Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach to read first. A. what B. who C. how D. why 查看更多



Many people have to work on the weekend. Some people do not mind. Other people think it is terrible.
One man thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous. He is Graham Coates. Mr. Coates worked in an office in Brighton, England.
On Saturday, May 24, 1986, he went to the office to do some work. When he got in the elevator to go home, it stopped between floors. Mr. Coates could not get out of the elevator. He was trapped! He started to shout, but no one heard him. Then Mr. Coates remembered that it was a holiday in England. No one was going to come to work until Tuesday!
There was nothing for Mr. Coates to do. He had to wait until one his coworkers came to work and found him. With nothing to eat or drink, Mr. Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.
Early on Tuesday morning, the vice president of the company came into work and found the elevator was not working. When the elevator was opened, Mr. Coates came out cold, weak, and tired. He had been in the elevator for sixty-two hours!
Now Mr. Coates says, “I only uses elevators if they have telephones in them.”
1. Mr. Coates could not get out of the elevator because ______.
A. it was broken            B. it was a weekend
C. it was a holiday           D. it stopped on a wrong floor
2. How long did he stay in the elevator?
A. Twenty-four hours.        B. From Saturday to Tuesday.
C. More than sixty-four hours.     D. From Thursday to Saturday.
3. What did he do in the elevator most of the time?
A. Shouted and screamed.      B. Slept and waited.
C. Telephoned his boss.        D. Ate and drank.   
4. How did he make his way out in the end?
A. The vice-president found him.
B. Some one opened the elevator.
C. The elevator began to work on Tuesday.
D. He found a door in the elevator.
5. What is the best title for this story?
A. An Interesting Elevator       B. A Busy Weekend
C. Elevator Safety             D. Trapped in an Elevator


Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot(行李箱).
Mr. Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”
Mr. Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape. Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot.
It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and jumped out of the ditch.”
His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦伤), Mr. Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.
56. What is the best title for this newspaper article?
A. The Story of Mr. Johnson, A Sweet Salesman
B. Car Boot Can Serve As The Best Escape Route
C. Driver Escapes Through Car Boot
D. The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident
57. Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr. Johnson?
A. The hammer.       B. The coin.  C.The screw.             D. The horn.
58. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A. Mr. Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.
B. Mr. Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.
C. Mr. Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the slippery road.
D. Mr. Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.
59. “Finally it gave” (Paragraph 4) means that _______. 
A. Luckily the door was torn away in the end
B. At last the hammer went broken
C. The lock came open after all his efforts
D. The chance was lost at the last minute
60. It may be inferred from the passage that _______. 
A. the ditch was along a quiet country road
B. the accident happened on a clear warm day
C. the police helped Mr. Johnson get out of the ditch
D. Mr. Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended


Russ was a lovable kid with a variety of communication challenges---a speech impediment (语言障碍), dyslexia (诵读困难), and auditory problems. __41__ today he is walking confidently, standing tall to make an acceptance __42__ for having been chosen one of the “Outstanding Young Citizens” in Ocean County, New Jersey __43__ his remarkable volunteer service in the town of Toms River.
As I listened, I closed my eyes. I found myself __44__ those memorable moments. My mind was full of warm images of Russ as a loving, caring youth, a gentle soul, __45__ his challenges. And now, as he stood at the platform, I knew his heart __46__ be racing. As Russ continued to speak, I thought about the fateful day when he was diagnosed with all those impairments(损伤) and how __47__ his tutors would be if they could see him today. Here he was at twenty-nine, being honored for ten years of service as a volunteer __48__. Russ was __49__ for organizing clothing for the homeless, teaching preschool children about fire safety, and for playing Santa Claus for very sick children by driving up in a fire truck.
Russ thanked his parents for providing him with dignity and for teaching him about morals. Then, pausing for a few seconds, he __50__ us by surprise by touching lovingly on the __51__ of his nephew, Austin. Austin was just three years old when he died from an incurable disease. At that moment, I had to close my eyes again __52__ a different set of tears ran down my cheeks. A silence __53__ the room as Russ owed his volunteer award to Austin. He __54__ his address by lifting the audience up with these words, “Austin taught me how to love.”
I have never thought of this day. __55__, no one had ever thought that Russ would make __56__ as the star of the football team, and he had never been voted “most likely to succeed,” but he __57__ to be a true “star” in his community. Russ became a man of strong character __58__ his unselfish service to others. With so many impairments, Russ now sees and acts __59__ with his heart. His words and deeds inspire everyone who knows him. It is Russ, our son, who has shown us what __60__ is.

【小题3】 spite ofB.regardless ofC.because face of
A.putting up withB.concerning aboutC.escaping fromD.facing up to
A.dropped downB.fell overC.took up


The beat generation mainly referred to the youth who were born and brought up around the Second World War. They showed their ignorance of almost everything traditional, such as government authority ,respect for parents, one’s duty, moral standards, and traditional customs. They developed a kind of absolute individualism and liberty. They preferred long hair, mini dresses or close fitting clothes to show off the figure. They advocated (倡导)freedom of sex and cohabitation (同居).Their influence could be seen from the fact that about one third of the American couples living together were not married by law. And the divorce rate was very high. The endless U.S wars abroad and sharp class struggle at home caused many American youths to develop a kind of cynicism. They doubted the existing social system, possibility of harmonious human relations, and the long honored standard for correct behavior. They felt society overlooked their needs. Therefore, they refused to do any duty that was required of them by society. They declared “Don’t believe anyone over thirty.” All this came from the sick society. It’s wrong to imagine they all fought against capitalism in support of revolutionary things. Some of their ideas were even more decadent (颓废的)and impractical. It was an abnormal phenomenon in an abnormal society.?
72.Based on the passage, how many of one hundred and twenty American couples of the beat
generation practiced cohabitation?       
A. about 20 couples.             B. about 30 couples.
C. about 60 couples.             D. about 40 couples.?
73.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage??
A. The beat generation’s refused to do any duty.?
B. The beat generation was in support of almost everything traditional.?
C. The beat generation believes no one except that he is over thirty.?
D. The beat generation’s ideas were not impractical.?
74.“Cynicism” in this passage most probably means____.?
A. a state of mind against realism
B. a state of mind doubting everything in existence?
C. a theory advocating mutual help
D. a theory advocating individualism?
75..This passage is mainly about ____.?
A. the young Americans
B. the generation gap?
C. the education of the young
D. an American social phenomenon?


Brazil is a federation that consists of twenty-six states and one federal district. The biggest majority of Brazil’s population belongs to the Christian religion and almost all of them are Catholics. This is something Brazil inherited(继承) being Portugal’s colony(殖民地).
Historically, the country was a colony claimed by people from Portugal and this made Portuguese the official language. The Portuguese reached Brazil in 1500 and until that moment it was inhabited by semi-nomadic(半游牧的) people. The Portuguese changed Brazil into a country of slaves until 1800, when Maria I of Portugal came to live to Brazil. The Queen did not stay long in Brazil, but during the 20 years of royal presence a lot of changes occurred: commercial ports to United Kingdom were opened; Brazil stopped being isolated(孤立) from other countries. So at the moment of getting the independence on the 7th of September, 1822, Brazil already had the potential to develop. The Brazilian Empire, Pedro I, abolished slavery in 1888 in the face of Princess Isabel. A lot of European people started coming to Brazil and the industry of the country started working. In the 19th and the 20th century as it has been said above foreign people immigrated(移民) to Brazil and basically 5 million European and Japanese people became the residents of Brazil. The beginning of the 20th century was especially marked by the immigration of a lot of Asian people: Japanese, Korean and Chinese immigrants. As a matter of fact Japanese people do not immigrate a lot, and the fact that the Brazilian-Japanese people are the largest Japanese minority in the world does astonish greatly.
The majority of the cultural inherits of Brazil are actually Portuguese, due to the fact that Brazil was Portugal’s colony for a very long time. The southern states mainly consist of European population and the north and the northeast consist of a mixed population including Africans, Amerindians and Europeans. Most of this population is Roman Catholic. No other country in the world has the same amount of Catholics. The modern tendency of Brazil is the growing number of people calling themselves Protestants. Around 7.4% of the population don’t believe any god. Some Brazilians, especially in the northern states are mixed Africans who prefer following the traditional African religions. Only 1.8% of the population chose Buddhism, Islam or Judaism.
Though Brazil always tried to maintain democracy, it was failed several times by the dictatorship(独裁) of Getulo Vargas. This fact could not affect the political situation in the country.
61. Brazil was ruled by Portuguese about ______.
A. 22 years        B. 300 years      C. 322 years       D. 328 years
62.Who might block the development of Brazil?
A. Maria I     B. Pedro I     C. immigrants    D. Getulo Vargas
63. The writer mainly tells us the ______ of Brazil in the passage.
A. religion     B. history     C. culture    D. political situation
64.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Brazil was isolated from other countries when Maria I stayed there.
B. The industry of the country started working in 1888.
C. Brazil has the largest population of Catholics in the world.
D. Some people in Brazil don’t believe any god.
65. It can be inferred that Brazil is a country with ________.
A. western culture B. modern culture   C. traditional culture   D. mixed culture

