C 本题主要是对动词时态的考查.选项C表示目前所正在发生或进行的动作. 行为.根据句子的意思.描述目前人们生活中所发生的事情.于是本题的最佳答案为C. 查看更多



LONDON —A British judge on Thursday sentenced a businessman who sold fake (假冒的)bomb detectors (探测器) to 10 years in prison, saying the man hadn’t cared about potentially deadly consequences.

It is believed that James McCormick got about $77. 8 million from the sales of his detectors — which were based on a kind of golf ball finder — to countries including Iraq, Belgium and Saudi Arabia.

McCormick, 57,was convicted (判罪) of cheats last month and sentenced Thursday at the Old Bailey court in London.

“Your cheating conduct in selling a great amount of useless equipment simply for huge profit promoted a false sense of security and in all probability materially contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people,’’ Judge Richard Hone told McCormick. “You have neither regret, nor shame, nor any sense of guilt.”

The detectors, sold for up to $ 42,000 each, were said to be able to find such dangerous objects as bombs under water and from the air. But in fact they “lacked any grounding in science” and were of no use.

McCormick had told the court that he sold his detectors to the police in Kenya,the prison service in Hong Kong, the army in Egypt and the border control in Thailand.

“I never had any bad results from customers,” he said.

39. Why was McCormick sentenced to prison?

A. He sold bombs.                              B. He caused death of people.

C. He made detectors.                              D. He cheated in business.

40. According to the judge, what McCormick had done ________ .

A. increased the cost of safeguarding

B. lowered people’s guard against danger

C. changed people’s idea of social security

D. caused innocent people to commit crimes

41. Which of the following is true of the detectors?

A. They have not been sold to Africa.

B. They have caused many serious problems.

C. They can find dangerous objects in water.

D. They don't function on the basis of science.

42. It can be inferred from the passage that McCormick _________ .

A. sold the equipment at a low price

B. was well-known in most countries

C. did not think he had committed the crime

D. had not got such huge profit as mentioned in the text





第一部分(Para. 1-3)

McCormick, 57,was convicted of cheats last month and sentenced Thursday at the Old Bailey court in London

新闻案件的简介:57岁的McCormick上月被起诉诈骗并于周三在伦敦的Old Bailey court法庭被判刑。

第二部分(Para. 4)

cheating conduct, promoted a false sense of security, contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people


第三部分(Para. 5-7)

But in fact they “lacked any grounding in science” and were of no use, sold…to… , never had any bad results



39. D。细节理解题。难度:中等。问题是“为什么McCormick被判刑入狱”。根据问题中的关键词sentenced to prison定位原文第一段。第一段说到McCormick是一位商人,生产了假冒的炸弹探测器,这是一种商业欺骗。选项D和其对应,为正确答案。

40. B。细节理解题。难度:难。问题是“根据法官的说法,McCormick的所为导致了什么样的结果”。根据问题中的关键词according to the judge定位第四段的第一句:your cheating conduct … promoted a false sense of security and … contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people(你的欺骗行为提高了人们虚假的安全感并助推给无辜百姓带来死亡和伤害)。由此可见,McCormick的行为让人们有了安全感,但这种安全并不真实。B “降低了人们防范危险的安全意识”符合此意,为正确答案。

41. D。判断题。难度:难。问题是“下面哪种说法对探测仪来说是正确的”。

解题思路:根据问题中的关键词detectors,把四个选项具体对应到原文中一处。A对应文章倒数第二段的最后一句he sold his detectors to the police in Kenya,the prison service in Hong Kong, the army in Egypt and the border control in Thailand。该句中的Kenya是非洲的肯尼亚,否定了A的说法。B对应第一段第一句“the man hadn’t cared about potentially deadly consequences”,法官只说罪犯没有关注潜在的致命后果,而不是已经导致严重的问题。C对应第五段的第一句话“were said to be able to find such dangerous objects as bombs under water and from the air”提示,探测仪的功能只是据说,而不一定真的具备找到水中危险物品的功能。选项D定位第五段的最后一句“in fact they ‘lacked any grounding in science’ and were of no use可知,这种探测仪没有科学根据,也毫无用途,和D“没有科学根据的工作原理”相吻合,故最佳答案是D。

42. D。推理判断题。难度:中等。


本题主要考查第四段和第七段。A“以低价销售设备”与原文第四段第一句不符,因为该句提到法官指控McCormick通过卖一些无用的设备来巨额利润。B“在大多数国家很有名”与文中提到的区区几个国家和地区Iraq,Belgium,Saudi Arabia,Kenya,Hong Kong,Egypt和Thailand购买他的探测仪不符。C“认为他没有犯罪”和第七段对应,其中他所说的“I never had any bad results from customers”和C符合,C是正确答案。D“他没有赚取文中提到的那么大利润”在原文没有语言根据。


    一位中学生在自己班级就校服问题进行了调查(survey),下面是对部分学生的调查统计表,请参照该表写一篇题为“Report 0n the Survey about Our School Uniform”的报告。






























    N0 idea





参考词汇:赶时髦follow the fashion





    一位中学生在自己班级就校服问题进行了调查(survey),下面是对部分学生的调查统计表,请参照该表写一篇题为“Report 0n the Survey about Our School Uniform”的报告。






























    N0 idea





参考词汇:赶时髦follow the fashion











a) 以英语学习为例,简述你学习过程中经常出现的语言错误;

b) 你是如何看待自己的语言错误;

c) 你的老师如何对待你的语言错误;

d) 你对老师的做法持什么看法?为什么?






  Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between his language and others’ language. Bit by bit, he makes the right changes to make his language like other people’s. In the same way, children learn to do all the other things. They learn to talk, run, climb, ride a bicycle by comparing their own behaviors with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school teachers never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, even fewer chances for him to correct himself. They do it all for him. Teachers act as if the student would never notice a mistake if they did not point out it to him. They act as if the student would never correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let the student do it himself. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.




  A.Bionic Woman

  Wed, sept.26,9PM on NBC

  Jaime Sommers is an ordinary woman whose world turns upside down when she’s involved in a fatal car accident.Her scientist boyfriend uses his medical skills to save her life by giving her a bionic eye, ear, arm and legs.But in the process he transforms her life into one filled with danger, action and adventure.


  Mon.Sept.24,10PM on NBC

  Dan Vasser is a San Francisco newspaper reporter and family man who accidentally begins to travel through time.Along the way, he also must deal with the difficulties at work and home brought on by his sudden disappearances.However, his travels reunite him with his long-lost finance(未婚妻)which complicates his present-day life.

  C.Life Is Wild

  Sun., Oct.7,8∶00PMon The CW

  Teen Katie faces a culture clash when her dad and his new wife decide to move their blended family from Manhattan to South Africa.While Katie must learn to adapt to the new surroundings -a ropey lodge(破旧的山林小屋)in the middle of an animal preserve.The family must bond together in order to deal with the change.

  D.Samantha Who?

  Mon, Oct.15,9∶30PM on ABC

  Samantha wakes from a coma after eight days-with no memory of who she is or her former life.Slowly, she begins to learn she had a terrible relationship with her parents, treated her boyfriend badly and had no close friend; in general, she wasn’t a very nice person.It’s not easy for her to tell the difference between goodness and evil.

  AB.Big Shots

  Thu, Sept.27,10PM on ABC

  Four high-ranking executives who are at the top of their fields become friends in a club.These competitive but despairing New York CEOs take refuge in their friendship, discussing business, confiding secret, confiding secrets, seeking advice and supporting one another through life’s twists and turns.They desire to find the best ways to mix business with pleasure.

  CD.Criminal Minds

  Thu, Sep.22,9PM on CBS

  An elite team of FBI profilers analyze the country’s most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next move before they strike again.Each member of the “mind hunter” team brings their own area of expertise on the table as they pinpoint predators’ motivations and identify their emotional triggers in order to stop them.


  Frances, who married a foreign man two years ago, faces culture shock in the new family.She is not familiar with the new culture, which causes a few problems.She wants to see how other people adapt to the new surroundings.

  Charles is a 16-year-old boy who is dreaming to become a detective.He once happened to watch a TV program which shows how to analyze criminal minds.Since then, he’s been collecting information about that.

  Janet is always curious about how science changes people’s life.Besides, she is very interested in those stories about people who get supernatural power after some accidents.

  Mr.Smith is a manager in a company, but still feels depressed.He finds nothing other than unhappiness in his job.It’s necessary for him to find balance between wording and living.He is eager to watch something about this.

  Steven is a little boy whose mother always tells him stories about people traveling through time.Fascinated about such stories, he is ready to grasp every opportunity to watch such teleplays.

