A.diffcult B.boring C.important D.easy 查看更多





  “Congratulations, Mr. Jones, it's a girl.”

  Fatherhood is going, to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel proud when they receive the news, while others worry, wondering whether they will be good fathers. Although there are some men who like children and may have had considerable experience with them, others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. For other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly.

  Whatever the reaction to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the shift from the role of husband to that of father is a diffcult task. Yet, unfortunately, few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this resocialization process. Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature (文学) focused on the role of a father.

  It is argued by some writers that the transition(转化) to the father's role, although difficult, is not nearly as great as the transition the wife must make to the mother's role. The mother's role seems to require a complete transformation in daily routine and highly innovative (革新性的) adaptation(适应), on the other hand, the father's role is less demanding and immediate. However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household.

1.According to the author, being a father ________.

[  ]

A.brings a feeling of excitement to some men

B.makes some men feel proud and others uneasy

C.has a different meaning for those who have daughters

D.means nothing but more responsibilities

2.It is stated in the passage that ________.

[  ]

A.young couples do not like children at all

B.some parents are not prepared to have a child

C.working couples do not have much time to take care of their children

D.many parents look forward to having a boy as their first child

3.In the third paragraph, the author ________.

[  ]

A.criticizes fathers for not taking enough responsibilities in bringing up their children

B.excuses the American writers for ignoring (忽视) the difficulties of being a father

C.supports the idea that the chief role of a father is to earn money. for the family

D.complains(抱怨) about the lack of social program to help husbands get used to the role of a father

4.The transition to the mother's role requires that the wife ________.

[  ]

A.change her life style in a highly innovative way

B.stay at home to take care of the baby

C.make a complete change in her everyday life to deal with the new situation

D.help her husband in his resocialization process

5.Some writers argue that with respect to the change of roles, fathers, compared with mothers, ________.

[  ]

A.have an easier job to do

B.have to make more difficult adaptations

C.have to shoulder more burdens

D.can usually do a better job



  Fair Way

  The West borough High School golf team had taken the official photos with the state prize. The other teams, is appointed, were on the bus heading home. And then Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong on one of the score cards. A 9 had been recorded as a 7. They were not the state prize winner: Wobum High had won. “No one would have known.” said Wobum's insructor, Bob Doran. For Rota, it wasn't a diffcult decision: “The prize wasn't ours to take.”

Coin Stars

  “College students are lazy, but they also want to help.” says University of Pennsylvania graduate Dana Hork. So she made it easy, placing cups in rooms where students could leave their 0spare coins, and handing out cups to first-year students to keep in their rooms. Her “Change for Change” effort has collected $ 40,000 for charities(慈善结构), which were decided upon by students.

Never Forgotten

  A school in Massachusetts received a $ 9.5 million check from Jacques LeBermuth. But it took officials several days of digging to discover his connection to the school. Records showed the LeBermuth came from Belgium and studied in the school in the 1920s. When his family fell on hard times, he was offered free room and board. LeBermuth became a trader, owned shares of AT and T and lived of the earnings until he died at the age 89.

1.What did Greg Rota probably do in the end?

[  ]

A.Took photos of Doran.

B.Had a meeting with Doran.

C.Returned the prize to the organizer.

D.Apologized to Wobum High School.

2.Greg Rota's decision shows that he was ________.

[  ]


3.The underlined word “Change” in the second paragraph means ________.

[  ]


4.What did the school officials do after receiving the check from Mr. LeBermuth?

[  ]

A.They tried to find out why he gave them the money.

B.They went to Belgium to pay their respects to him.

C.They dug out the records that were buried underground.

D.They decided to offer their students free room and board.

5.Jacques LeBermuth gave the money to the school because ________.

[  ]

A.the school asked for it

B.he had no need for that much money

C.the school had helped him in the past

D.he wanted to be remembered by the students


If _____ the same treatment again, he’s sure to get well.

  A. giving   B. give  C. given   D. being given


We found Marry’s brother to have _____ more story books than Ann’s.

  A. much   B. too much  C. by far   D. far


Mr.Morgan can be very sad__,though in public he is extremely cheerful.

A)by himself   ?B)in person?    C)in private    ?D)as individual

