When your homework , we will go to play football. A.is done B. are done C. had done D. will be done 查看更多



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What should you do when your parents become angry? If they get mad, try have a conversation with them about the problem. Remembering not to shout at them. Usually,  they will try to change, but they will take some time because they have gotten angrily all their lives, and that is all they know. You might have to change your method couple of times. Do any nice things for your parents that they don’t expect,  as cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the house. If this doesn’t work, bringing in a friend that you feel comfortable with, and have him or her to help you.


请阅读下面应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请将答案填涂在答题卡上标号为56~60的相应位置上。(若选E,涂AB; 若选F,涂CD)
Taking care of yourself is not being selfish. By caring enough to treat your body well, you will be in better shape to take care of those around you. No one can take care of your health except yourself.
Believe in yourself and your ability. Have a “can-do” attitude. Make a list of successful changes that you have made in the past. It is easier to achieve a goal when you are optimistic. Use humor and laugh off occasional lapses(过失).Have confidence that you can get back on track with your healthy routine.
Seek out a friend or co-worker who will make you feel comfortable. You will find out making friends is a happy thing in the world. Regular phone calls, emails or visit over coffee could help you keep a good contact with them. Perhaps your cheerleader could become your exercise buddy(密友).
Reward yourself as you make simple changes that in the end will result in achieving your overall goal. Celebration is part of successful change. Create a list of incentives(动机) that will keep you motivated.
Adopt eating and physical activity habits that can become part of your lifestyle. Have a backup plan for those days when your plans to eat well and be active are challenged. If you can’t walk due to the weather, have an exercise video to use. If you have no time to pack a healthy lunch, choose a small fast food sandwich and side salad.
Go on a trip. Work and family are two most important things in people’s lives. People try to tackle the two things at once, but most of them fail. Just as an old saying goes: People who know how to rest know how to work. Go out with your family and have a good time.
56. Tommy, a computer engineer, doesn’t believe his working capability. Though he works hard, he never gets praise from his boss.
57. Jack dislikes going home after a full day’s work. He says that it makes him feel lonely.
58. Linda, a house wife, spends most of her time cooking and looking after babies. She is worn out now.
59. Bob, a businessman, doesn’t care much about his success and has lost his struggling motivation.
60. Cathy worked continuously for two weeks without rest. Now she is worried about her family, especially her five-year-old daughter.


George, when your big brother and your little dog and I walked you up to schools today, you

had no idea how I was feeling.

You were so excited. You had packed and unpacked your pencils and safety scissors in your backpack a dozen times. I am really going to miss those lazy mornings when we waved your brother and sister off to school.

Because you are my youngest, I had learned a few things by the time you came along. I found out that the seemingly endless days of babyhood are gone like lightning. I blinked(眨眼), and your older siblings were setting off for school as eagerly as you did this morning, I was one of the lucky ones; I could choose whether to work or not. By the time it was your turn, the shining prizes of career advancement and a double income had lost their brightness. A splash(溅水) in the pool with you in your bright red boots or "just one more" rereading of your favorite book, Frog and Toad Are Friends, meant more. You didn't go to preschool and I hope that doesn't hold you back. You learned numbers by helping me count the soda cans we returned to the store.

I have to admit that in my mind's eye, an image of myself while you're in school has developed, I see myself updating all the photo albums and starting that novel I always wanted to write. As the summer wound down and more frequent quarrels erupted between you and your siblings, I was looking forward to today. And then this morning, I walked you up the steep hill to your classroom. You found the coat hook with your name above it right away, and you gave me one of your characteristically fierce, too-tight hugs. This time you were ready to let go before I was.

Maybe someday you will deliver a kindergartner to the first day of school. When you turn at the door to wave good-bye, he or she will be too deep in conversation with a new friend to notice. Even as you smile, you'll feel something warm on your cheek.

And then, you’ll know…

64.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence?

A.She gave up the job with a big salary and prizes.

B.She could only recall her good job at home now.

C.Many good jobs with better pay attracted her but she didn’t take them.

D.Compared with bringing up the baby, work seemed to fade to her.

65.Which statement is NOT TRUE about George’s family according to the letter?

A.George’s parents gave birth to three children

B.The Georges is a double income family.

C.The children had more arguments during the summer.

D.They recyled soda cans.

66.The passage tries to show us         .

A.how excited a child will be on his first day to school

B.how deeply a mother loves her child

C.how many efforts a mother has made to raise a child

D.how a mother plans her future life after her children go to school



We all know that theme parks are places to have fun and amuse ourselves, but among so many exciting rides there are also some dangers, Make sure you know what the safety standards are for all the attractions at the park. If you do that , you will be safe and have fun.

    Drink water. Believe it or not , dehydration-- when your body doesn’t have enough water--is the commonest cause of injuries at theme parks. Drinking water while you are at the park is not enough.You must make sure that you drink enough water before your visit.

    Use your “common sense”. There are lots of people around , so make sure where your friends or family are .Also ,if you are walking and want to stop , make sure nobody is walking behind you. First step aside,then look behind and if you aren’t in anybody’s way,then stop.It might sound exaggerated(夸张的),but crashes between people can cause accidents.

    Follow the instructions. The majority of theme parks have instructions for each ride. Some rides only allow people of a certain height. So make sure you are not too tall or too short before boarding any ride. Also, people with certain diseases or conditions are advised not to go on some rides. Do remember : If you are told not to go on a ride, then DON’T.

  Do not ride with a bad atomach or if you’ve just eaten. Rides can make you ill because of their violent changes of direction and your lunch may end up on someone else’s head: surely not a very pleasant experience.

   Have fun, relax, and be a little brave!

Some rides might look scary but theme parks are very safe places.

1.What is the leading reason for injuries at theme parks?

A. Snow   B. Dehydration  C. Fire     D.Crashes

2.According to the author,____.

A. it doesn’t pay to go to theme parks       

B. people can have lots of fun in theme parks

C. men are more interested in theme parks than women

D. shy people should not go to theme parks

3.Which of the following will the author accept?

A. Children should not  play in theme parks.

B. One shouldn’t eat anything before riding.

C. One must always stay with his friends or family in theme parks.

D. One must read the instructions before playing in theme parks.



Money Matters
Parents should help their children understand money. 51   So you may start talking
about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.
1.The basic function of money
Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have.
If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier(收银员).52    When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more complex ways of using money.
1.      Money lessons
Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. 53    If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, explain, “ You have enough toy trucks for now.” Or, if the request is for many different things, say, “ You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.”
2.      54    
Begin at the grocery store. Pick out two similar brands of a product--- a name-brand butter and a generic (无商标产品),for example. You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. 55    If he chooses the chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.

A.Wise decisions
B.The value of money
C.Permit the child to choose between them.
D.Tell your child why he can –or cannot --- have certain things.
E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you
F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.
G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.

