27.The minister said. “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never with criminals. [A] A. negotiate B. quarrel C. argue D. consult 查看更多



Mr Smith was the manager of a hotel in Springfield. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. Late in the evening three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Smith explained that because of the meeting, there were no rooms ready for use. The men were very unhappy because they had no place to stay in.
Mr Smith wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 414, a very small room, was empty. He asked them if they would share a room. The three men agreed. Mr Smith told them that the room would cost $30: $10 for each. Each of them gave Mr Smith $10, and they went up to the room.
Mr Smith soon began to feel sorry. “Thirty dollars is too much for that small room,” he thought. He called one of his men over and said, “Here is $ 5. Bring it to the man in Room 414. I’ve asked too much money for their room.”
The worker took the money from his manager. While he was on his way to Room 414, he started to think, “How can I divide $5? Well, I’ll give each of them only $1 and I keep $2. The men will be happy to get anything back. I’ll make a little money and Mr Smith will never know.” So he returned $1 to each man.
You see, there come a problem, each man had at first paid $10. After the worker returned them $1 each, each man had paid 9. There were three men, $9 x 3 =" $27." The worker kept $2 —$27+$2="29." Where is the missing dollar?
【小题1】Which of the following is True?

A.The large meeting was held in this hotel.B.The three men stayed together in one room.
C.Each of the three men got a small room. D.Room 414 was the office for Mr Smith.
【小题2】 Where was the missing dollar?
A.There wasn’t any missing dollar at all.B.It was taken by the worker too.
C.It was taken by the manager Mr Simith.D.It was taken by the three men themselves.
【小题3】 Put the following sentences in correct order.
a. Three men went into the hotel for a room.        b. Mr Smith felt sorry to have asked for too much.
c. They paid 30 dollars altogether for one room.   d. The worker gave one dollar back to each of them.
e. Mr Smith thought of a small room, still empty.  f. The worker was given 5 dollar to return to them.
【小题4】What is the best title of this text?
A.The Kind Manager.B.Three Men Came to the Hotel
C.A Strange Maths ProblemD.$27 + $2 = $29


In 1971, readers around the world were astonished by some photographs which appeared in newspapers. Hidden deep in the rainforests of an island in the Philippines, was an ethnic (种族的)  ___16___ called the Tasaday. Not until that moment did anyone have any ___17___ of these people. They didn’t have an agricultural economy; they hunted animals and  __18___ fruit from the plants in the rainforest. They carried tools made of stone, lived in  ___19__ and wore clothes made of leaves. Unknown until 1971, they    20     became world famous. After that, there were TV    21    and books about them; people said their simple lives showed that human beings could be good and kind if they were not   22    by modern life. Then after 1974 the region was closed by the government and the world    23     about them.

In 1986, a Swiss journalist, Oswald Iten, decided to visit the Tasaday. The journey   __24____ thick rainforests and across rivers was hard and dangerous. Mr. Iten was    25     killed by the soldiers, villagers and businessmen who wanted to take the wood from the rainforest. Finally, Mr. Iten    26     and found the caves of the Tasaday    27   . The people were living in nearby huts and they were all    28     jeans and T-shirts, not leaves. He thought that perhaps they were not an ethnic minority    29    .

When he    30     to Switzerland, Mr. Iten wrote about the Tasaday people in the newspapers. He said he thought that they were just ordinary farmers, poor, but not    31     from anyone else. He believed that in 1971, the government told “the Tasaday” to    32     they were native people from thousands of years ago, so that tourists---and money---would start   ___33     into the region.

One group of experts said that they really were people who had no    34     with modern life before 1971; another group said they were just    35     the part. So who are these people, really? Perhaps we’ll never really be sure.

1. A. man           B. group                C. chief                D. tradition

2. A. knowledge     B. impression           C. doubt                D. fear

3.A. grew           B. enjoyed          C. collected            D. stored

4. A. huts          B. houses               C. apartments           D. caves

5. A. certainly     B. suddenly         C. absolutely           D. privately

6. A. advertisements    B. services         C. stations         D. programs

7.A. refused            B. separated            C. spoilt               D. conquered

8.A. forgot         B. knew             C. talked               D. thought

9.A. around         B. through          C. over             D. along

10.A. once          B. almost               C. often                D. even

11.A. arrived           B. left             C. hid              D. began

12. A. dirty            B. valueless            C. accessible           D. empty

13.A. making            B. selling              C. wearing          D. designing

14.A. in all            B. at all               C. after all            D. above all

15.A. returned          B. went             C. traveled         D. drove

16.A. absent            B. secure               C. different            D. free

17.A. agree         B. pretend          C. admit                D. consider

18.A. looking           B. falling              C. turning          D. pouring

19.A. contact           B. competition          C. agreement            D. patience

20.A. learning          B. forming          C. acting               D. missing



In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my  16  , it was the same score.
Later that evening, I   17  told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agreed that we knew our son much better than an IQ test. We decided that Michael’s score must have been a   18  and we should treat him   19  as usual.
We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year, he got     20   grades in the school, especially in biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort.
Michael   21   Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student. Soon afterwards, his teacher permitted him to take more courses than  22 . In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University.
On graduation day in 1972, Frank and I   23  the ceremony (典礼) at Yale. After the ceremony, we told Michael about the   24  IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say   25 , “My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn’t be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!” It is his special way of thanking us for the  26  we had in him.
Interestingly, Michael then asked for another IQ test. We went to the same clinic where he had   27  the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be  28 .
Children often do as well as what adults, particularly parents and teachers,  29 of them. That is, tell a child he is “  30  ” , and he may play the role of a foolish child.

A.allowed B.describedC.requiredD.offered
A.missed B.held C.delayedD.attended
A.wiseB.rudeC.shy D.stupid



After the war between Britain and France which lasted 7 years, James Cook got married and   21   down in London. For several years, Captain Cook   22   to the east of America   23   he made a map of its  24   .In 1768 came Cook's   25   for a major expedition. The navy was   26   a plan for an expedition   27   the South Pacific Ocean in   28   of watching a very unusual   29  , that is the planet Venus   30  between the earth and the sun in 1769. His   31   hope was to find a new land   32   was thought to be   33   in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.   34   Captain Cook was to be there in charge of this expedition   35   Captain of the ship   36  "Endeavour". It was an old merchant ship just like   37   on which Cook had learnt his seamanship. It was strongly built and had a lot of space   38   for storage. Cook understood there would be a lot of hardship for them, so he got everything   39   it. In this expedition, he had sailed around   40   and up the east coast of Australia, charting(绘制) over 8,000 miles of coastline that had been unknown before.

A. set   B. sailed  C. sent    D. settled

A. went       B. flew    C. sailed  D. came

A. which      B. where C. that     D. when

A. countries B. coasts  C. cities   D. seas

A. chance     B. hope   C. ship    D. expedition

A. finding    B. learning     C. doing  D. making

A. in    B. to       C. for      D. at

A. the hope  B. a view C. an idea       D. plan

A. accident   B. incident      C. matter D. event

A. existing B. setting C. passing       D. appearing

A. first       B. second       C. third   D. last

A. which    B. where C. what   D. on which

A. passing  B. going  C. existing      D. sailing

A. but B. as       C. and     D. for

A. of  B. for      C. like     D. as

A. which called  B. called  C. call     D. calling

A. one       B. it C. the one       D. what

A. down     B. off      C. up      D. away

A. full prepared for   B. fully prepared for

C. fully preparing   D. full preparation

A. Endland B. Australia

C. New Zealand     D. Tasmania



II.完形填空:(每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


         Outside our hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, an old woman waited beside door with her hand outstretched.Every day I put my hand in hers as our eyes met.She never failed to__16__ smile, my grasp, and my greeting.

         On the last day of our visit, I found myself__17__on a busy corner across the street from our hotel.Bicycles and motorbikes rushed in front of me.We had been advised to walk__18__ through the crowded traffic without looking right or left.Let them__19__ us.

         __20__tonight I was by myself and felt uncertain to__21__ the flood of vehicles.As I __22__ on the roadside.I felt a hand on my elbow and looked__23__to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me.She nodded her head toward the street__24__ that she would take me across.Together, we moved slowly into the disorder.

         When we__25__ the corner of the crossing, I looked down at her again, and couldn’t help saying, “You have the most beautiful smile in the world.”

She__26__knew little English, but must have__27__ the tone, for she threw both arms around me in a big hug while the__28__streamed by us on both sides.

Then we__29__ moved on toward the sidewalk, where she pulled my face down to hers, kissed me on both cheeks, and then walked away,__30__smiling and waving back to me.

I had not given her a single__31__.But we had__32__ something much more important---a warming of hearts in friendship.

This__33__ reminded me of something Mother Teresag once said, “ If you cannot do great things, you can do small things with great__34__.” I will always remember this__35__.

16.A.receive       B.accept        C.return                  D.answer

17.A.alone B.away C.off                D.aside

18.A.purposefully       B.straight      C.actively                D.carefully

19.A.miss   B.avoid C.separate             D.dismiss

20.A.And    B.So       C.But              D.Therefore

21.A.see     B.meet C.face             D.witness

22.A.moved        B.wandered  C.hesitated            D.wondered

23.A.up       B.back   C.down          D.forward

24.A.explaining  B.marking     C.meaning              D.expressing

25.A.covered      B.reached     C.touched               D.hit

26.A.actually      B.obviously   C.generally             D.personally

27.A.recognized         B.required     C.misunderstood           D.achieved

28.A.customers B.strangers  C.traffic                   D.passengers

29.A.suddenly    B.continuously      C.luckily                   D.unwillingly

30.A.yet     B.even  C.already                D.still

31.A.gift     B.present      C.cake            D.coin

32.A.owed B.owned        C.shared                 D.seized

33.A.exploration         B.experience         C.adventure           D.interview

34.A.love    B.feeling        C.courage               D.pity

35.A.aspect        B.idiom C.sentence             D.lesson


