34. By the time Jack returned home from England, his son. from college.[D] A. graduated B. has graduated C. had been D. had graduated 查看更多



第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



Good afternoon, principal, teachers and all students.It is my   31      to be here to give a talk to all of you.I have studied in this school for five years.In these five years, I learned one precious thing important not only to me  32       to all of you here, and it is “reading”.I can always gain knowledge from reading.Reading doesn’t not  33       up a lot of time but I gain a lot.Now I would like to share my reading experiences with you.

I once read a book Rare Air: Michael on Michael  34       by the greatest basketball player in the history, Michael Jordan.While we envy his great achievement in the basketball and business aspects, few of us focus on his spirit of persistence.In the book, he talks about his experience of how he walks on the   35       of success.In order to join the NBA, he put in every effort to strengthen his muscle, to improve his skills  36      training hard.Because of his efforts, he successfully entered the NBA.

However, he did not stop his training.   37         , the training was even stricter,        38          prepared him to deny the statement released by the public, ‘Michael is a weak guy!’ While the criticism against him diminished(减弱;变小), he worked even harder to achieve his next goal — the championship of the NBA.Finally, he succeeded.

People honor Michael as ‘God of basketball’ not only for his great basketball skills, but mainly for his spirit of persistence.While we admire his spirit, we can follow his spirit as well.Michael should be our example; we ought to learn from him.As long as we work hard,    39        is impossible.Bear in mind that all of you have the same quality.Nobody is born wise.Putting in effort is the only but effective way to advancement.My fellow schoolmates, before I go, I would like to encourage all of you that we should work as hard as we  40      .When you grow up, you may be the one who is admired by the community.My fellow schoolmates, let’s work hard together! Work for our future! Thank you.





31.Water,which seems so simple and common,is what__________________ .(使得生命成为可能) (make)

32.All the students__________________ (渴望) admission to a key university. (desperate)

33.We haven't heard from him for a long time!__________________(他发生什么事)him? (become)

34.By the time the firemen arrived at the building, the fire __________________(已经扑灭了)by the nearby citizens.(put)

35.Not__________________ (录用)by that well-known company,he was greatly depressed.(employ)

36.The coach, as well as his team members,__________________ (认为训练重要). (attach)

37.He made the suggestion__________________ (感谢他们所做的工作). (acknowledge)

38.The two things in__________________ (他们引以为豪) were Jim's watch and Della's hair. (pride)

39._________________ (还有待观察) whether they will support us. (see)

40.They sometimes__________________(发现注意力集中困难) when reading. (find)



第二节  语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



Good afternoon, principal, teachers and all students.It is my   31      to be here to give a talk to all of you.I have studied in this school for five years.In these five years, I learned one precious thing important not only to me  32       to all of you here, and it is “reading”.I can always gain knowledge from reading.Reading doesn’t not  33       up a lot of time but I gain a lot.Now I would like to share my reading experiences with you.

I once read a book Rare Air: Michael on Michael  34       by the greatest basketball player in the history, Michael Jordan.While we envy his great achievement in the basketball and business aspects, few of us focus on his spirit of persistence.In the book, he talks about his experience of how he walks on the   35       of success.In order to join the NBA, he put in every effort to strengthen his muscle, to improve his skills  36      training hard.Because of his efforts, he successfully entered the NBA.

However, he did not stop his training.   37         , the training was even stricter,        38          prepared him to deny the statement released by the public, ‘Michael is a weak guy!’ While the criticism against him diminished(减弱;变小), he worked even harder to achieve his next goal — the championship of the NBA.Finally, he succeeded.

People honor Michael as ‘God of basketball’ not only for his great basketball skills, but mainly for his spirit of persistence.While we admire his spirit, we can follow his spirit as well.Michael should be our example; we ought to learn from him.As long as we work hard,    39        is impossible.Bear in mind that all of you have the same quality.Nobody is born wise.Putting in effort is the only but effective way to advancement.My fellow schoolmates, before I go, I would like to encourage all of you that we should work as hard as we  40       .When you grow up, you may be the one who is admired by the community.My fellow schoolmates, let’s work hard together! Work for our future! Thank you.



In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot of teens today, got tired of home. The daughter objected to her family’s __21__ lifestyle and said, “I don’t want your God. I am leaving!”

She left home. Before long, she was disappointed and unable to find a job, so she took to the streets to do everything she could to __22__. Many years passed by, her father died, her mother grew __23__, and the daughter became more and more stubborn(顽固) in her way of life.

       No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother, not having __24__ her daughter’s whereabouts (下落), went to the poor part of the city in __25__ of her daughter. She stopped at each of the rescue missions (救助团) with a simple __26__. “Would you allow me to __27__ this picture?” It was a picture of the smiling, grey-haired mother with a handwritten __28__ at the bottom: “I love you still …come home!”

       One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal. She sat __29__ listening to the service, all the while letting her __30__ wander over to the bulletin board. There she saw the picture and thought, could that be my mother?

       She couldn’t __31__ until the service was over. She stood up and went to look. It was her mother, and there were those words, “I love you still…come home!” __32__ she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too __33__ to be true.

       It was night, but she was so __34__ by the message that she started walking home. __35__ the time she arrived it was early in the morning. She was afraid and __36__ her way timidly (胆怯地). As she knocked, the door __37__ open on its own. She thought someone must have broken into the house. Concerned for her mother’s __38__, the young woman ran to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said, “It’s me! It’s me! I’m home!”

       The mother couldn’t believe her eyes. They fell into each other’s arms. The daughter said, “I was so worried and __39__ someone had broken in.” The mother replied gently, “No, dear. From the day you left, that door has never been __40__.”

21.A.modern            B.religious                  C.awful                     D.simple

22.A.earn money      B.help others              C.get free            D.become famous

23.A.lonelier            B.slower                    C.angrier             D.older

24.A.told about        B.heard of                  C.learned from    D.talked to

25.A.sight                B.charge                    C.search             D.need

26.A.request            B.remark                    C.question           D.speech

27.A.print out          B.look at                    C.send off           D.put up

28.A.record             B.advice                     C.message          D.notice

29.A.sensitively        B.absent-mindedly       C.devotedly         D.carefully

30.A.eyes                B.hands                     C.thoughts          D.imaginations

31.A.help                 B.move                      C.wait                D.listen

32.A.After               B.Since                      C.Until                D.As

33.A.lucky               B.good                       C.happy              D.certain

34.A.astonished        B.touched                  C.interested         D.ashamed

35.A.By                   B.At                          C.During             D.Before

36.A.had                 B.led                          C.made               D.held


37.A.forced             B.blew                       C.proved             D.flew

38.A.safety              B.health                     C.danger             D.life

39.A.observed          B.realized                   C.found              D.thought

40.A.pushed            B.opened                    C.locked             D.fixed




31.Water,which seems so simple and common,is what__________________ .(使得生命成为可能) (make)

32.All the students__________________ (渴望) admission to a key university. (desperate)

33.We haven't heard from him for a long time!__________________(他发生什么事)him? (become)

34.By the time the firemen arrived at the building, the fire __________________(已经扑灭了)by the nearby citizens.(put)

35.Not__________________ (录用)by that well-known company,he was greatly depressed.(employ)

36.The coach, as well as his team members,__________________ (认为训练重要). (attach)

37.He made the suggestion__________________ (感谢他们所做的工作). (acknowledge)

38.The two things in__________________ (他们引以为豪) were Jim's watch and Della's hair. (pride)

39._________________ (还有待观察) whether they will support us. (see)

40.They sometimes__________________(发现注意力集中困难) when reading. (find)

