It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. , we’d better take it to the garage immediately. A. Otherwise B. If not C. But for that D. If so 感叹句: 查看更多




    请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填l个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we don’t have a regular diet of proper food, we don’t have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people think not eating breakfast doesn’t matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common misconception and other meal frequency and timing meals.

Will eating breakfast every day help me lose weight?

Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you shed pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely to eat diet-busting(破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories — and then some — before day's end. Researchers found that 78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry — who have maintained an average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years — eat breakfast every day.

Is "grazing" really healthier than eating three square meals a day?

No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin (胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares, according to the American Dietetic Association.

I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy, is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?

Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet "one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol(胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy.

Will bedtime snacks make you fat?

No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your desk every afternoon.

The final word

Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight. Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone.

Title: Stop Obsessing Over Your Meals

Common misconception

Some people think it doesn’t matter to live and work   1  breakfast.



People having breakfast can actually help weigh  3 People not eating breakfast make up the calories now and then in the



Old studies   5  grazing is better than eating three square meals but later not.


  6   to say whether eating most the calories at dinner is a bad idea.

Eating less food one meal per day may keep you neat, but may lead to blood pressure   7  .

Bedtime snacks

Bedtime snacks won’t make you fat.

Overeating may cause you to gain more calories than you burn through8  activity.

A habit of snacking in front of TV can’t gain weight more than overeating at a meal.


No one plan is   10   for everyone



    请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填l个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we don’t have a regular diet of proper food, we don’t have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people think not eating breakfast doesn’t matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common misconception and other meal frequency and timing meals.

Will eating breakfast every day help me lose weight?

Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you shed pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely to eat diet-busting(破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories — and then some — before day's end. Researchers found that 78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry — who have maintained an average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years — eat breakfast every day.

Is "grazing" really healthier than eating three square meals a day?

No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin (胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares, according to the American Dietetic Association.

I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy, is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?

Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet "one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol(胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy.

Will bedtime snacks make you fat?

No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your desk every afternoon.

The final word

Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight. Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone.

Title: Stop Obsessing Over Your Meals


Common misconception

Some people think it doesn’t matter to live and work   1  breakfast.



People having breakfast can actually help weigh  3 People not eating breakfast make up the calories now and then in the



Old studies   5  grazing is better than eating three square meals but later not.


  6   to say whether eating most the calories at dinner is a bad idea.

Eating less food one meal per day may keep you neat, but may lead to blood pressure   7  .

Bedtime snacks

Bedtime snacks won’t make you fat.

Overeating may cause you to gain more calories than you burn through8  activity.

A habit of snacking in front of TV can’t gain weight more than overeating at a meal.


No one plan is   10   for everyone



     People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we
don't have a regular diet of proper food, we don't have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people
think not eating breakfast doesn't matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common
wrong idea and other meal frequency and timing meals. Change Text Size Bookmark Yahoo! Buzz
Digg Reddit Facebook StumbleUpon TwitThis javascript:void (0); Will eating breakfast every day help me lose
     Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you lose pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely
to eat diet-busting (破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People
who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories before day's end. Researchers found that
78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry - who have maintained an
average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years - eat breakfast every day. Is"grazing" really healthier
than eating three square meals a day?
     No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the
traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a
few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin
(胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares,
according to the American Dietetic Association. I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy,
is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?
     Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet"one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists
say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief
study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure,
blood sugar, and cholesterol (胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart
disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy. Will bedtime snacks make you fat?
      No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more
calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what
time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no
more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your
desk every afternoon. The final word Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight.
     Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number
of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone


A: Hello, I hear you took part in a wildness survival program last summer. How do you like it?

B: Well. It was quite an unusual 76.e_____ for me. Before 77.s____ out, we were equipped with a compass, a map, a first-aid kit, tents, flashlights, some food, some clothes and 78.s____ on. On the way we climbed 79.h____, 80.s_____ across rivers and took 81.m____ of pictures as the scenery was so beatitul. We lost our way in the forest. 82.L_____ we found the right 83.d_____ with the compass. As soon as we arrived at the campsite, we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking. We also learned how to give first-aid. 84.T____ the program, we learned to use knowledge 85.g_____ in class to settle problems.

A: Oh, it sounds great!

B: This is an annual program. If you are interested, we can go together this summer.


     You know the sound of your heartbeat: lub-dub, lub-dub. In some people, there's an extra noise that the
blood makes as it flows through the heart. It sounds sort of like the noise of flowing water. This sound is
called a murmur.
     Just like kids, murmurs have grades. Grade l is the softest-sounding murmur, and Grade 6 is the loudest.
A murmur graded 4, 5, or 6 is so loud you can actually feel a rumbling from it under the skin if you put your
hand on the person's chest.
     Most murmurs don't mean anything is wrong. Doctors may call these "innocent", "functional", or "normal"
     One common type of normal murmur is Still's murmur, named for the doctor who first described it. This
murmur is most often heard in healthy children aged 3 to 7.
     A normal murmur can get louder when the blood flows faster through the heart, like when kids have a
fever or run around. That's because an increase in body temperature or activity makes the heart pump more
blood. When your temperature goes down, the murmur may get quieter or even disappear.
     It can be easier to hear heart murmurs in kids because they have less fat, muscle, and bone between the
murmur and the doctor's stethoscope (听诊器). Many normal murmurs become harder to hear as children
grow older, and some eventually disappear.
     Even though most murmurs do not mean anything is wrong, sometimes a heart problem can cause a
murmur. If your doctor thinks your heart murmur could be due to a heart problem, you will need to see a
pediatric cardiologist. This kind of doctor knows a lot about children's hearts.
1. What's the text mainly about?
A. Heart problems.
B. Heart murmurs.
C. Murmur types.
D. Murmur grades.
2. We can hear a kid's louder heart murmur when he has just _____.
A. woken up from a sound sleep
B. listened to some light music
C. played football for two hours
D. finished reading a storybook
3. This text is most probably taken from _____.
A. a science magazine
B. an experiment report
C. a hospital introduction
D. a medical advertisement
4. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____.
A. most heart murmurs do harm to kids' health
B. some heart murmurs can cause heart problems
C. doctors know what has led to low temperatures
D. a certain heart problem can cause a heart murmur

