How" did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory? A. By controlling his muscles. B. By talking to the machine. C. By moving his hand. D. By using his mind. 查看更多



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Olive, from County Westmeath, Ireland, arrived in England to live with her daughter and son-in-law Thomas. She was   36   because of her poor health and   37   with her most of her treasured   38   . These included a small piece of tissue paper in which she had   39   what appeared to be five teeth which had   40   her dentures (假牙).

Having   41   in, she asked Thomas, "Do you know where I can get my dentures   42   ?" "Of course," replied Thomas.   43   you give them to me, I'll take them to a dental   44   . "

Olive handed over the rather tired piece of paper which   45   some rather dirty-looking   46   . Thomas drove to the dental laboratory.

"   47   will it take?" Thomas asked the technician.

"Oh, about an hour," smiled the dental expert.

"Then I'll wait in the   48   ," said Thomas, "and read my newspaper. "'

An hour passed and the technician   49   at the car window   50  a plastic bag and the piece of paper. "That'll be £80," requested the specialist, "   51   I could only fit four of the teeth to the dentures. I'm sorry. "

"That's a   52   ," commented Thomas. "What happened to the__  53   one?"

"I have it here in the paper," answered the technician,   54   it to Thomas.

"The thing is," he said, "it's easy to fit the teeth but   55   to fit this peanut (花生米)."

36. A. moving       B. going           C. passing      D. returning

37. A. sold        B. provided       C. brought     D. dealt

38. A. clothes           B. possessions       C. furniture    D. materials

39. A. discovered   B. secreted        C. thrown      D. buried

40. A. broken out B. broken in      C. broken away     D. broken off

41. A. settled       B. filled         C. joined       D. fallen

42. A. cut         B. dropped        C. mended     D. placed

43. A. Because      B. If              C. Therefore D. However

44. A. speaker       B. customer      C. patient       D. technician

45. A. needed           B. found           C. touched     D. contained

46. A. teeth       B. jewels          C. peanuts      D. coins

47. A. How often   B. How soon     C. How long D. How much

48. A. building      B. office               C. house        D. car

49. A. appeared     B. broke               C. laughed     D. glared

50. A. putting        B. holding        C. keeping     D. hiding

51. A. and         B. but            C. also       D. nor

52. A. fact        B. pleasure        C. pity       D. thing

53. A. fifth        B. first           C. third     D. second

54. A. proving       B. advising       C. permitting        D. showing

55. A. necessary    B. unimportant      C. impossible D. possible



One morning in Philadelphia, the sun shone bright through all the thick jungles and the tall churches. John, 6, wearing the worn-out clothes, walked from a far place, his dark small hands holding a piece of stolen bread.

John stopped for a moment at the entrance to the church and then left tightly holding the bread,      

He was an orphan(孤儿), whose parents were killed in World War II leaving him alone in the orphanage for five years, Like many children in the house, he had a lot of free time. Mostly no one took care of them, so they had to learn how to steal those they wanted.             

John believed God to be real, so every Sunday morning in any case he would go to the church to have a look and listen to those people singing inside or reading the Bible. He felt only at this moment he was the child of God and so close to God. But he couldn’t enter because his clothes were so dirty. John himself knew it.

John was quietly calculating the times. This was his 45th Sunday at the entrance to the church. He stood on tiptoe(踮着脚尖) for a while and walked away.

As time passed, the pastor(牧师) noticed John and learned from others that he was the small boy who liked stealing things in the orphanages.

On the 46th Sunday, the sun was shining and John came still holding a piece of bread with his dark small hands. When he just stood there, the pastor came out. He felt like running away, but he was carried by the pastor's friendly smile.

The pastor walked up to his side, clearly seeing John's small hands shaking.

"Are you John?"

John didn't answer, but looked at the pastor and nodded.

"Do you believe in God?" the pastor patted John on his head with dust.

"Yes, I do!" This time John told him loudly.

"So you believe in yourself?"

John looked at the pastor, without a word.

The pastor went on saying, "At the first sight of you, I find you're different from other kids because you have a good heart."

His face turning red, John said nervously, "In fact, I'm a thief." With that, he lowered his head.

The pastor didn't speak, but held John's dark small hands, slowly opened them and put them against his wrinkled face.

"Ah" Just at the same time, John shouted and was about to take out his dark small hands. Yet the pastor tightly held his small hands and spread them out in the sun.

"Do you see, John?"


"You're cupping the sunshine in your hands."

John blankly looked at his hands: when did they become so beautiful?

"In God's eyes, all children are the same. When they are willing to spread out their hands to greet the sun, the sun will naturally shine on them. And you have two things more than they do. First is courage and the second is kindness." With that, the pastor led him into the church. It was the first time that John went into this sacred place, and at this moment he didn't feel inferior, but the unspeakable warmth.

On that morning greeting the sunshine, John found himself again, along with the confidence, satisfaction, happiness, dreams he had never had.

Twenty years have passed. Now the boy who ever tightly held the bread with his dirt hands has been the most famous cook in Philadelphia and made many popular dishes.

Every Sunday morning, he would personally send the bread he baked to the orphanage. Those children who greeted him with cheers were used to consciously spreading their palms before they got the bread.

Because they all knew when we are willing to spread out our hands to greet the sunshine, the sun will naturally shine on us.

1.The method the writer uses to develop Paragraph is ______________

A.presenting contrasts (对比)                B.showing causes (原因)

C.offering analyses                        D.providing explanations

2.Why didn't John go inside whenever he went to the church?

A.He was frightened to be recognized by the pastor

B.He was not welcomed by those singing in the church.

C.He was sorry for his dirty clothes and identity as a thief.

D.He was left alone in the orphanage and nobody cared for him.

3.Which of the following questions did John reply certainly?

A.“Are you John?"                        B."Do you see, John?"

C."So you believe in yourself?"               D."Do you believe in God?"

4.Which of the following can best describe the pastor's great effect on John?

A.John became a famous cook.

B.John admitted his bad behavior. (行为)

C.John believed God to be real

D.John spread warmth to other orphans.

5.According to the passage, the sunshine cupped in hands can bring ________

A.cheers and confidence                   B.dreams and imagination

C.courage and kindness                    D.forgiveness and satisfaction



I have nothing to say about whether or not "A Day Without Immigrants" had a positive or negative effect on the question of how the federal government should deal with the huge population of undocumented illegal immigrants in this country. I'll leave that question to others.

Regardless of how you feel about the event, one conclusion is obvious. Using the theme of" A Day Without" as a way to focus national attention on a particular subject is a great idea, and could serve as a method for increasing public awareness about other issues that affect daily life in America. Here are my top three examples:

"A Day Without Speeding." How hard could this be? If all drivers would strictly obey every posted speed limit on highways, downtown, on neighborhood streets, and in parking lots for one 24-hour cycle, the benefits would be huge.

"A Day Without Losing Your Temper." A higher degree of difficulty here, and I know that from personal experience. When something goes wrong at home or on the job, there may be brief satisfaction in yelling or kicking the furniture, but erupting with anger usually doesn't do anything to solve the problem, and in many cases it makes the situation more unpleasant.

"A Day Without Having All The Answers." I would like to get a break from hearing anyone speak the phrase, "Here's what you're doing wrong." Right now the US is jampacked with citizens who believe they can point out the cause of every single problem in existence and then solve it on the spot. I believe they need to be quiet sometimes and use their ears instead of their voices.

I wonder how would average Americans react to such a collective pause? Would it be a day of angry protests, or joyful celebrations?

1.The first paragraph suggests           .

A.the writer is against A Day Without Immigrants

B.immigrants are not equally treated by the US federal government

C.the writer cares little about the problems of the country.

D.some people move to America without the permission of the US government

2."The event" in the second paragraph is related to          .

A."A Day Without Immigrants"

B."A Day Without Having All The Answers"

C."A Day Without Speeding"

D."A Day Without Losing Your Temper"

3.According to the writer, losing one's temper is           .





4.The writer suggest a day without having all the answers because         .

A.he thinks the American are too proud

B.he doesn't think what he is doing is wrong

C.he wants others to keep quiet

D.the writer is so tired that he needs a break



It doesn't come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you can't remember it.You just waste your valuable time. 1   One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is to have a specific purpose or reason for reading.

    Why does a clerk in a store go away when your reply to her offer to help is, "No, thank you.I'm just looking."? Both you and she know that if you aren't sure what you want, you are not likely to find it.But suppose you say instead, "Yes, thank you.I want a pair of sun glasses." She says, "Right this way, please."

    __2_ If you choose a book, "just looking" for nothing in particular, you are likely to get just that—nothing.But if you do know what you want, you are almost sure to get it.Your reasons will vary; they will include reading or studying "to find out more about", "to understand the reasons for" and "to find out how".

    __3__ Before you start to study, you say to yourself something like this, "I want to know why Stephen Vincent Benet happened to write about America".Because you know why you are reading or studying, you relate the information to your purpose and remember it better.

    At least two important processes go on at the same time.As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and accurately.But at the same time you express your own ideas to yourself as you react to what you read.You have a kind of mental conversation with the author.

    This additional process of thinking about what you read includes evaluating it, relating it to what you already know, and using it for your own purposes.__5__ One part of critical reading, as you have discovered, is distinguishing between facts and opinions.Facts can be checked by evidence, Opinions are one's own personal reactions.Another part of critical reading is judging sources.Still another part is drawing accurate inferences.

    A.Maybe you have already discovered some clever ways to keep yourself from forgetting.

    B.It is important for students to have a positive attitude to their study.

    C.You remember better when you know what you' re reading.

    D.In other words, a good reader is a critical reader.

    E.It’s quite the same with your studying.

    F.Reading is not one single activity.

    G.This is the way it works.



Sustainable management is seen as a practical and economical way of protecting species from dying out. Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against poaching (偷猎), it gives local people a good economic reason to preserve plants and animals. In Zimbabwe, for instance, there is a sustainable management project to protect elephants. Foreign tourists pay large sums of money to kill these animals for sports. This money is then given to the inhabitants of the area where the hunting takes place. In theory, locals will be encouraged to protect elephants, instead of poaching them because of the economic benefit involved.

This sounds like a sensible strategy, but it remains to be seen whether it will work. With corruption in these developing countries, some observers are skeptical that the money will actually reach the people it is intended for. Others wonder how effective the locals will be at stopping poachers.

There are also questions about whether sustainable management is practical when it comes to protecting forests. In theory, the principle should be the same as with elephants --- allow logging companies to cut down certain number of trees, but not so many as to completely destroy the forest.

Sustainable management of forests requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down, as well as investment in replacing them. Because almost all tropical forests are located in countries which desperately need funds from logging, there are few regulations and motive to do this.

One solution might be to confirm wood comes from sustainably managed forests. In theory, consumers would buy only this wood and so force logging companies to go "green" or go out of business. Unfortunately, unrestricted logging is so much more profitable that wood prices from managed forests would cost up to five times more --- an increase that consumers, no matter how "green", are unlikely to pay.

Which of the following statements is true in understanding the "sustainable management"?

A. Sustainable management is usually used in commercial units.

B. Sustainable management is more powerful than laws.

C. We will probably meet many problems in the course of applying sustainable management.

D. It is likely that sustainable management will replace the laws in protecting living things.

The example of Zimbabwe is mentioned in the first paragraph is to ________.

A. prove that sustainable management is ineffective

B. explain what sustainable management is

C. show that tourism there is booming

D. illustrate that people there are good at making money with elephants

The phrase "go green" in Paragraph 5 probably means _______.

A. a company begins to make money instead of being in red

B. making the forests always green in color

C. operating in ways which do not damage the environment

D. starting from the very beginning

What is the passage mainly about?

A. What environmental protection mainly include.

B. The feasibility (可行性) of sustainable management in environmental protection.

C. Different people’s attitudes towards sustainable management.

D. How people can protect animals and plants.

What attitude does the author take towards the sustainable management?

A. Positive.   B. Pessimistic.             C. Negative.              D. Uncertain.

