A 考查动词短语的用法.look up的意思为“向上看 . “尊敬 . “仰望 . “查寻 . “拜访 . “好转 .在本语境中为“好转 . 查看更多




  But there is still hope. The human beings have been able to keep a small, secret school open since the machines 1 . In this school, the students still 2 all the wonders of the world-science, art, history, culture and they are still 3 to dream about a better future. The leader of the humans 4 that if it is time 5 something to stop AXL, 6 the machines and people back together, and 7 the world beautiful again. A group of experts 8 to solve the problem, but they 9 . Now, the leader has asked a group of students to do what they can 10 the Earth.



arrange                     inform of            break down               put forward              delight     

concentrate on              take up                     contribute to             expose                    accuse of

1.The suggestion ________________ by the chairman was rejected at yesterday’s meeting.

2._____________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.

3.Doing sports on a regular basis _____________ our health.

4.His car __________ constantly ___________, which makes him crazy especially when he is in a hurry.

5.In order to calm their child down, the mother _____________ the story where the father left off the night before.

6.______________ to live in the countryside, he has never thought of seeking fortune in the big cities.

7.He couldn’t ____________________ his experiment with so much noise going on outside the labs.

8.Being afraid of falling behind the times, he has always been keeping himself ____________ the latest development of technology.

9.The young man _________________ stealing three times since he left high school.

10.He demanded that a car _______________ to pick him up at the airport.




arrange                inform of            break down               put forward              delight     

concentrate on                  take up                     contribute to             expose                    accuse of

The suggestion ________________ by the chairman was rejected at yesterday’s meeting.

_____________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.

Doing sports on a regular basis _____________ our health.

His car __________ constantly ___________, which makes him crazy especially when he is in a hurry.

In order to calm their child down, the mother _____________ the story where the father left off the night before.

______________ to live in the countryside, he has never thought of seeking fortune in the big cities.

He couldn’t ____________________ his experiment with so much noise going on outside the labs.

Being afraid of falling behind the times, he has always been keeping himself ____________ the latest development of technology.

The young man _________________ stealing three times since he left high school.

He demanded that a car _______________ to pick him up at the airport.



leave sb alone; turn around;   test out;set aside;    ring up;   smooth away   

1. How many people __________________ while I was out?

2.The model must ____________________ before we put it into mass production.

3.__________________, I saw an old friend of mine, whom I haven’t seen for years.

4.She is very upset. _______________ for a few minutes.

5.It’s time for us _________________ our differences and work together for a common purpose.

6.There are still a few problems to be ___________________ before we can complete the project.





arrange                inform of               break down          put forward          delight   

concentrate on         take up               contribute to        expose                accuse of


1.The suggestion ________________ by the chairman was rejected at yesterday’s meeting.

2.______________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.

3.Doing sports on a regular basis _____________ our health.

4.His car __________ constantly ___________, which makes him crazy especially when he is in a hurry.

5.In order to calm their child down, the mother _____________ the story where the father left off the night before.

6.______________ to live in the countryside, he has never thought of seeking fortune in the big cities.

7.He couldn’t ____________________ his experiment with so much noise going on outside the labs.

8.Being afraid of falling behind the times, he has always been keeping himself ____________ the latest development of technology.

9.The young man _________________ stealing three times since he left high school.

10.He demanded that a car _______________ to pick him up at the airport.


