Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or it is convenient to you. A. whenever B. however C. whichever D. wherever 查看更多



The success of SuperCamp in the US has encouraged a worldwide demand for international summer camps and academic programs based on our Quantum Learning methods. The first SuperCamp was held in Moscow in 1990. A week after the Moscow in 1990, the camp was held in Singapore. Then came camps in Canada, Thailand, England, Malaysia, Mexico, and Switzerland. More recently, new programs have been held in Korea and Indonesia. To date, SuperCamp has been held in 16 countries and has hosted students from over 80 countries.
Supercamps lay the foundations for students to be more creative and achieve more than they ever thought possible through the mastery of academic and life skills. Using creative Quantum Learning methods, the program provides students with concrete study strategies while instilling (逐步培养) them with the confidence and motivation they need to succeed. SuperCamp is an action-packed learning experience of learning and growing, classes and outdoor challenges. At the end of each day, students feel a genuine sense of accomplishment.
Outlined below is an overview of planned international summer camps and academic programs for 2008:
● Singapore
June 2008, December 2008
For more information call 9863-0033 or go to:
● Malaysia
June 2008, December 2008
To visit the SuperCamp in Malaysia website go to:
● Thailand
July 2008 (Junior Forum)
July 2008 (Senior Forum)
For more information please call 888-3740146.
● China
July 20-27 (Senior Forum)
August 10-17 (Senior Forum)
For more information on SuperCamp programs in China please contact:, or call: 886-3-3474760
● Switzerland
June/July 2008
Learn more by calling 800-285-3276 or click here.
63. We learn from the passage that SuperCamp________ .
A. was first started in Singapore                 B. has been held in 80 countries
C. has a history for at least 18 years                   D. has never been held in Europe
64. SuperCamp is aimed at_______.
A. students                B. doctors                 C. businessmen              D. teachers
65. SuperCamp does NOT intend to           .
A. help students to become more creative 
B. provide students with new learning methods
C. equip campers with academic and life skills
D. help students learn to work and play non-stop
66. Which number should a student in Switzerland interested in the camp dial for further information?
A. 886-3-3474760      B. 888-3740146        C. 9863-0033           D. 800-285-3276


假定你是李华。有一位美国朋友托你在北京找工作。当你看到《中国日报》China Daily上的一则招聘启事时,你认为很适合他。请你写一封100字左右的短信,用e-mail发送给他,告知此事。广告原文如下:
Foreign Teachers Wanted!
The Education Department of the Ladder Information Company Limited is running an English course for children and adults. Some foreign teacher are wanted.
1. Native English speakers
2. University degrees in education or related field preferred
3. Foreign expert certification(证明)
If you are interested, please call us:
Tel: 0080-10-68019433           E-mail:
Beijing Ladder Information Company Limited



1.These clothes are 100%______(纯的)cotton.

2.He was too young and ______(肤浅) to understand his parents’ love.

3.Without______(暂停)we jumped into the boat with the other whalers.

4.I have to prepare tomorrow’s lessons and do some______(文书工作).

5.Please call me before you buy a new______(数码的)camera.

6.The work took a whole ______(两周)。

7.Do you want to be an______ (宇航员)in the future?

8.He returned to his ______(祖国) after graduation.

9.The other day I was showing the boys the_______(每周的) experiment.

10.Last______(十二月)we went to the Great Wall.





     删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。


     注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

              2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Sir,

   Last year I bought the refrigerator in your store on Hong Qi Street. We all like the shape of the refrigerator. Recently I have found anything is wrong with it. It begins to make a noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradual it becomes louder and louder. To make matter worse, it even stopped working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing to you to ask for help. Would you please send a person to repair? I will at home this weekend. Please call me until you come here. My telephone number is 66065531. Thanks you very much.

                                          Li Ming



LET YOUR LOVE FOR ANIMALS LIVE ON                               

As someone who loves animals, you care about what will happen to them in the fut

ure. CSIA has been treating sick and injured animals since 1938. It's hard to im

agine what would happen to the hundreds of thousands of pets who need us every y

ear if we no longer existed.

But in fact, we simply could not continue if it ?wasn't? for a very special kind of gift people like you leave to us in their wills (遗嘱).

Can we depend on your kindness too? If you ?haven't? already done so, please consider including a gift to CSIA in you will. For free information on how to go about it, please call our helpline on 0800 8421950.Your love for animals can live on with a gift in your will to CSIA.


for pets in need of vets (兽医)

1.This advertisement is trying to persuade people to  _______.

A. buy a gift for a pet               B. give money for animal care

C. work for an animal hospital        D. treat sick and injured animals

2.The advertisement is mainly aimed at  _______.

A. vets       B. zoo keepers   C. old pet lovers     D. animal hospital assistants 

3.What is CSIA most likely to be?

A.A pet shop.                         B. An animal hospital.

C. A club for pet lovers.             D. A training center for vets. 

