35. ---Do you have Mary’s phone number? ---Sorry, .[D] A. I don't know B. forget it C. here you are D. I can’t remember it 查看更多





     A young man was ready to graduate from college. For months he had  16  a sports car in a  17   showroom, and knowing his father  18  afford it, he told him that was  19  he wanted.  20  Graduation Day approached, he waited for the news     21  that his father had bought the car. On the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his   22  study. He handed him a beautiful box.   23  , but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened it  24  found a lovely Bible, with the young man’s name on it.  25  , he shouted to his father and said, “ With all your  26  you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the  27  ,

Many years passed. The young man was successful in both business and his family, but  28  his father was old, he intended to go back see him. He  29  him since that graduation day.  30  he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling his father had passed away, and he needed to take  31  possessions from his father. When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and  32  filled his heart. He saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag(标签)with the dealer’s name,  33  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the  34  “PAID IN FULL.”

How many time do we miss blessing because they are not packaged as we  35  ?  Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.     

A. owned       B. driven            C. admired        D. seen

A. model’s      B. manager’s         C. businessman’s   D. dealer’s

A. must        B. could             C. should         D. would

A. which       B. all what           C. all             D. why

A. As          B. with              C. For            D. Along           

A. quietly      B. patiently           C. politely         D. anxiously              

A. previous     B. personal           C. private         D. professional

A. Curious      B. Serious           C. Amused         D. Concerned

A  however    B. and               C. or              D. then

A. Luckily      B. Happily           C. Carefully        D. Angrily

A. money       B. cost              C. income          D. charge

A. car         B. college             C. Bible           D. box

A. to realize    B. realized            C. realizing         D. having realized

A. hadn’t seen  B. didn’t see           C. hasn’t seen       D. wasn’t seen

A. When      B. Before             C. Until            D. After

A. up         B. in                C. on               D. over  

A. regret      B. happiness          C. excitement        D. promise

A. a same     B. the same           C. same             D. the same as

A. sentences   B. words             C. talks             D. phrases

A. expected   B. respected     C. regretted          D. repeated


Snake dishes have become popular __31________ recent years. Snake meat in various flavors (风味) is often seen in restaurant ads. Eating snake seems to be now in vogue(盛行), and if you haven’t eaten snake yet, you __32_________(consider) “out of date”. But I wonder___33__________ all the trends are worth following.

Some people may defend themselves __34_______ saying that snake meat is nutritious. But these people don’t realize that many parasites(寄生虫),__35_______ do harm to our health, are found inside snakes.

According __36_________ a survey, about 1000 tons of snakes are eaten every year in China and sometimes as ___37_________ as 10 tons of snakes are served on dinner tables in Shenzhen in a single day!

These figures warns us that if no action is taken, __38_______ number of snakes will drop and make an increase in mice and worms population, which will __39_______ in a decrease(减产) of crop output. Who will see such tragedy happen?  

So let’s start not to eat snakes any more because “to protect the snake is to protect __40________.”



A young man was ready to graduate from college. For months he had  16 a sports car in a  17   showroom, and knowing his father  18 afford it, he told him that was  19 he wanted.  20 Graduation Day approached, he waited for the news    21 that his father had bought the car. On the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his   22  study. He handed him a beautiful box.   23  , but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened it  24  found a lovely Bible, with the young man’s name on it.  25 , he shouted to his father and said, “ With all your  26 you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the  27  ,
Many years passed. The young man was successful in both business and his family, but  28  his father was old, he intended to go back see him. He  29  him since that graduation day.  30 he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling his father had passed away, and he needed to take  31 possessions from his father. When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and  32 filled his heart. He saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag(标签)with the dealer’s name,  33  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the  34 “PAID IN FULL.”
How many time do we miss blessing because they are not packaged as we  35 ?  Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.     

A.whichB.all whatC.allD.why
【小题9】 A  however    B. and              C. or              D. then
A.to realizeB.realizedC.realizingD.having realized
A.hadn’t seenB.didn’t seeC.hasn’t seenD.wasn’t seen
A.a sameB.the sameC.sameD.the same as




     A young man was ready to graduate from college. For months he had  16  a sports car in a  17   showroom, and knowing his father  18  afford it, he told him that was  19  he wanted.  20  Graduation Day approached, he waited for the news     21  that his father had bought the car. On the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his   22  study. He handed him a beautiful box.   23  , but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened it  24  found a lovely Bible, with the young man’s name on it.  25  , he shouted to his father and said, “ With all your  26  you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the  27  ,

Many years passed. The young man was successful in both business and his family, but  28  his father was old, he intended to go back see him. He  29  him since that graduation day.  30  he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling his father had passed away, and he needed to take  31  possessions from his father. When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and  32  filled his heart. He saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag(标签)with the dealer’s name,  33  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the  34  “PAID IN FULL.”

How many time do we miss blessing because they are not packaged as we  35  ?  Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.     

1. A. owned       B. driven            C. admired        D. seen

2. A. model’s      B. manager’s         C. businessman’s   D. dealer’s

3. A. must        B. could             C. should         D. would

4. A. which       B. all what           C. all             D. why

5. A. As          B. with              C. For            D. Along           

6. A. quietly      B. patiently           C. politely         D. anxiously              

7.A. previous     B. personal           C. private         D. professional

8. A. Curious      B. Serious           C. Amused         D. Concerned

9. A  however    B. and               C. or              D. then

10. A. Luckily      B. Happily           C. Carefully        D. Angrily

11. A. money       B. cost              C. income          D. charge

12. A. car         B. college             C. Bible           D. box

13. A. to realize    B. realized            C. realizing         D. having realized

14. A. hadn’t seen  B. didn’t see           C. hasn’t seen       D. wasn’t seen

15. A. When      B. Before             C. Until            D. After

16. A. up         B. in                C. on               D. over  

17. A. regret      B. happiness          C. excitement        D. promise

18. A. a same     B. the same           C. same             D. the same as

19. A. sentences   B. words             C. talks             D. phrases

20. A. expected   B. respected     C. regretted          D. repeated




语法填空(每篇共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)


或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31~40 的相应位置上。

Many people like to read the (31) ___________________(late)newspapers. But  (32) _______________ is it produced so quickly?

The most important man may be the chief editor. He decides (33) ______________ to do. Every morning the (34)________________ (journal) are sent to cover the events. Sometimes they need a face-to-face interview with people (35) _____________ do telephone interviews. Meanwhile, the picture editor sends (36) _______________ (photograph) to take the pictures they need.

Later in the day, they pass the stories and the (37)_________________ (develop) photos to the editor. Then the chief editor will choose the most important news for the front page. (38)_________________ editors read the stories, make some necessary changes and write headlines for them. (39)__________________ the newspaper is printed and (40)_________________(deliver)to different places.


