B 考查情态动词.should have done本该做但事实上并未做. 查看更多



   Over time, the Declaration of Independence has deeply affected American history. Phrases from the document such as “all men are created equal” quickly took on a life of their own or were applied to groups that the authors never expected. Blacks quickly used this language to challenge slavery in the United Sates. The ideal of equality led Northern states to free slaves in the 1780s,1790s,and early 1800s.Black and white abolitionists(废奴主义者) used the ideal that all men were created equal to attack slavery in the South before the Civil War. And civil fights supporters gathered behind Jefferson's words in their fight against racism in the 1950s and 1960s.In 1848 the delegates(代表) to the Seneca Falls women's fights conference proclaimed that “all men and women are created equal”, and the 20th?century feminist(女权主义者) did the same.?

   Other groups have focused on the document's defence of the right to rebel against an unjust government. The Declaration of Independence had a deep effect on the French Revolution; its influence was strong in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted by the National Assembly of France in 1789.In the 19th century the principles of the declaration were adopted by various Latin American movements fighting for independence from European colonial powers. The declaration influences more recent struggles for national identity(身份):Vietnamese Communist leader HoChi Mink, for example, used the American document as one of the basic principles behind his fight to establish an independent and unified Vietnam.?

   The document itself continues to be an important symbol for the American people. Today, each page of the Declaration of Independence is protected. Over one million Americans view the document each year in Washington, D.C., where it is displayed along with the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.?

   1.What can be inferred about the 20th?century feminists?

   A. They fought against racism, using the Declaration of independence?.?

   B. They defended women's rights by referring to “men and women”.?

   C. They held conferences to discuss the Declaration of Independence.?

   D. They proclaimed the Independence of Women's Rights.

   2.The passage gives the example of the French Revolution to show that ________.

   A. the Declaration of Independence ensures people's rights to supervise(监督) the government?

   B. the Declaration of Independence ensures the equality for all men?

   C. French people and the U.S. are closely minted?

   D. the French Revolution had a strong influence on many Latin American Movements

   3.From the last paragraph, we can see that today the Declaration of Independence__________ .?

   A. has had many of its pages lest?

   B. is only available in Washington D.C.?

   C. is still supported by the American people?

   D. has had many changes

   4.What is the main idea of the passage?

   A. The Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution.?

   B. The Declaration of Independence's influence on other countries.?

   C. The application of the Declaration of Independence by different people.?

   D. The different purposes of the Declaration of Independence intended by its authors.??





—It’s eight o’clock already. Jack    be here by now.

—Oh, he told me that he was going to see his dentist and wouldn’t be back until ten.河南省商丘市第一高级中学2010-2011学年第二学期高三第一次考试卷】【情态动词】

A.must      B.can     C.should    D.need



He ______. It's a shame my mobile phone was power-off. 【江苏省苏州市吴中区东山中学2010-2011学年度高三第二学期模拟卷】【情态动词】

A. ought to call me       B. could have called me

C. may be calling me       D. might call me



—Amazing! You    wear slippers at work.

— Don’t you know it’s a fashion? 【吉林省长春市2011届高三第二次模拟考试(东北三省四市联合调研)】【情态动词】

A. might     B. should     C. could     D. would


