The guide said that the dinosaur eggs about 95 million years ago. lay B. were lay C. laid D. were laid 查看更多



While I was on a trip to Papua New Guinea to take underwater photographs, I asked a local dive guide to help me find a pygmy sea horse(侏儒海马). I wanted to take a picture of it. These sea horses can be red or yellow-and-orange. The red pygmy sea horse lives on only one type of coral, a red sea fan that grows at depths below ninety feet.
This depth made the job even tougher. As the pressure on my body increased, I had to breathe harder, which used my air supply faster. So the deeper I dived, the shorter my time underwater.
I had a lot to do. First, I had to find the pygmy sea horse’s special type of fan .Then I had to look over the whole fan with my magnifying glass(放大镜) to see if a sea horse lived on it. If not, I had to find another fan—all the while keeping an eye on my oxygen supply. The second fan rewarded me with a find. The dive guide held the magnifying glass so I could have my first look at the tiny fish.
My next challenge was to focus my camera on such a small subject. The dive guide pointed at the tiny creature. I looked through the viewfinder(取景物) on my large underwater camera housing(相架), found the guide’s finger, and followed it to the sea horse.
It was hard to hold ourselves steady because both of us were floating in mid-water, but our system worked. I could hardly contain my excitement as I focused on the eyes of the cutest sea horse imaginable.
【小题1】What do we learn about the red pygmy sea horse?

A.It lives on red sea fans only. B.It swims very quickly.
C.It lives nine feet deep. D.It usually floats in mid-water.
【小题2】From Paragraph 3 we learn        . the author swam under the author found a sea horse
C.why the author dived with a guideD.why the author used a magnifying glass
【小题3】While the author was taking pictures of the sea horse,        .
A.she felt extremely nervousB.her camera didn’t work well
C.the guide helped focus the cameraD.the sea horse was swimming away
【小题4】Why did the author write the passage?
A.To study the natural habitat of sea animals.
B.To explain why sea horses are endangered.
C.To tell us how to be an underwater photographer.
D.To show us how she took pictures of a sea horse.


While I was on a trip to Papua New Guinea to take underwater photographs, I asked a local dive guide to help me find a pygmy sea horse(侏儒海马). I wanted to take a picture of it. These sea horses can be red or yellow-and-orange. The red pygmy sea horse lives on only one type of coral, a red sea fan that grows at depths below ninety feet.

This depth made the job even tougher. As the pressure on my body increased, I had to breathe harder, which used my air supply faster. So the deeper I dived, the shorter my time underwater.

I had a lot to do. First, I had to find the pygmy sea horse’s special type of fan .Then I had to look over the whole fan with my magnifying glass(放大镜) to see if a sea horse lived on it. If not, I had to find another fan—all the while keeping an eye on my oxygen supply. The second fan rewarded me with a find. The dive guide held the magnifying glass so I could have my first look at the tiny fish.

My next challenge was to focus my camera on such a small subject. The dive guide pointed at the tiny creature. I looked through the viewfinder(取景物) on my large underwater camera housing(相架), found the guide’s finger, and followed it to the sea horse.

It was hard to hold ourselves steady because both of us were floating in mid-water, but our system worked. I could hardly contain my excitement as I focused on the eyes of the cutest sea horse imaginable.

1.What do we learn about the red pygmy sea horse?

A.It lives on red sea fans only.                B.It swims very quickly.

C.It lives nine feet deep.                    D.It usually floats in mid-water.

2.From Paragraph 3 we learn        . the author swam under water the author found a sea horse

C.why the author dived with a guide           D.why the author used a magnifying glass

3.While the author was taking pictures of the sea horse,        .

A.she felt extremely nervous                B.her camera didn’t work well

C.the guide helped focus the camera          D.the sea horse was swimming away

4.Why did the author write the passage?

A.To study the natural habitat of sea animals.

B.To explain why sea horses are endangered.

C.To tell us how to be an underwater photographer.

D.To show us how she took pictures of a sea horse.



Some time ago during my vacation period, I traveled to Europe to tour the various parts of France.Our tour group was made up of forty—five travelers from different countries.My three friends and I made up the Canadian team on the bus.
As time passed we got to know each Other better and in some ways the new friendships that grew became as valuable and as memorable as the trip itself.
On the last day of the tour we were traveling through the peaceful French countryside when our guide came on the microphone.He said,“We are presently passing through World War I battlefields just south of Vimy Ridge.If you look to your right, just across the field there, you will see the war memorial that the people of France built to the Canadian soldiers who fought so bravely here.Even today some residents from the surrounding towns place flowers on the memorial regularly.My dear Canadian friends at the back of the bus, I would like to say thank you for the unselfish acts of your Canadian soldiers.”
Across the grassy field, the stone monument stood proud against the French sky.A Canadian flag rippled softly in the calm breeze.Lost in the moment, I could imagine the sights and sounds of war.Suddenly an unexpected wave of emotion swept over me.I felt great sadness for those men who never returned home to Canada, but at the same time my heart was filled with an enormous sense of pride.Tears welled up in my eyes.I was embarrassed by my uncontrolled reaction.As I turned around I realized that each of my friends had experienced the same feelings, their eyes also wet with tears.
72.From the passage we know the writer was traveling in Europe with    .
A.only his Canadian friends                 B.his foreign classmates
C.some foreigners as well as his friends        D.his colleagues and friends
73.It can be inferred from the passage that    .
A.the Canadian group didn’t know other members well at first
B.this must be a group for both traveling and study
C.the group was made up of people who got on well in real life
D.the numbers of the group must be students of history
74.The action of the local French shows that    .
A.they had made the battle field a place of interest
B.they still remember all the Canadians who have died
C.they honoured those Canadian soldiers who lost their lives m World War I
D.the numbers of the group must be students of history
75.At the guide’s words, as a Canadian, the writer     .
A.had complicated feelings
B.was only proud of those soldiers
C.thought it was his duty to help France
D.controlled his feelings so as not to be embarrassed



Some time ago during my vacation period, I traveled to Europe to tour the various parts of France.Our tour group was made up of forty—five travelers from different countries.My three friends and I made up the Canadian team on the bus.

As time passed we got to know each Other better and in some ways the new friendships that grew became as valuable and as memorable as the trip itself.

On the last day of the tour we were traveling through the peaceful French countryside when our guide came on the microphone.He said,“We are presently passing through World War I battlefields just south of Vimy Ridge.If you look to your right, just across the field there, you will see the war memorial that the people of France built to the Canadian soldiers who fought so bravely here.Even today some residents from the surrounding towns place flowers on the memorial regularly.My dear Canadian friends at the back of the bus, I would like to say thank you for the unselfish acts of your Canadian soldiers.”

Across the grassy field, the stone monument stood proud against the French sky.A Canadian flag rippled softly in the calm breeze.Lost in the moment, I could imagine the sights and sounds of war.Suddenly an unexpected wave of emotion swept over me.I felt great sadness for those men who never returned home to Canada, but at the same time my heart was filled with an enormous sense of pride.Tears welled up in my eyes.I was embarrassed by my uncontrolled reaction.As I turned around I realized that each of my friends had experienced the same feelings, their eyes also wet with tears.

72.From the passage we know the writer was traveling in Europe with    .

A.only his Canadian friends                 B.his foreign classmates

C.some foreigners as well as his friends        D.his colleagues and friends

73.It can be inferred from the passage that    .

A.the Canadian group didn’t know other members well at first

B.this must be a group for both traveling and study

C.the group was made up of people who got on well in real life

D.the numbers of the group must be students of history

74.The action of the local French shows that    .

A.they had made the battle field a place of interest

B.they still remember all the Canadians who have died

C.they honoured those Canadian soldiers who lost their lives m World War I

D.the numbers of the group must be students of history

75.At the guide’s words, as a Canadian, the writer     .

A.had complicated feelings

B.was only proud of those soldiers

C.thought it was his duty to help France

D.controlled his feelings so as not to be embarrassed



     In 2006,I spent 3 glorious weeks in South Africa.It was my first time traveling on the African continent and truly each day was filled with one adventure after another.That was the craziest and the most
dangerous experience I have ever had.
     On the morning of the excursion,I met with my friends for breakfast,with little conversation.I supposed
we were nervous about the day ahead of us.The coach then drove us from Cape Town to Dyer Island in
     As soon as we got to our destination,we were quickly pushed into a boat.About 2 hours into the boat
we spotted our first shark.It was one of the world's deadliest predators(食肉动物)-a Great White shark
Our guide told us that we had to get into the water immediately.Without any formal preparation or
instruction,we put our thick wet suits on and jumped into the iron cage.
     There I was in this tiny cage with 3 Great White sharks circling around me.I tried desperately to take
pictures with my underwater camera,not letting my hands and feet drift(漂)out of the cage.
     When I took a breath,life above the water seemed chaotic(混乱的).But,I would drop back under
the water and life would seem to stop existing.And the sharks that always appeared frightening on TV or
in photographs actually appeared peaceful in person.
     After an hour,I decided it was probably time for me to get out once the sharks started to become
really aggressive.I waited until the very last second I could,since I knew I would probably never do this
1.What is the text mainly about?
A. My travel in Africa for the first time.
B. The Great White sharks in South Africa.
C. A thrilling experience of spotting Great White sharks.
D. The way to protect oneself when meeting with sharks.
2. When the author and his or her friends had breakfast,_____
A. they talked briefly about the plan that day
B. they discussed the sharks carefully
C. they were nervous about the coming event
D. the coach arrived to send them to see the sharks
3. On seeing the sharks,the author and his or her friends_____.
A. prepared themselves at once before getting into the water
B. got known about the sharks from the guide's introduction
C. jumped into the sea under the instruction of the coach
D. got into the water with the protection of a cage
4. According to the fifth paragraph,the sharks under the water seemed_____.

A. aggressive  
B. chaotic
C. quiet  
D. frightening

5. The author got back into the boat_____.
A. when the sharks began attacking others
B. after taking enough photographs of the sharks
C. when he or she felt too tired to stay under the water
D. before he or she might be at risk of being attacked by sharks
6. 用30个词左右概括文章大意

