   52   driving them away. I had some apology to make. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one   53   by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for   54  .

This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the   55  .


A. note

B. advice

C. reason

D. help


A. battle

B. competition

C. argument

D. conversation


A. took

B. thought

C. turned

D. handed


A. statue

B. graph

C. picture

D. poster


A. otherwise

B. however

C. therefore

D. besides


A. leave

B. cry

C. explain

D. argue


A. good

B. harm

C. favor

D. punishment


A. amused

B. controlled

C. uninterested

D. relaxed


A. meaningful

B. forgetful

C. regretful

D. hurtful


A. aside

B. above

C. under

D. behind


A. wrote

B. finished

C. read

D. collected


A. beyond

B. from

C. against

D. for


A. figured

B. promised

C. concluded

D. confirmed


A. talkative

B. mean

C. funny

D. considerate


A. forcing

B. encouraging

C. comforting

D. teaching


A. appreciate

B. apologize

C. promise

D. succeed


A. actually

B. normally

C. immediately

D. generally


A. decorated

B. offered

C. signed

D. bought


A. thankfulness

B. pardon

C. congratulation

D. communication


A. friendship

B. education

C. knowledge

D. future



A practical English Grammar is intended for intermediate(中级的) and post-intermediate students. We hope that more advanced learners and teachers will also find it useful.

The book is a comprehensive survey of structures and forms, written in clear modern English and illustrated with numerous examples. Areas of particular difficulty have been given special attention. Differences between conversational usage and strict grammatical forms are shown but the emphasis is on controversial forms.

In the fourth edition the main changes are as follows.

1. Explanation and examples have been brought up to date.

2. There is now more information on countable and uncountable nouns, attributive and predicative adjectives, adverbs of place, sentence adverbs, cleft sentences, prepositions, conjunctives, modal verbs, perfect tenses, infinitive constructions, the passive, purpose clauses and nouns.

3. Some material has been rearranged to make comparisons easier. For example, parts of chapters on can, may, must etc. are now grouped by functions; verbs of liking and preference have a chapter to themselves; suggestions and invitations have joined the chapter on commands, requests and advice.

4. The contents list now summaries every edition heading, and there is a new index containing many more entries references.

In this edition the sign “~” is frequently used to show a change of speaker in examples of dialogue. Note also that although the sign “="”" sometimes connects two words or expressions with the same meaning, it is often used more freely, e.g. to indicate a transformation from active to passive or direct to indirect speech.

We wish to thank all at Oxford University Press who have assisted in the preparation of the fourth edition. We would also like to thank Professor Egawa of Nihon University, Japan, Professor Rene Dirven of Duisburg University, West Germany and other colleagues for their friendly and helpful suggestions.

London, November 1985   A.J.T., A.VM

1.The grammar book mentioned in this passage is not suitable for              .

A.a middle school teacher                  B.a primary school student

C.a senior high student                     D.a college student

2.According to the passage, we know that his grammar book              .

A.compares modern English with old English

B.gives a large number of examples to reduce difficulty

C.attaches more importance to conversational forms

D.pays little attention to strict grammatical forms

3.Which of the following statements about the changes is TRUE?

A.This book keeps up with the latest usages of the America English language.

B.This edition offers more information about pronouns.

C.It’s not easy for us to find the information we need in this book.

D.One particular chapter discusses verbs like “care, like, love, hate, prefer, wish”.

4.When you see this line in the book, “Did you get a ticket? ~Yes, I managed to get one”, we can understand that             .

A.the two parts before and after the sign “~” mean the same

B.the two parts before and after “~” are said by two different people

C.the second speaker repeats what the first speaker says

D.the topic is changed in the part after the sign “~”

5.In the last paragraph, the authors thank several people because              .

A.they have helped the authors with this edition

B.they have agreed to buy a lot of books from the authors

C.the authors want to make use of the fames of those people

D.those people will make advertisements for this book



(2013·高考江苏卷)I used to believe in the American Dreamwhich meant a joba mortgage (按揭)credit cardssuccess.I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone elseall of us ____ chasing the same thing.

One yearthrough a series of unhappy eventsit all fell ____.I found myself homeless and alone.I had my truck and $56.I ____ the countryside for some place I could rent for the ____ possible amount.I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road ____ the Potomac River in West Virginia.It was ____full of broken glass and rubbish.I found the ownerrented itand ____ a corner to camp in.

The locals knew nothing about me____ slowlythey started teaching me the ____ of being a neighbor.They dropped off blanketscandlesand toolsand began ____ around to chat.They started to teach me a belief in a ___ American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of ___.

What I had believed inall those things I thought were ____ for a civilized lifewere nonexistent in this place.____ on the mountainmy most valuable possessions were my ____ with my neighbors.

Four years laterI moved back into ____.I saw many people were having a really hard time___ their jobs and homes.I managed to rent a big enough house to ____ a handful of people.There are four of us now in the housebut over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places.We’d all be in ____ if we hadn’t banded together.

The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one.It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about ____ we can all get by together.

1.A.separately??? Bequally

Cviolently?? Dnaturally

2.A.off??? Bapart

Cover??? Dout

3.A.crossed? Bleft

Ctoured? Dsearched

4.A.fullest?? Blargest

Cfairest??? Dcheapest

5.A.at??? Bthrough

Cover??? Dround

6.A.occupied?? Babandoned

Cemptied?? Drobbed

7.A.turned?? Bapproached

Ccleared?? Dcut

8.A.but??? Balthough

Cotherwise?? Dfor

9.A.benefit?? Blesson

Cnature? Dart

10.A.sticking?? Blooking

Cswinging??? Dturning

11.A.wild??? Breal

Cdifferent?? Dremote

12.A.neighborliness? Bhappiness

Cfriendliness? Dkindness

13.A.unique??? Bexpensive

Crare?? Dnecessary

14.A.Up? BDown

CDeep??? DAlong

15.A.cooperation??? Brelationships

Csatisfaction?? Dappointments

16.A.reality?? Bsociety

Ctown??? Dlife

17.A.creating? Blosing

Cquitting??? Doffering

18.A.put in?? Bturn in

Ctake in? Dget in

19.A.yards??? Bshelters

Ccamps??? Dcottages

20.A.when??? Bwhat

Cwhether??? Dhow



The snowstorm in our city last week wasn’t a large one, but      
it ______ many accidents. The snow started to come down in     76._________
the late afternoon. I saw it ______ the window of the office building where     77._________
Mary and I work as ______(秘书). It had been snowing for an hour  78._________
b______ I started to drive home. After twenty minutes, the accident  79._________
happened. My heater didn’t work, and the snow ______(结冰) on my    80._________
window, so I couldn’t see well. I had to c______ my window every few   81._________
minutes. To make matters ______, the car hit the hill, turned over    82._________
and stopped. I looked to see w______ I was hurt, but I wasn’t.  83._________
_____(幸运) I’d been wearing my seatbelt. Soon the police       84._________
came to r______ me, and I managed to return home later.  85._________

