21.Take your time-it’s just short distance from here to restaurant.[B] A.不填,the B. a; the C. the; a D.不填,a 查看更多




Although I love my life, it hasn’t been a lot of fun as I’ve been ill for 28 years.

Music has always been a great love of mine and, in my 20s, when my   21   was more manageable , I   22   ten years as a professional singer in restaurants, playing and singing folk songs.   23    that was years ago and times have changed.   24    I live with mother on a country farm.

Two years ago, I decided that I would need to have some kind of extra work to   25   my disability pension (残疾抚恤金).   26   I needed to sleep in the afternoons,  I was limited in my   27   . I decided that I would consider  28     to singing in restaurants.

My family are all musicians, so I was   29  when I went into our local music store. I explained that I wanted to sing again but using recorded karaoke music. I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didn’t have a lot of   30    to get started. And 31   you find only three to four songs out of ten on a disc that you can   32   use.

When I told the owner of the shop about my   33   ; he gave me a long thoughtful    34   . “This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?” he said. “Come with me.”

He led me   35   the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it. He placed his large hand  36   on his treasure and said, “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your  37   and I’ll record them for you. That should get you started.”

I   38   . Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose   39  that I could sing. I have come full circle with his help.

His   40  still warms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra, when I have the chance.

21. A. loneliness           B. sadness                   C. tiredness                 D. sickness

22. A. set                     B. enjoyed                    C. kept                        D. shared

23. A. Gladly                B. Eventually                C. Unfortunately           D. Surprisingly

24. A. Now                  B. Then                       C. Sometime                D. Meanwhile

25. A. add up to            B. make up for             C. get rid of                 D. take advantage of

26. A. If                             B. As                          C. Though                  D. Before

27. A. movement                B. condition                 C. choices                   D. positions

28. A. reaching out       B. living up                  C. getting on                D. going back

29. A. recognized          B. interviewed              C. found                      D. invited

30. A. money                      B. time                        C. energy                     D. knowledge

31. A. thus                   B. once                        C. seldom                    D. often

32. A. actually              B. hardly                      C. nearly                      D. formerly

33. A. job                     B. family                      C. idea                        D. offer

34. A. face                   B. view                        C. look                        D. sight

35. A. over                   B. along                       C. towards                   D. through

36. A. unhappily           B. lovingly                   C. pitifully                    D. gratefully

37. A. pick                   B. turn                         C. role                         D. step

38. A. had to cry          B. ought to cry                   C. should have cried     D. could have cried

39. A. more                 B. the ones                   C. few                         D. the rest

40. A. courage              B. devotion                  C. kindness                  D. trust



Although I love my life ,it hasn't been a lot of fun as I've been ill for 28 years

     Music has always been a great love of mine and ,in my 20s,when my_21_was move manageable ,I  22  ten years as a professional singer in restaurant .playing and singing falk songs.  23 that was years ago and times have changed . __24__ I live with my mother on a country farm .

      Two years ago,I decided that I would need to love some kind of extra work to _25_ my disability pension (残疾抚恤金)._26_ I needed to sleep in afternoons.I was limited in my  _27_I decided that I would consider    28      to singing in restaurants.

     My family are all musicians ,so I was _29 when I went into our local music store .I explained that I waned to sing again but using  recurded knraoke music I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didn't have a lot of  _30  to get started ,And    31     you find only three to four songs out of ten on a disc that you can __32__use.

When I told the owner of the shop about my    33   ,he gave me a long use the gave me a long ,thoughtful  __34__.

“This means a lot to you , doesn't it ?"be said . “Come with me.”

He led me    35   the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it. He placed his large hand   36  on his treasure and said . “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your   37    and I´ll record them for you .That should get you started.”

 38   . Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose   39  that I could sing . I have come full circle with his help.

His   40  still warms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra , which I have the chance.

1.  A. loneliness   B. sadness     C. tiredness      D. sickness

2.   A. set          B. enjoyed     C. kept           D. shared

3.   A. Gladly       B. Eventually  C. Unfortunately  D. Surprisingly

4.   A. Now          B. Then        C. Some time      D. Meanwhile

5.  A. add up to    B. make up for  C. get nd of   D. take advantage of

6.   A. If          B. As            C. Though     D. Before

7.   A. movement    B. condition     C. choices    D. positions

8.   A. reaching out  B. living up   C. getting on  D. going back

9.  A. recognized     B. interviewed C. found      D. invited   

10.  A. money         B. time        C. energy      D. knowledge

11.  A. thus          B. ones        C. seldom      D. often

12.   A. actually      B. hardly      C. nearly      D. formerly

13.  A. job           B. family      C. idea        D. offer

14.  A. face          B. view        C. look        D. sight

15.   A. over          B. along       C. towards     D. through

16.  A. Unhappily     B. lovingly    C. pitifully   D. gratefully

17.  A.pick            B. turn        C. role        D. step

18.  A.had to cry  B. ought to cry  C.should have cried  D. could have cried  

19.  A.more           B. the ones       C. few       D.the rest

20.  A.courage       B. devotion    C. kindness      D.rust



Take your time—it’s just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant.


A/the? Bathe

Cthea? D/a



It's easy to take your hearing for granted until it's too late.
With the wide    16  _ (popular) of digital entertainment products, it is not uncommon to see people wearing headphones and listening to music    17   running in the park or using public transport. And the volume is often    18  loud that people around them can hear the music as well.
However, doctors warn that such behavior can potentially damage    19__ hearing. "Innoisy places, people tend   20 _(turn) the volume up to get the same clarity of sound. Unfortunately, that can damage the hearing   21  people being aware of it," said Feng Yongfeng, chief ENT physician at Beijing Tian'an Hospital.
After Spring Festival, the hospital witnessed    22  slight increase in the number of teenagers coming in with hearing problems,    23  Feng attributed to them wearing headphones at home for long periods during the holiday. Feng said both in-ear and overhead headphones can harm the ears and    24  (advise) against using them for long periods. He said if you do use headphones it is worth  25  (invest) in the highest quality you can afford.


No One Is Too Poor to Give

When Teresa,a widow with four young children,saw a notice from her church for all members to gather to deliver presents and food to a  16  family,she took $10 out of her savings jar and bought some ingredients to make three dozen  17  .She got to the church parking lot just in time to join the convoy going to the home that was to  18  the people’s help.

     The route was  19  ,and she was astonished when the cars pulled up in front of her house.When the pastor saw her,he said,“ We  20  expected you to join us ,

Teresa.We know it’s been a great  21  since your husband died,and we all wanted

to  22   you.”

Although she was   23   being the object of charity,Teresa didn’t want to  24  anyone so she  25  said,“ Well,at least I can share these cookies with our    26  .”

     This parable teaches us that no one is too  27   to help others and that true charity is rooted in love and compassion.  28    of spirit is worse than economic distress.Teresa’s story  29  us that very few of us give as much as we could and should.

     My friend Larry Rosen,president of the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles

30  me to the concept of “ sacrificial giving”—  31    in a large quantity up to a

point where one must  32  something that is desired.

     You can start out easy.Take whatever  33  you are thinking of giving to charity,then   34   it.If that’s too much, increase it by 50 percent instead.The  35  is to stretch yourself.It will mean a lot to those you help,but it will mean as much to your heart.

1.A.wealthy    B.big      C.noble           D.needy

2.A.cookies    B.cakes     C .buns          D.rolls

3.A.offer      B.receive    C.expect          D.refuse

4.A.pleasant    B.1engthy    C.familiar        D.rough

5.A.never      B.just        C.even           D.seldom

6.A.failure     B.comfort     C.success        D.struggle

7.A.satisfy     B.support     C.invite          D.remember

8.A.unnatural   B.unhappy    C.uncomfortable   D.unfortunate

9.A.embarrass   B.trouble     C.bother         D.annoy

10.A.humbly    B.openly     C.clearly         D.cheerfully

11.A.children    B.friends     C.relatives       D.neighbors

12.A.weak      B.generous    C.poor          D.patient

13.A.Poverty    B.Power      C.Importance    D.Source

14.A.ensures    B.informs     C.proves        D.reminds

15.A.introduced  B.presented   C.1ed           D.directed

16.A.taking      B.giving     C.going         D.asking

17.A.reject      B.win        C.quit          D.obtain

18.A.weight     B.size        C.load          D.amount

19.A.double     B.calculate     C.record       D.analyze

20.A.way       B.idea         C.advice       D.guidance


