Newspapers are made paper. Paper is made wood. A.from/of B. of/from C. of/in D. in/from 查看更多




Babies love chocolate, and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example . She doesn't like newspapers very much .

Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees , and trees are plants: Vegetables and fruit are plants too, and we eat a lot of them . So can we also eat wood and paper?

Scientists say: “ All food comes in some way from plants. ” Well, is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat sea-plants; then bigger fish swim along and eat them . Chickens eat bits of grass and give us eggs . What food does not come from plants in some way?

Scientists can do wonderful things with plants . They can make food just like meat. And they can make it without the help of animals . It is very good food, too . Now they have begun to say : “ We make our paper from wood . We can also make food from wood . The next thing is not very difficult . ”

What is the next thing? Perhaps it is food from paper. Scientists say;“We can turn paper into food . It will be good , cheap food too : cheaper than meat or fish or eggs . ”

So please keep your old books and letters . One day , soon , they will be on your plate. There is nothing like a good story for breakfast .

6.People live mainly on ______.                   

A.paper          B.plants           D.meat

7.Scientists have ______.                    

A.made a lot of paper   B.fed eggs to chickens

C.made food just like meat D.made meat cheaper than food from paper

8.Chickens eat bits of grass . In the sentence “bits of” means _________________________.   

A.a little of    B .lots of  C.big pieces of    D .small pieces of

9.Which of the following is NOT true?           

A.Scientists say, “All food comes in some way from plants . ”

B.Scientists can make wood into food some day.

C.Scientists can make food from paper some day.

D.Scientists advise us to eat old books and letters at meals .

10.Choose one of the following as the topic for the passage .   

 A.Paper----Our Future Food   B.No More Meat in Future

C.Save Old Books for Breakfast  D.Paper----The Best Cat Food 



  Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example. She doesn't like newspapers very much.

  Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper?

  Scientists say: “All food comes in some way from plants.” Well, is that true? Animas eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat little sea-plants; then bigger fish swim along and eat the…Chicken eat bits of grass and give us…Think for a minute. What food does not come from plants in some way?

  Scientists can do wonderful things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without the help of animals. It is very good food too. Now they have begun to say: “We make out paper from wood. We can also make food from wood. The next thing is not very difficult.” What is the next thing? Perhaps it is-food from paper Scientists say: “We can turn paper into food. It will be good, cheap food too; cheaper than meat or fish or eggs.”

  So please keep your old books and letters. Don't feed them to your cat. One day, soon, they will be on your plate. There is nothing like a good story for breakfast.

1.What does the best paper come form?

[  ]


2.We can infer from the passage that ________ don't come from plants in some way.

[  ]

A.few kinds of food
B.meat and fish
C.cheese and chickens
D.wood and paper

3.What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]

A.All food comes from plants in come way. will not be long before food can be made from paper.

C.Scientists can do wonderful things with plants.

D.Scientists can make food without the help of animals.

4.The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because ________.

[  ]

A.they are useful for reading

B.they may be used to feed cats

C.we can make food from them soon

D.we can read them before meals


  Paper was not made in southern Europe until the year 1100.Though Scandinavia now 1 a great deal of the world s paper, it did not begin to make it until 1500. 2 was a German named Schaeffer who found out that one could make the best paper from 3 . After that, forest countries, such as Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland and the United States, became the most important in 4 . Today in Finland, 5 , no industry is bigger than the forest industry. And the 6 industry is the most important part of it.

  Modern paper-making machines are very big, 7 they make paper very fast. The 8 machines can make a piece of paper 750 metres long and six metres wide in one minute.

  When we think of paper, we think of newspapers, books, letters, 9 , and writing paper. But there are many other 10 . Each year, more and more things are made of paper. We 11 paper cups, plates, and dishes for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and 12 beds can be made of paper. The newest thing made of paper in the world may be a paper 13 . It is not a small house for children to 14 , but a real, big house for people to live in. It is not expensive. You can 15 a paper house yourself in a few hours, and you can use it for about 5 years.


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.bamboo nets
C.fibres of plants


[  ]

A.paper making
C.tree planting
D.peace keeping


[  ]

C.for example fact


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.have invented
B.haven' t invented
C.have had
D.haven't had


[  ]



[  ]



[  ] in
B.sleep in
C.have lessons in
D.set up


[  ]
B.think of
C.put up


     Making pulp (纸浆) and paper is a traditional industry in Canada. According to the Canadian Pulp and
Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these
paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be left. Recently, a possible
way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp (麻).
     Hemp has been grown for a long time. It produces fiber which can be made into paper, fuel, oil, food and
rope. For centuries, it was very important to the economies of many countries because it was used to make
big ropes used on sailing ships. The worldwide trading network would not have been possible without hemp.
Nowadays, ships' ropes are usually made from wire or fibers, but scientists are now suggesting growing hemp.
In fact, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many
environmentalists believe that the large-scale growing of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's forests.
     However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world. This plant, which is related to
the plant from which a drug called marijuana (大麻毒品) is produced, is very useful for fiber, rope, oil and
fuel. In the late 1930s,a movement to ban the drug marijuana began, resulting in the banning of the growing
not only of the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the commercial fiber producing hemp plant. In fact,
the drug marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant, since it doesn't contain the active ingredient (成
分)in the drug. In recent years, many people try to make it legal to grow the plant and sell the fiber for
1. Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada?
A. Canada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood.
B. Canada publishes a lot of newspapers and books.
C. Pulp and paper export is a major source of earning money for Canada.
D. Hemp is a traditional plant of Canada.
2. In the past worldwide trade, the plant hemp was used as _______.
A. a material for ships' ropes
B. a very rewarding export
C. fuel for ships
D. food for sailors
3. Hemp was banned because _______.
A. it is related to the marijuana plant
B. it can be used to produce marijuana
C. it was no longer a useful crop
D. it was harmful to the land
4. According to the passage, what can be used to make paper?
A. Trees.
B. Hemp plant.
C. Marijuana plant.
D. Both trees and hemp plant.


Going on a road trip? The St.Louis Arch,Statue of Liberty and Golden Gate Br_[dga are great tourist sites.But if you prefer offbeat destinations, check out the following roadside attractions.

     World's Largest Ball of Paint

     Alexandria, Ind.

     In 1977, Michael Carmichael set out to create the biggest ball of paint anywhere.Starting with a base-ball as center, he painted layer after layer of paint day after day, year after year.The ball weighs more than 1,300 pounds, with more than 20,000 coats of paint, which is recognized by Guinness World Records.Visitors can paint the ball themselves and become part of history.

     The Museum of Dirt

     Boston, Mass.

     The museum is the idea of Glenn Johnson.Labeled (贴有标签的) glass bottles contain such treasures as dirt from the Great Wall of China, as well as sand from a desert in Saudi Arabia and Omaha Beach in France.Best of all, the cost of seeing this museum is dirt cheap: It's free.

     Mount Horeb Mustard Museum

     Mount Horeb,Wis.

     It's heaven for hotdog lovers! This museum claims to have the world's largest collection of prepared mustards (芥末).Its more than 4,100 bottles of spices come from 60 nations, including Turkey and China.Visitors learn the history of mustard, from how it's made to how it's advertised and sold.The museum's creator, Barry Levenson, loves mustard so much, he even puts it on ice cream!

     Paper House

     Rockport, Mass.

     Swedish immigrant (移民) Ellis Stenman was much ahead of his time in 1922, when he started to build a two-room house almost entirely out of newspaper.At the time, people didn't give much — if any —thought to recycling paper.In fact, "recycling" wasn't even a word yet.The house is framed with wood, but the walls are made of 215 layers of newspaper.In all, he used about 100,000 newspapers.

1.The underlined word "offbeat" in the first paragraph can be best replaced by______.

   A.great           B.foreign           C.unusual           D.historical

2.If you want to add your own work to what you visit, you may choose______ .

   A.World's Largest Ball of Paint                B.The Museum of Dirt

   C.Mount Horeb Mustard Museum               D.Paper House

3.Which of the following is true of Barry Levenson according to the text?

   A.No spices but mustards can be found in his museum.

   B.He travels around the world to collect mustards.

   C.Mustard is advertised and sold in his museum.

   D.In a way, he shows much preference for mustard.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

   A.Michael must have the largest ball in the world. 

B.Glenn must have paid a visit to China.

   C.Lots of hotdog lovers will travel to Mount Horeb.

D.Ellis could be seen as a pioneer in his time.

 5.According to the text, we know that

   A.Michael will never stop painting the large ball

B.there is no charge at the Museum of Dirt

   C.Barry is the owner of the mustard museum

D.Paper House was completely made of paper

