A.still B.already C.always D.indeed [A] 查看更多




  Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago.He has good heart, but always feared applying for a new job.

  One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview.His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8∶30.While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed ot be interviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car.Obviously there was something wrong with the car.Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand.When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service.Jimmy said there was no need to pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for an interview.Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office for your interview.It's the least I could do.Please.I insist.” Jimmy agreed.

  Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applications waiting to be interviewed.Jimmy still had some grease on him after the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt.One by one, the applicants left the interviewer's office with disappointed look on their faces.Finally his name was called.The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window.Rocking the chair back and forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed? ” Jimmy's heart sank.“With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview? ” he thought to himself.

  Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Jimmy's surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning.It turned out he was the General Manager of the company.

  “Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office.I just know you'd be a trustworthy worker.Congratulations! ” Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well-deserved coffee as he landed himself a new job.


Why did Jimmy apply for a new job?

[  ]


He was out of work


He was bored with his job


He wanted a higher position


He hoped to find a better boss


What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview?

[  ]


A friend's car had a flat tyre


a wild man was pushing a car


a terrible accident happened


an old man's car broke down


Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride?

[  ]


He was also to be interviewed


He needed a traveling companion


He always helped people in need


He was thankful to Jimmy


How did Jimmy feel on hearing the interviewer's question?

[  ]


He was sorry for the other applicants


There was no hope for him to get the job


He regretted helping the old man


The interviewer was very rude


What can we learn from Jimmy's experience?

[  ]


Where there is a will, there's a way


A friend in need is a friend indeed


Good is rewarded with good.


Two heads are better than one


It was on a summer burning afternoon in Denver.The sky was blue and the wind was blowing slightly.A man from a big  36  with a new wagon (马车) and a beautiful pair of horses was 37 along a country road.He did not  38  much attention to  39  he was going.Pretty soon he realized that he was  40  , but he continued to drive,  41  to find his way or to meet someone who could tell him how to  42  to the town.

It was a long  43  road.For several hours he kept on driving. 44  it was almost dark, he saw in a cornfield a tall farmer plowing (犁) the land.He stopped his  45  team of horses near the fence and called out, "Hello, farmer"

"Hello, yourself" the farmer replied,  46  plowing.

"Where does this  47  go ?"

     "I haven't ever seen it go anywhere.It always  48  right where it is " , said the farmer, without stopping his work.

    "How far is it  49  the next town?" said the stranger, speaking a little louder.

    "Don't know, never  50  it " replied the farmer.

     By this time the city man was getting  51  , "What do you know? You're the biggest  52  I ever saw"

     The farmer  53  the plow and turned and looked for a long time at the city man.Then he said scornfully (轻蔑地) , "Maybe I don't know much. 54  I am a fool.But  55  I'm not lost!"

1.A.enterprise          B.city              C.farm              D.company

2.A.driving             B.exploring         C.escaping          D.resting

3.A.fix                 B.give              C.recommend         D.provide

4.A.which               B.that              C.where             D.what

5.A.gone                B.missing           C.lost              D.discouraged

6.A.managing            B.expecting         C.refusing          D.forgetting

7.A.take back           B.bring back        C.look back         D.get back

8.A.lonely              B.busy              C.crowded           D.proper

9.A.If                  B.After             C.When              D.Though

10.A.tired              B.exited            C.bored             D.disappointed

11.A.already            B.still             C.thus              D.merely

12.A.horse              B.town              C.field             D.road

13.A.trains             B.lives             C.stays             D.stands

14.A.in                 B.to                C.inside            D.from

15.A.built              B.imagined          C.overlooked        D.measured

16.A.annoyed            B.ridiculous        C.concerned         D.content

17.A.farmer             B.businessman       C.fool              D.driver

18.A.undertook          B.continued         C.began             D.stopped

19.A.Perhaps            B.Luckily           C.Exactly           D.Indeed

20.A.in turn            B.at least          C.sooner or later   D.at most





  We had hardly got above the clouds over the airport when a calm voice said over the loudspeaker:“For technical reasons we shall be returning immediately to London Airport. Please keep your seatbelts fastened.”

  I was rather surprised and glanced at the old lady next to me. She had been very chatty while we were waiting to take off.

  “I'm going to New York to visit some relatives there. I always sleep wonderfully welt whenever I get into a plane.”she had told me.

  And indeed, she seemed to he in a very deep sleep already.

  Just then a passenger behind me shouted,“Oh, my God! The wing's on fire.”

  I looked out of the window and my blood froze. Smoke and flames were pouring out of one of the engines. The plane was already turning and losing altitude fast.

  “What's happening? Are we going to crash?”an American in front of me demanded.

  The cabin crew were already moving up and down the aisle (走道), reassuring (安慰) people, saying things like,“It's just all right. There's no need to worry. Now, if you just sit still, everything will be all right. Don't get up. Don't get upset.”

  I looked out again. The ground was rushing up at us with shocking speed. We were already so low that I could make out cars and even people.

“It's only a slight emergency,”a stewardess told me with a tense smile.

Suddenly there was a sickening bump and we were rushing along the runway at a terrifying speed. The brakes screeched (发出尖锐刺耳的声音). The engines roared even more loudly. We came to a trembling stop. The cabin crew quickly opened the emergency exits and the passengers began sliding down huge, stocking-like chutes (滑道) to the ground. A fire engine was already putting out the fire in one engine. I had to shake the old lady violently to wake her up.

  “What's wrong? Surely the journey isn't over already! I mean, have we got to New York?”she asked sleepily.

1.When did the emergency occur?

[  ]

A.We are not told.

B.Just before the plane landed in New York.

C.Shortly after the plane took off.

D.Sometime in the middle of the flight.

2.What does the underlined word“altitude”(in Paragraph 6) refer to?

[  ]

A.Height above sea-level.

B.Place or area high above sea-level.

C.Way of thinking or behaving.

D.Way of positioning the body.

3.What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]

A.An unpleasant flight.

B.An interesting experience.

C.An unforgettable experience.

D.Brave cabin crew.

4.When they landed, the old lady _____.

[  ]

A.was one of the first to get out

B.asked when they were going on lo New York

C.was shaking violently with fear

D.was not even sure where they were


In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困),and only the rich could manage without great  36  . Three of those rich men and their servants were  37  together on a road when they came to a very  38  village.

The first could not stand seeing the poverty,  39  he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared  40  out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left.

The second rich man ,seeing the  41  situation, stopped for a short time and gave  42  all his food and drink, since he  43   see that money would be of little  44   to them. He made sure that they each  45  their fair share and would have enough food to  46  for some time . Then, he left.

The third rich man, on seeing such poverty,  47  and went straight through the  48  without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other  49  the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was  50  that they themselves had been there to offer help.

However, three days later, they  51  the  third rich man ,who was coming in the opposite direction . He was  52  travelling quickly, but his wagons,  53  the gold and valuables they had been  54  ,were now full of farming tools and bags of  55  .He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.

1.                A.loss            B.expectations     C.success   D.problems


2.                A.standing        B.travelling        C.gathering D.running


3.                A.faraway        B.poor           C.different  D.ancient


4.                A.unless          B.because        C.so   D.if


5.                A.them           B.anything        C.nothing   D.those


6.                A.curious         B.worrying        C.dangerous     D.puzzling


7.                A.the villagers     B.his servants      C.the others     D.the rest


8.                A.could          B.might          C.should    D.must


9.                A.interest        B.concern        C.use D.attraction


10.               A.returned       B.gained         C.offered   D.received


11.               A.remain         B.last            C.supply D.share


12.               A.turned back     B.set out         C.showed off     D.speeded


13.               A.village         B.land           C.field  D.road


14.               A.whether        B.how           C.where D.when


15.               A.good          B.certain         C.true  D.strange


16.               A.welcomed      B.met            C.accepted D.persuaded


17.               A.still            B.already         C.always D.indeed


18.               A.except         B.instead of       C.apart from D.along with


19.               A.loading         B.treasuring       C.carrying   D.earning


20.               A.food           B.jewels          C.money    D.seeds




In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困),and only the rich could manage without great _26_. Three of those rich men and their servants were_27_together on a road when they came to a very_28_village.

The first could not stand seeing the poverty, _29  he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared _30 out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left.

The second rich man ,seeing the _31  situation, stopped for a short time and gave _32  all his food and drink, since he _33  see that money would be of little _34  to them. He made sure that they each _35  their fair share and would have enough food to _36  for some time . Then, he left.

The third rich man, on seeing such poverty, _37  and went straight through the _38  without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other_39  the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was _40  that they themselves had been there to offer help.

However, three days later, they  41 the  third rich man ,who was coming in the opposite direction . He was  42  travelling quickly, but his wagons,  43  the gold and valuables they had been  44  ,were now full of farming tools and bags of  45  .He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.

1.                A.loss            B.expectations     C.success   D.problems


2.                A.standing        B.travelling        C.gathering D.running


3.                A.faraway        B.poor           C.different  D.ancient


4.                A.unless          B.because        C.so   D.if


5.                A.them          B.anything        C.nothing   D.those


6.                A.curious         B.worrying        C.dangerous D.puzzling


7.                A.the villagers     B.his servants      C.the others D.the rest


8.                A.could          B.might          C.should   D.must


9.                A.interest        B.concern        C.use  D.attraction


10.               A.returned       B.gained         C.offered   D.received


11.               A.remain         B.last            C.supply D.share


12.               A.turned back     B.set out         C.showed off D.speeded


13.               A.village         B.land           C.field  D.road


14.               A.whether        B.how           C.where D.when


15.               A.good          B.certain         C.true  D.strange


16.               A.welcomed      B.met           C.taccepted  D.persuaded


17.               A.still            B.already         C.always D.indeed


18.               A.except         B.instead of       C.apart from D.along with


19.               A.loading         B.treasuring       C.carrying   D.earning


20.               A.food           B.jewels          C.money    D.seeds



