26. In communication, a smile is usually strong sign of a friendly and open attitude.[C] A. the, / B. a, an C. a, / D. the, an 代词 查看更多




A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.

The conversation soon turned into complaints about  26  in work and life. To offer his guests coffee, the  27  went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of  28  — porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some  29  , some expensive, some delicate — telling them to help themselves to the  30  .

    When all the students  31  a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, "If you have  32  , all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up,  33  the plain and cheap ones. While it is  34  for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the  35  of your problems and stress. "

    "Be assured that the cup itself adds no  36  to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even  37 what we drink. "

    "What all of you really want is coffee,  38  the cup, but you  39  went for the best cups … And then you began  40  each other's cups. "

    "Now consider  41  : Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain  42  , and the type of cup we have does not determine, nor  43  the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we  44  to enjoy the coffee. Fully appreciate the coffee, not the cups! Don't let the cups   45  you ... enjoy the coffee instead. "

1.A. stress             B. progress         C. condition        D. pride

2.A. advisor       B. professor        C. monitor     D. graduate

3.A. glasses       B. bowls        C. trays       D. cups

4.A. plain-looking   B. beautiful       C. modern       D. nice-looking

5.A. pot                B. sugar        C. milk         D. coffee

6.A. made               B. had          C. cooked      D. served

7.A. talked             B. discussed        C. noticed     D. decided

8.A. leaving behind  B. falling about      

C. leaving about    D. falling behind

9.A. strange       B. wonderful        C. normal      D. important

10.A. source            B. purpose     C. doubt        D. result

11.A. price             B. quality          C. sweet        D. color

12.A. proves            B. tastes      C. hides        D. steals

13.A. more than         B. less than        C. other than       D. rather than

14.A. consciously       B. wisely      C. shyly       D. carelessly

15.A. showing      B. eyeing      C. exchanging       D. praising

16.A. it                B. that             C. this             D. one

17.A. jobs              B. money        C. position         D. life

18.A. change            B. increase         C. discover         D. lower

19.A. try               B. manage       C. fail             D. plan

20.A. envy              B. drive       C. support     D. assess



On a hot day, I decide to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was likely to    21    a jungle(丛林)with weeds growing wildly. I need to mow it at once.

After several false    22      , I had to examine it and finally got our old lawn mower     23      . I was mowing and trying hard to push the machine uphill, which was really a hard job, for the machine was too old to work well. I was so   24  that I complained under my breath, so I decided to take a short break.

At the top of a rise, I   25  to see my 12-year-old John Thomas standing there, with a smile on his face and a glass of    26   in his hand.  "Here, Mom, "he said, "have a drink, Want me to help you? Dad   27  me work on hte flat places."

I  28   the ice water and went to sit in the      29   of a tall tree. As I took my drink, I   30     my son. To my surprise, he didn't seem to be    31    the normal mowing pattern. And he kept smiling at me   32    he worked. I wondered    33  made him so happy? I thought to myself.

After a while, he    34   mowing and looked in my direction. "Hey, Mom. Could you  35  here? "   "He's always naughty like this, lazy again?" I said to myself    36     .  Then I stood up and walked across the lawn, noticing that he had missed a sizable spot. "John, you didn't..."  My angry words gradually became      37      , for the spot I thought he'd missed had been       38     mowed into the shape of a(an)   39   , suddenly I felt something warm and gentle rising from inside.

"Like it, Mom? It's mine and it's for you."  he asked with a big    40  .

"Now I'll finish the job."

21. A. turn on B. turn into     C. turn down  D. turn up

22. A. starts    B. words C. ends    D. behavior

23. A. work    B. move  C. going  D. flying

24. A. cheerful       B. tired   C. cared  D. boring

25. A. looked through    B. looked over       C. looked after       D. looked up

26. A. hot tea  B. chocolate    C. milk   D. ice water

27. A. asks      B. allows C. lets     D. agrees

28. A. drank   B. heated C. accepted     D. received

29. A. shade    B. leaves C. root    D. top

30. A. saw      B. watched     C. observed    D. noticed

31. A. feeling  B. finding       C. following   D. feeding

32. A. if  B. since   C. whether      D. as

33. A. what     B. that     C. all      D. it

34. A. continued     B. went on      C. stopped      D. finished

35. A. go over B. turn over    C. driver over D. come over

36. A. happily B. angrily       C. eagerly       D. anxiously

37. A. heavier B. thicker       C. louder D. quieter

38. A. carefully      B. carelessly   C. casually      D. comfortably

39. A. heart                  B. apple  C. hand   D. foot

40. A. sign      B. smile  C. surprise      D. sigh



II 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


Flying like a bird has been the dream of humans since ancient times. Last week a group of modern birdmen put their courage on their wings and __21__ gravity in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

“Yes, you can buy a ticket and fly to another city. But running with your own wings and feeling your feet ready to __22__ is totally different,” Dong Fang, a middle school student in Hangzhou who __23__ a home-made aircraft competition, said in an excited voice. __24__ by the International Bognor Birdman Competition in the UK, the competition in Hangzhou was a similar event. The Bognor Birdman competition started in 1971 in the England coastal city Bognor. People ran off the end of a pier (码头) with their own aircraft in a(n) __25__ to “fly” the farthest distance.

In the competition, a teacher called Ni was amazed to see how imaginative the students were.  He was surprised to see his students create 10 different aircrafts with all kinds of material __ 26__ in the past month. “We’d rather call ourselves dreamers __27__ pilots because whether our wings really leave the ground, our dream really flies,” said Dong Fang.

Jing Yuchen and his team named their plane “Weiming E”, which __28__ an unknown goose. The 17-year-old boy deeply believes their goose of steel pipe and sailcloth will honour its name by successfully making it fly.

“Our work is much more imaginative than others. With several colourful balloons on its back and a pair of light plastic wings, it is __29__ the most eye-catching work, if not the best,” said Yu Liang, another student.

“Although most of those home-made aircrafts cannot really take the boys flying, the boys’ braveness and __30__ in this project will encourage every one of them to fly high in the future,” Ni said.

21. A. challenged              B. struggled                        C. abandoned               D. observed

22. A. take on               B. take up                            C. take off                           D. take in

23. A. joined                     B. participated                       C. took part in                   D. attended

24. A. Promoted                B. Inspired                          C. Advocated                D. Blamed

25. A. range                        B. group                         C. attempt                          D. way

26. A. available                  B. unique                        C. visible                         D. responsible

27. A. as well as                B. other than                      C. but for                        D. instead of

28. A. declares                       B. means                        C. reflects                           D. causes

29. A. accidentally       B. surely                         C. barely                         D. simply

30. A. exploration        B. perseverance                C. creativity                        D. determination




All 34 of my students I taught at Saint Mary’s School in Morris,Minnesota were dear to me,but Mark was one in a million. His happy­to­be­alive attitude made even his occasional naughtiness_16_.

Mark 17consantly in class. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was18 What 19 me so much,though,was his sincere response every time I had to_20_him for misbehaving, “Thank you for correcting me,Madam!” I didn’t know what to make of it at first,but before long I became_21_hearing it many times a day.

One morning my_22_was growing thin when Mark talked once too often.I_23_Mark. “If you say one more word,I am going to tape your mouth shut!”

It wasn’t ten seconds later_24_Chuck blurted out,“Mark is talking again.” I hadn’t asked any of the students to help me_25_Mark,but since I had stated the_26_in front of the class,I had to act on it.

Taking out a roll of masking tape from the drawer of my desk,I_27_to Mark’s desk,_28_two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his_29_.I then returned to the_30_of the room.

As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing,he winked at me naughtily. That he did so funnily!I started_31_.The entire class_32_as I walked back to Mark’s desk,_33_the tape,and shrugged my shoulders. His first_34_were,“Thank you for correcting me, Madam!”

Several years passed until one cold rainy day when my father_35_the news to me that Mark was killed in Vietnam war,I broke down and cried in my heart,“Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you could talk to me!”

1.                A.attractive       B.delightful       C.striking  D.annoying


2.                A.talked          B.argue          C.quarreled D.disrupted


3.                A.troublesome     B.shameful        C.irresponsible   D.unacceptable


4.                A.annoyed        B.impressed       C.puzzled   D.delighted


5.                A.punish         B.blame          C.correct   D.scold


6.                A.accustomed to   B.unbearable of    C.fond of   D.curious about


7.                A.body           B.patience        C.confidence    D.spirit


8.                A.warned         B.advised         C.asked    D.frightened


9.                A.then           B.when          C.after D.until


10.               A.criticize        B.report         C.watch D.inform


11.               A.opinion        B.view           C.punishment    D.evidence


12.               A.threw          B.flew           C.walked    D.pointed


13.               A.tore off        B.put up         C.cut into   D.took out


14.               A.face           B.mouth         C.hand D.head


15.               A.back           B.center         C.front D.entrance


16.               A.screaming       B.laughing        C.complaining    D.criticizing


17.               A.cheered        B.protested       C.froze D.disturbed


18.               A.stuck          B.fastened        C.recovered D.removed


19.               A.expectations    B.actions         C.movements D.words


20.               A.indicated       B.brought        C.presented D.unfolded




Red roses were her favorites, her name was also Rose. And every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows. The year he died, the roses were still  16  to her door.
Each year he sent her roses, and the  17  would always say, “I love you even more this year, than last year on this day.” My love for you will always 18  , with every passing year. “She knew this was the last time 19  the rose would appear. Her loving husband did not know that he would  20  . he always liked to do things early. Then, if he got too busy,  21  would work out fine.”
A year went by, and it was  22  to live without her mate. Then, the very hour, as on Valentines before, the doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door. She brought the roses  23  , calling the florist shop. The owner answered, and she asked him , if he would explain, why would someone do this to her,  24  her such pain?
“I know your husband passed away, more than a year ago,” The owner said, “I knew you’d  25  , and you would want to know. “ “ The flowers you received today, were  26  in advance.” “Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance.”
She thanked him and  27  the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers shaking, as she slowly reached to 28  the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note. This is what he wrote: “Hello my love, I know it’s been a year  29  I’ve been gone, I hope it hasn’t been too hard for you to overcome.” “I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very 30  . for if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared  31  everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than words can say.”
“You were my friend and lover, I know it’s only been a year,  32  please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy,  33  when you shed your tears. That is why the roses will be sent to you for years.”
“ When you get these 34  , think of all the  35  that we had together, and how both of us were blessed. I have always loved you and I know I always will. My love, you must go on, you have some living still.”
16. A. passed          B. shown        C. presented        D. delivered
17. A. note            B. message      C. line             D. information
18. A. disappear        B. decrease     C. grow            D. keep
19. A. that            B.when          C. which           D. what
20. A. pass by         B. pass away     C. pass down       D. pass on
21. A. everything      B. something     C. nothing          D. anything
22. A. happy          B. meaningful    C. hard            D. impossible
23. A. in             B. out           C. along          D. up
24. A. curing          B. healing       C.causing          D. killing
25. A. ask            B. wonder       C. doubt           D. telephone
26. A. booked        B. grown         C. planted          D. designed
27. A. picked up       B. turned up      C.held up          D. hung up
28. A. buy            B. get           C.read           D. write
29. A. when          B. that           C. before           D. since
30. strong           B. weak          C. true             D. real
31. A made          B. bad            C. let              D. left
32. A. so            B. but            C. though           D. still
33. A. even          B. only           C. merely           D. just
34. A. roses          B. belongings      C. congratulations    D. remarks
35. A. sadness        B. disappointment   C. happiness        D. sufferings

