24.I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he polite.[A] A.was just being B.will just be C.had just been D.would just be 查看更多




Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a water puddle (水坑) ahead on the path. I changed my direction to __21__ it on the part of the path that wasn’t covered by water and mud.__22__ I reached the puddle, I was suddenly attacked! But I was __23__. After all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!

I took a step forward. My attacker __24__ me again. He pushed and struck me __25__ with his head and body, striking me over and over again with all his might. For a second time, I moved back a step __26__ my attacker gave up his attack. Yet again, I tried moving __27__, my attacker charged me again. I was struck heavily in the chest over and over again. I wasn’t sure what to do __28__ to walk back a third time. This time, though, I stepped back several paces to __29__ the situation. My attacker moved back as well to land on the ground. That’s when I discovered __30__ my attacker was charging me only moments earlier. He had a mate and she was dying. She was __31__ the puddle where he landed.

Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his __32__ as if to fan her. I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his __33__ for his mate. He had bravely attacked me for his mate’s __34__, even though she was clearly dying and I was so large. He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, I __35__ careless enough to step on her. Now I knew why and what he was fighting for. There was really only one choice __36__ for me. I carefully __37__ my way around the puddle to the other side of the path, though it was only inches wide and extremely __38__. He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.

Since then, I’ve always tried to remember the __39__ of that butterfly whenever I see huge obstacles facing me. I use that butterfly’s courage as an inspiration to __40__ myself that good things are worth fighting for.

A.walk past  B.go around       C.run down              D.jump off

A.Because   B.Once           C.Though          D.As

A.injured B.wounded C.unhurt     D.harmed 

A.rushed   B.caught     C.dragged   D.snatched

A.by the arm    B.on the head     C.in the face       D.in the chest

A.but       B.and   C.as     D.since

A.backward     B.toward     C.forward   D.downward

A.other than     B.rather than      C.more than       D.further than

A.look into      B.look over        C.look on    D.look after

A.that     B.how C.where      D.why

A.besides      B.beyond    C.beside      D.beneath

A.wings B.mouth      C.legs D.eyes

A.search        B.concern    C.praise      D.eagerness

A.advantageB.profit   C.interest    D.sake

A.should have beenB.must have beenC.should be      D.couldn’t have been

A.left     B.leaving    C.remained D.remaining

A.took    B.lost   C.made       D.fought

A.smooth       B.muddy     C.clean       D.flat

A.determination B.enthusiasm   C.courage        D.unselfishness

A.remind       B.blame      C.inform     D.argue


When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one specific__16_ that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.
I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to  17  . She wanted to help, 18  she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to  19  and hand out to people. When _20_ to the homeless shelter, I passed out the _21_ meals. I began making sandwiches and   22   them with the crowd. I had the containers with my  23  cookies in them and began to  24  , offering them to anyone near me.
I  25  an old gentleman and said, “ Sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, looked at me rightly and said, “ What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I __26_, and his eyes   27   a little bit and said,  “ No one has  28   called me sir.’ So he was completely moved.
It __29_  me.
I explained I had been raised that  30  color and social status, everyone deserved(应得) respect. It   31   me to think that just because he was homeless, no one  32   him the honor. It broke my heart. I just didn’t understand   33 no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every   34   person deserves to be treated with respect. Years later, I still carry that memory and the __35__ it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someone’s life.
How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?

A.accidentB.incident C.eventD.affair
A.participate B.join C.chooseD.go
A.however B.butC.yet D.so
A.bringB.fetchC.collect D.take
A.arrivingB.gettingC.reaching D.coming
A.walk aroundB.knock aroundC.come around D.stand around
A.wentB.came C.approachedD.met
A.wateredB.criedC.tore D.dropped
A.alreadyB.ever C.stillD.yet
A.hitB.occurred C.struckD.beat
A.in spite ofB.regardless ofC.concerned aboutD.for fear of
A.handed B.offeredC.provided D.supplied
A.whatB.when C.whether D.why
A.single B.poorC.ordinaryD.normal
A.lesson B.class C.truthD.reality


I am a single mom and have a child. Knowing that I could not __21__ to get him anything at all for his birthday, I felt broken-hearted. __22__ I decided to post a(n) __23__ on “Wish Upon A Hero” website for people to __24__ my son birthday cards. I knew he loved to __25__ the mailbox and always asked if there was anything for him. I __26__ that if he could get a few cards, it would make him smile and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be so __27__ that I wasn't able to get him anything. The cards just started __28__ in and my little sweetie was __29__ excited! Every day more and more cards came and this went__30__ for about three weeks. The smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes brought me to __31__. At the end of November, he started thinking about Christmas and he __32__ knew that there would not be much under the tree for him due to my __33__,but it didn't seem to __34__ to him. All he talked about was how much he wanted to make other children __35__. He decided that what he wanted to do was earn money to buy Christmas cards and send them to other children from __36__ families. My son went out daily to make money. Not only did he make the money to buy the cards, but he also made enough money to buy all the stamps and lollipops (棒棒糖) to put in the __37__. He sent out about 100 cards. Doing this __38__ him the same smile and sparkle in his eyes as the birthday cards that he had received did. I was and am so __39__ of him. My son and “Wish Upon A Hero” have given me renewed __40__ that there are still people in this world that care about others.

A.explainedB.thoughtC.regrettedD.promised .


When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one specific__16_ that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.

I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to  17  . She wanted to help, 18  she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to  19  and hand out to people. When _20_ to the homeless shelter, I passed out the _21_ meals. I began making sandwiches and   22   them with the crowd. I had the containers with my  23  cookies in them and began to  24  , offering them to anyone near me.

I  25  an old gentleman and said, “ Sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, looked at me rightly and said, “ What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I __26_, and his eyes   27   a little bit and said,  “ No one has  28   called me sir.’ So he was completely moved.

It __29_  me.

I explained I had been raised that  30  color and social status, everyone deserved(应得) respect. It   31   me to think that just because he was homeless, no one  32   him the honor. It broke my heart. I just didn’t understand   33 no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every   34   person deserves to be treated with respect. Years later, I still carry that memory and the __35__ it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someone’s life.

How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?

1.                A.accident        B.incident         C.event    D.affair


2.                A.participate      B.join            C.choose   D.go


3.                A.however        B.but            C.yet D.so


4.                A.bring          B.fetch           C.collect    D.take


5.                A.arriving         B.getting         C.reaching D.coming


6.                A.remained       B.remaining       C.remain   D.left


7.                A.shared         B.gave           C.helped   D.assisted


8.                A.classmate’s    B.schoolmate’s   C.sister’s  D.family’s


9.                A.walk around     B.knock around    C.come around D.stand around


10.               A.went          B.came          C.approached    D.met


11.               A.had           B.called          C.would D.do


12.               A.watered        B.cried          C.tore D.dropped


13.               A.already         B.ever           C.still   D.yet


14.               A.hit            B.occurred       C.struck D.beat


15.               A.in spite of       B.regardless of    C.concerned about    D.for fear of


16.               A.strengthened    B.saddened       C.frightened D.pleased


17.               A.handed         B.offered         C.provided D.supplied


18.               A.what           B.when          C.whether   D.why


19.               A.single          B.poor           C.ordinary   D.normal


20.               A.lesson          B.class           C.truth D.reality




Wings of Angel 

I used to hate myself because I wasn’t “normal”. Everyone else could play on the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but not   21  . I had a severe spinal cord disorder (脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much   22   than others.

I hated going to school and I hated people   23   at me. I hated seeing others smiling broadly and standing   24   and tall. And most of all, I hated looking in the   25   and seeing an ugly hunchback (驼背).

My friends found me   26   because I didn’t let others get close to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life   27   Angela appeared.

That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the school — a spot where no one would   28   me. That’s when I first heard her voice.

“Hi. Can I sit down?”

I raised my head and there she was, with an irresistible smile on her round face.

“What are you looking at?” she asked.


“What are they doing?”

“No   29  .”

“I bet they’re playing games and making friends. Don’t you think so?”

That was how our   30   started and it didn’t stop. We talked about everything under the sun—the ants, the clouds, my little niche (处境) — until it was sunset.

Then suddenly, she saw my   31  . She just stared.

    My heart   32  . What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would   33   me now.

She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “I know   34   your back is hunched.”

I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be   35  . I begged in my heart for her to   36  , but she just kept on going. “I know what you’ve got in there. Do you?”

“No,” I answered   37  .

She bent and whispered in my ears.

“Your back is hunched because you’ve got a pair of wings from the angels.”  

I was   38  . I looked into her eyes and her   39   touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to   40   myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind-hearted friend.

1.A. them            B. it               C. me             D. her  

2.A. sadder            B. shorter                 C. weaker             D. slower

3.A. looking          B. smiling          C. aiming            D. glaring  

4.A. still     B. alone           C. straight           D. together

5.A. street            B. sun               C. corner            D. mirror

6.A. distant           B. disappointed   C. hopeless          D. unlucky 

7.A. after             B. while         C. since               D. until

8.A. disturb          B. seek              C. comfort            D. ignore

9.A. wonder          B. idea               C. way               D. problem

10.A. games           B. performance   C. conversation        D. competition

11.A. face             B. back                C. eyes              D. wings

12.A. sank            B. beat              C. broke              D. ached

13.A. look up to   B. catch up with   C. look down upon D. put up with

14.A. that            B. how              C. whether           D. why

15.A. tied            B. arrested                C. punished      D. sentenced

16.A. relax          B. leave              C. stop               D. forbid

17.A. shyly   B. weakly           C. proudly       D. firmly  

18.A. astonished  B. ashamed           C. annoyed          D. upset

19.A. wisdom        B. beauty             C. honesty       D. kindness 

20.A. control         B. like              C. forgive        D. forget


