20.-I don't think I'll be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. - ?[B] A. And how B. How come C. How's it going D. How about it 查看更多



16.It is________(具有挑战性的) for such a young boy to swim across the wide river.

17.British people eat a lot of________(甜点) after their main meal.

18.In order to________(获得) success,you must make every effort.

19.You can________(提高) your spoken English by practising speaking it every day.

20.I don’t have any________(额外的) time.I have been quite busy these days.

21.Mr Johnson didn’t a________the meeting because he had a bad cold yesterday.

22.His goals have e________him a place in the club’s first team.

23.During the Olympic Games,foreigners from different countries e________Chinese hospitality (好客).

24.Mary’s performance on the test was below  a________.

25.Please give my  r________to your parents when you go home for your holiday.


—Morning, can I help you?

—Yes, ________ a pair of trousers.

—What about this pair? It’s $20.

—Sorry. I don’t have that much money on me. Please show me ________.

A. I’m looking for; that one         B. I want to see; another

C. I want to buy; the other one        D. I’d like to buy; another pair



—Morning, can I help you?

—Yes, ________ a pair of trousers.

—What about this pair? It’s $20.

—Sorry. I don’t have that much money on me. Please show me ________.

A. I’m looking for; that one         B. I want to see; another

C. I want to buy; the other one        D. I’d like to buy; another pair



The angry locals of an English village blocked the driver of a Google Street View car who was
filming the neighborhood, saying they feared he world encourage thieves, a report said Friday.
One local, Paul Jacobs, told the BBC he had warned his neighbors after spotting the car from
his window in Broughton, Buckinghamshire, southern England, on Wednesday.
“I don’t have a problem with Google wanting to promote villages. What I have a problem with
is the invasion (侵犯)of privacy, taking pictures directly into the home,” Jacobs said.
“We’ve already had three homes broken into locally in the past six weeks. If our houses are
made noticeable all over Google, it’s an invitation for more criminals to strike. I was determined to
make a stand, so I called the police.”
After his call, a police car arrived in Broughton in response to an argument between a crowd of people and a Google Street View contractor.
“They felt his presence was a threat to their privacy. When police arrived at the scene, the car had moved on,” explained a spokeswoman for Thames Valley Police.
The Google Street View project, set up last month in Britain, aims to provide detailed 360-degree views online of streets all over Britain.
The project has already been strongly criticized by associations like Privacy International, a pressure group which has launched legal action against the IT company.
Google is confident that their new mapping project is within the law.
“Before launching Street View we sought the guidance and approval of the Information Commissioner’s Office. The ICO has repeatedly made clear that it believes that Street View includes the safeguards necessary to protect people’s privacy,” a Google spokesman said.
“The Metropolitan Police (in London) told us they saw no significant security risk, that thieves are likely to make use of the opportunities, and that mapping products can be useful in solving and mapping crime in an area.”
He added: “Engaged in new projects, we sometimes meet unexpected challenges, and Street View has been no exception.”
41.When the police car arrived at the village,__________
A.the villagers were angrily arguing with the Google car driver.
B.the map car was stopped from leaving the village.
C.The map car had stopped its working and gone on its way.
D.The map car was surrounded by the angry villagers.
42.The underlined phrase “make a stand” in Paragraph 4 means       .
A.stand there all the time whole waiting for the police
B.show full support to Google’s filming the neighborhood
C.attempt to defend locals by stopping Google’s filming the neighborhood
D.stand in the way to stop the car moving on
43.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.Google’s mapping project has not been officially approved.
B.Three homes had been visited by thieves with the help of Google pictures.
C.The police rushed to stop a fight between locals and Google contractors.
D.It was not the first time that the Google map project had been criticized.
44.What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Google’s Mapping Project Promotes the Neighobrohood.
B.Angry British Villagers Stop Google Maps Car.
C.Google Goes On With its Plan to Film the Streets.
D.New Project Meets Challenges Again.


Valentine’s Day is on Feb. 14, and Chinese call it “lovers day”. I don’t think the translation is an accurate one, since it doesn’t only belong to lovers. Valentine’s Day is for expressing affection of all sorts. But it is uniquely for the romantically involved who shine the brightest, who spend the most money, whose hearts are the most engaged.

When I was b boy, my mother would buy enough cheap cards with ugly drawings of butterflies and little rabbits and honeybees for me to give one to every kid in my class, about 20 or so. The cards came in bags, and each card had a few foolish words-“Be Mine” or “I like you” or “You’ve Got My Heart” or the uninteresting words, “Hi, Valentine!” I would sign my name on the cards quickly and the name of one of my classmates on each easily-broken envelope. I would lick (舔)each one shut, but they were so cheap that the envelopes rarely had enough glue. On Valentine’s Day, I would take the cards to school-everyone did. We would have a party in our classroom, with cupcakes(杯形蛋糕)and juice and tiny candy hearts, which also had Valentine messages printed on them-“You’re sweet” or “Cupid(爱神丘比特)”or “Love”.

Ah, love! That’s the Valentine’s Day message: love. No one knows for certain the origin of the holiday. Several, Catholic victims were named Valentine, but it’s difficult to separate legend from fact. One story tells of a priest(牧师)named Valentine who was imprisoned and may have been stoned to death around 270 for performing marriages in going against the orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius II. But it’s hard today to find any religious connection.

From the first paragraph, why does the author say that we Chinese call Valentine’s Day “lovers’ day ”is not accurate?

       A.Because only lovers would spend it.

       B.Because it is only spent on Feb. 14.

       C.Because it doesn’t only belong to lovers.

       D.Because only those rich people could enjoy it.

A priest named Valentine was stoned to death for the sake of           .

       A.his not attending a ceremony on time.

       B.his stealing something from the church

       C.his rude words to Roman Emperor Claudius II

       D.his not obeying the orders by Roman Emperor Claudius II

According to the passage, we can know Valentine’s Day may be related to          .

       A.religion    B.sports       C.entertainment   D.art

