



59, What do we know from the text about students of a cyberschool?

     A. They have to take long bus rides to school.

     B. They study at home rather than in classrooms.

     C. They receive money from traditional public schools.

     D. They do well in traditional school programs.

60. What is a problem with cyberschoois?

     A. Their equipment costs a lot of money.

     B. They get little support from the state government.

     C. It is hard to know students' progress in learning.

     D. The students find it hard to make friends.

61. Cyberschools are getting popular became    

     A. they are less expensive for students

     B. their students can work at their own speed

     C. their graduates are more successful in society

     D. they serve students in a wider age range

62. We can infer that the author of the text is     .

     A. unprejudiced in his description of cyberschools

     B. excited about the future of cyberschools

     C. doubtful about the quality of cyberschoois

     D. disappointed at the development of cyberschools



This year I decided to do something to regain my good name as a kindly uncle. My 36  Tony,had never forgiven me for the dictionary I had bought him as a birthday present last year. His 37 had no reason to be thankful to me either,because the year before, I had  38 their dear son with a pot of paste(浆糊) and some funny pictures. Instead of  39  them into a book, Tony had naturally covered every wall in the house with them. This year,  40 , I decided to let him 41 for himself.

We went into a big shop,but Tony was very particular about  42 . Although I tried to show him toy after toy,he was not to be  43 . Then I saw he suddenly became 44 ; he had discovered something he really liked: a large tin dram. I was quite happy too  45  I thought what Tony’s mother would say when she saw it. Nobody would get any   46  for weeks! I led Tony away  47 , saying that the dram was too expensive.

  Tony asked for permission to go off  48  and I made the most of my chance to sit down end  49  my aching feet. Fifteen minutes passed but there was still no sign of Tony. I began to get  50  and got up to look for him. I asked a young lady if she had seen a little boy in a grey suit. She looked  51  her helplessly and pointed out that there were so many  52

in grey suits. I was just going to call the police for help,when I saw a strange  53 dressed in strange orange clothes. He was wearing a false beard and had a caveman’s axe(斧子)in one hand,and a space gun in the other. It was, of course,Tony, who informed me 54  that he was the first  55  to fly into space.

36. A. cousin       B. daughter     C. grandson     D. nephew

37. A. friends     B. parents     C. classmates    D. brothers

38. A. presented     B. annoyed     C. confused     D. occupied

39. A. entering    B. dividing    C. sticking    D. drawing

40. A. anyhow     B. though     C. again      D. therefore

41. A. guess       B. choose      C. pay       D. see

42. A. sweets     B. toys     C. clothes    D. books

43. A. pleased    B. disturbed   C. accepted    D. disappointed

44. A. surprised     B. hopeful     C. patient      D. excited

45. A. after       B. until      C. unless      D. since

46. A. shock      B. trouble     C. peace      D. time

47. A. happily     B. eagerly    C. cautiously    D. quickly

48. A. on his own    B. in his way    C. now and then   D. more or less

49. A. drag      B. rest.     C. lay      D. step

50. A. 8shamed     B. angry      C. worried     D. doubtful

51.A. about     B. to      C. at      D. across

52. A. young ladies    B. new customers   C. loving parents   D. small boys

53. A. figure      B. actor      C. man      D. doll

54.A. on time      B. at once     C. just now     D. once again

55.A. policeman    B. spaceman   C. caveman    D. postman




56. Susan got her first driver's license

    A. before she got married to Henry

    B. when she was twenty years old

    C. after she finished high school

    D. when she just moved to Maryland

57. Susan failed to renew her license the first time in Maryland because

   A. she was forbidden to drive by Maryland law

   B. she lacked driving experience in Maryland

   C. she was to give birth to a baby soon

    D. she insisted on signing for herself

58. We can infer from the text that in the U.S.

    A. American males should serve in the army

    B. different states my have different laws     

    C. people have to renew their licenses in their home states

    D. women should adopt their husbands' family names after marriage




67. The word “address” in the first line probably means          .

A. talk about        B. deal with        C. fight for        D. write to

68. How many people are homeless in the U.S. according to the Coalition studies?

A. 39% of the population.                  B. 200 million people.

C. About 3 million people.                 D. About one-fifth of the population.

69. Homeless people often have difficulty finding a job because________.

A. they have no home addresses

B. they mostly have a drinking problem

C. they aren't supported by government programs

D. they often don't have enough work experience

70. What is the main cause of the rising number of the homeless in the U.S.?

A. The passing of new housing laws.

B. The fast growth of family size.                            

C. The slow construction of houses.

D. The ever-rising price of housing.

