35.- ----I probably shouldn't have any more cake.[A] -----Oh, . It won't kill you. A. go ahead B. hold on, please C. you're welcome D. that'll do 查看更多



As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but notice their calluses (老茧) and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a    16  , including all his struggles.
One summer, I remember, a drought (旱灾) hit Ontario, turning it into a   17   desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last  18  from the grocery shore. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which  19   took twenty minutes. That morning, however, the process didn’t   20  quickly. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field, we    21   needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated and    22   . Dropping the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves!” Dad    23   , “Just think, my little girl, only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’re    24   . ” Such is Dad—whatever problem he    25   , he never gives up.
   26   , the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country. It was a challenging time for everyone,   27   Dad remained optimistic. He    28   to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates. Only then did I truly begin to    29   Dad and his faith guided us through the hard times.
Dad is also a living example of real    30  . From dawn to dark, he works countless hours to    31   our family. He always puts our happiness    32   his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games    33   his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and    34  , putting others first.
Dad, the life    35   I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.

A.meets withB.brings upC.works outD.thinks about
A.in spite of B.in terms ofC.in control ofD.in place of


There was a time when I thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father. I couldn’t   31 him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “__32_  ” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a   33 .  Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their driver’s licenses. Not my dad ---- he said that I’d have to get a job and buy my own.
So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and   34  every penny I could and   35 I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to   36  to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, I’ll only   37 you five dollars.” I offered with a smile.
“I see,” was all he said.
One day, there was something wrong with my father’s truck. So he needed a   38 to work. . The sun wasn’t even up when we left the house,   39  it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a(n)   40 day. As I dropped my dad off, I   41  him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his   42  from the trunk of my car. Watching his sun-weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were   43  lines than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher. In that instant, it   44 to me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete to make a living for his family. And he did this day in and day out,   45  hot it got. Never, not once, had I heard him   46  about it. To him we were “worth” it. And never once did he “charge” us for it.
When he closed the trunk, his tools set off to the side, he walked over to my window to   47  me five dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. It’s my   48. Don’t work too hard. I love you.” His   49 met mine, then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools, he   50  his throat and said, “Oh, and… me, too.”

A.likeB.remember C.forget D.care
A.Sorry B.YesC.NoD.Well
A.car B.friendC.jobD.present
A.pay it back B.hand it overC.turn it upD.show it off
A.ordinary B.hotC.work D.special
A.helped B.followedC.leftD.watched
A.toolsB.clothesC.luggageD. bag
A.help B.adviceC.treatD.reply


“ Are you too stupid to do anything right?”These words—said by a woman to a little boy who was obviously her son—were spoken   21    he had walked away from her.They boy returned, his eyes down-cast.

Not a   22     moment, perhaps,   23     small moments sometimes last a very long time.And a few words—though they mean   24    at the time to the people who say them—can have great   25    .

I recently heard a story from a man named Malcolm Dalkoff.For the last 24 years he has been a professional   26    .Here is what he told me:

As a boy in Rock Island, Dalkoff was terribly   27    .He had few   28    and no self-confidence.One day, his English teacher, Ruth Brach, gave the class an assignment(作业).The students had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird.Now they were to write their own chapter that would   29     the last chapter of the novel.

Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it   30   .Today he can not recall anything   31 

about the chapter he wrote, or what   32    Mrs.Branch gave him.What he does remember is the four words Mrs.Brach wrote in margin(空白处)of the paper:“This is   33   writing.”

    Four words.They   34     his life.

    “   35     I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or   36   I was going to be.”he said.“After reading her note, I went home and wrote a short story, something I had always been   37    of doing but never believed I could do.”

         Over the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to school for Mrs.Brach to evaluate.She was   38     , tough and honest.“She was just what I

   39   .”Dalkoff said.

         His confidence   40   .Dalkoff believes that none of this would have happened if that woman had not written those four words in the margin of his paper.

1.A.where            B.why                C.because              D.when

2.A.wonderful             B.difficult               C.funny        D.big

3.A.yet              B.although            C.for                   D.therefore

4.A.much            B.little                 C.more                 D.most

5.A.meaning             B.power             C.force                  D.sense

6.A.writer            B.player                 C.poet                D.singer

7.A.sorry           B.proud        C.sick                   D.shy

8.A.books             B.ideas                 C.friends                D.chances

9.A.follow              B.match                 C.decide                D.improve

10.A.on                 B.in                 C.out                 D.down

11.A.more                   B.again                 C.special           D.different

12.A.honors              B.remarks              C.prizes                 D.grade

13.A.poor          B.serious                C.good                  D.silly

14.A.changed            B.damaged              C.affected             D.improved

15.A.Unless          B.Until                  C.When                  D.While

16.A.what              B.how                  C.where                 D.which

17.A.tired               B.fond                  C.proud                  D.dreaming

18.A.strict                   B.kind                  C.encouraging            D.praising

19.A.feared          B.needed            C.expected              D.loved

20.A.grew                    B.lifted                  C.appeared             D.returned




1.Few birds managed to s________ the winter last year.

2.The Amber Room was also a treasure _______ (装饰) with gold and jewels.

3.The community service needs many v________, who are willing to help without pay.

4.Andy seems to be __________(发信号) to his teammates in computer language..

5.If you really like the job, __________(距离)is not a problem.

6.It was a great r_________ to find that my family was all safe.

7.I p__________ didn’t believe what he said at the meeting.

8.The tourists were ________ (讨价还价) with the man over the price.

9.It’s reported that Kobe has b_________ up with his wife.

10.The internet games are a________ to some young people.



阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31 ~ 40的相应位置上。
How should one invest (投资) a sum of money in these days of inflation (通货膨胀)?   31   (leave) in a bank it’ll hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man,  32  a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock (股票) Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways   33  (protect) your savings and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects   34  the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks,   35  I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.
I sometimes wonder   36  a being from another planet report back about our way of life. “The planet Earth   37   (rule) by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face  38  twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it  39  (fast) its young around people’s wrists so that everywhere men go  40  are still under control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves.”

