I’ll give him some books . 4表示状态特征的连系动词+adj./n.,用主动式表被动义. (look,sound,feel,smell,taste, prove, appear,make,...) The steel feels cold. 5 表示“开始.结束.运动 的动词用主动式表被动义. (begin,open,start,stop,end,finish,shut, move,run,...) The shop opens at 6 am. every day. 查看更多



根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并将答案写在二卷对应位置(否则不予给分), 选项中有两项多余选项。

-- Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?

-- Hi, Susan! ___1.___. What can I do for you?

-- Well. I’m calling to tell you about the theatre group I belong to, the Princeton Players. We’re looking for more people to join, especially men.   2.  .

-- Oh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn may part, but   3.  .

-- Well, actually, we rehearse only one night a week, Thursday, from 7 to 10, though we would have to pit in extra time before a performance.

-- Only once a week, you say?  4.  .

-- Sure. But look, why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work. When you see how much fun it is, you’ll want to join right sway.

-- OK, I’ll come to a rehearsal,   5.  .

-- Great! I’ll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then. Bye for now.

-- Bye, Susan.

 A. I’m Greg Robinson. 

B. And I thought you might be interested in it. 

C. It’s Greg. 

D. but I can’t promise more than that. 

E. I would hardly have time to rehearse.

F. if the play interests me.  

G. Well, could you give me time to think it over?




-- Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Crower please?

-- Hi, Susan. 1.

-- Well, I’m calling about the theatre group I belong to.  2. And I thought you might be interested.

-- Oh, gosh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m doing a hard job. I might be able to learn my part,  3.

-- Well, actually, we practise only one night a week, Thursdays from seven to ten, though we would have to put in extra time before performances.

-- 4.   

-- Sure, but look, why don’t you come and watch next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work.   5.

-- Okay, I’ll come once, but I can’t promise more than that.

-- Great. I’ll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then, bye now.

-- Bye, Susan.

A.How are you getting on with your job?

B.but I might have no time to put on performances at the stage.

C.Well, could you give me time to think it over?

D.What can I do for you?

E. When you see how much fun it is, you will want to join right away.

F. but I would hardly have time to come to the practice performances.

G. We are looking for more people to join us, especially men.




-- Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Crower please?

-- Hi, Susan.

-- Well, I’m calling about the theatre group I belong to.    And I thought you might be interested.

-- Oh, gosh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m doing a hard job. I might be able to learn my part,  

-- Well, actually, we practise only one night a week, Thursdays from seven to ten, though we would have to put in extra time before performances.


-- Sure, but look, why don’t you come and watch next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work.   

-- Okay, I’ll come once, but I can’t promise more than that.

-- Great. I’ll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then, bye now.

-- Bye, Susan.

A. How are you getting on with your job?

B. but I might have no time to put on performances at the stage.

C. Well, could you give me time to think it over?

D. What can I do for you?

E. When you see how much fun it is, you will want to join right away.

F. but I would hardly have time to come to the practice performances.

G. We are looking for more people to join us, especially men.


W:Hello ,this is Susan.

M:Hi ,Susan ! It’s Tom .What can I do for you?

W:Well ,I’m (76) c        to tell you about the theatre group  


I belong to . We are looking for more people to (77)j         .


And I thought you might be (78)i       in it.


M:Oh. You know how much I love acting ,but I’m

    (79)t        some hard courses .I might be able to learn my


part , but I would (80)h        have time to come to the rehearsal.


W:Well ,actually we rehearse one night a week ,Thursday,

perhaps we’ll put in extra time before the (81)f        performance.


M:Only (82)o       a week? Well ,could you give me time to think it over?


W:Sure .But look ,Why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next

Thursday? I think you’ll like the way we work .When you

see how much(83) f     it is ,you’ll want to join right away.


M:Ok. I’ll come to a rehearsal, but I can’t promise (84) m      than that.


W:Great ! I’ll give you a call beforehand to(85) r      you.


Talk to you then . Bye for now.

M:Till then



W:Hello, this is Susan.

M:Hi, Susan! It’s Tom .What can I do for you?

W:Well, I’m (1) c        to tell you about the theatre group                      1.       

       I belong to. We are looking for more people to (2)j         .                 2.       

       And I thought you might be (3)i       in it.                                         3.       

M:Oh. You know how much I love acting, but I’m

    (4)t        some hard courses .I might be able to learn my                   5.          

       part, but I would (5)h        have time to come to the rehearsal.          5.       

W:                                Well, actually we rehearse one night a week, Thursday,

       perhaps we’ll put in extra time before the (6)f        performance.       6.       

M:Only (7)o       a week? Well, could you give me time to think it over?   7.       

W:Sure .But look, Why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you’ll like the way we work .When you

       see how much(8) f     it is ,you’ll want to join right away.                   8.       

M:Ok. I’ll come to a rehearsal, but I can’t promise (9) m      than that.    9.           

W:Great! I’ll give you a call beforehand to(10) r      you.                        10.          

       Talk to you then. Bye for now.

M:Till then

