pension/'penʃn/ n.养老金 discerning/dI'sɜːnIŋ/adj. 有洞察力的.有识别力的 查看更多






1.How much would a new car cost?




2.What are the speakers?




3.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a TV repair shop.

B.At someone’s house.

C.At school.

4.Why can’t the woman give the man directions?

A.She is too weak to say too much.

B.She just came to the new place.

C.She’s very much afraid.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.They knew each other when they lived in England.

B.The woman was a student when she lived in England.

C.Both of them once lived in England.




6.What’s the man’s plan for the future?

A.To take a business course in Shanghai.

B.To learn some English in Shanghai.

C.To do some research in Shanghai.

7.What can you tell about the man?

A.He used to live in Xi’an.

B.He used to live in Beijing.

C.He used to live in Shanghai.

8.What do they agree to?

A.Going to the evening school.

B.Improving their English.

C.Practicing business.


9.Why hasn’t Sandy seen James?

A.Because he went on a camping trip.

B.Because he was visiting his pen friend.

C.Because he’s been studying.

10.Why did Sandy suggest James camping?

A.James can get in touch with nature.

B.James can have a good rest.

C.James can go to many parks.

11.What wrong idea did James have about camping?

A.Camping was so expensive.

B.He could camp anywhere he wanted.

C.Camping was not safe.


12.What will the boy do if he joins the army?

A.He must cut his hair very short.

B.He will only eat beans.

C.He must do a lot of exercise.

13.What is the advantage of joining the army?

A.He can cut his hair.

B.He can learn a lot.

C.He can have a rifle.


14.What are they talking about?

A.Information they read in newspaper.

B.News about a friend.

C.A classroom lecture.

15.What is the man’s opinion of David?

A.He is lucky.

B.He is a good business man.

C.He shouldn’t have moved.

16.What kind of business does the man probably own?

A.A shop.

B.A hotel.

C.A factory.


17.Which is the usual age for retirement in the US?




18.What do you know about population growth in the US?

A.It slows down.

B.It increases.

C.It is controlled.

19.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Most Americans will have no income at all after retirement.

B.Most Americans do not know what to do after retirement.

C.Most Americans can still keep up their income after retirement.

20.Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Social security payments.

B.Company pension.

C.Welfare from churches.


It's not a new phenomenon, but have you noticed how many nouns are being used as verbs? We all use them, often without noticing what we're doing.

I was arranging to meet someone for dinner last week, and I said “I’ll pencil it in my diary”, and my friend said “You can ink it in”, meaning that it was a firm arrangement not a tentative one!

Many of these new verbs are linked to new technology. An obvious example is the word fax, which is a shortening of facsimile originally, an exact copy of a book or document. We all got used to sending and receiving faxes, and then soon started talking about faxing something and promising we'd fax it immediately. So, nouns turn into verbs in two easy stages. Then along came email, and we were soon all emailing each other madly. How did we do without it? I can hardly imagine life without my daily emails.

Email reminds me, of course, of my computer and its software, which has produced another couple of new verbs. On my computer I can bookmark those pages from the World Wide Web that I think I'll want to look at again, thus saving all the effort of remembering their addresses and calling them up from scratch. I can do the same thing on my PC, but there I don't bookmark; I favorite—coming from “favorite pages”, so the verb is derived from an adjective not a noun. I wasn’t really sure whether people said this, but someone told me recently that they had favorited a site I was looking for and so they could easily give me its address.

In the late 1980s I noticed that lots of my friends had acquired pagers, and kept saying things like “I’ll page you as soon as I know what time we’re meeting”. They couldn't say it to me, though; I refused to have one. So my children bought me a mobile phone, now known simply as a mobile and I had to learn yet more new verbs. I can message someone, that is, I can leave a message (either spoken or written)for them on their phone.Or I can text them, write a few words suggesting when and where to meet, for example. How long will it be before I can mobile them, that is, phone them using my mobile? I haven’t heard that verb yet, but I’m sure I will soon. Perhaps I’ll start using it myself!  

60. “I’ll pencil it in my diary” in the second paragraph probably means              .

A. it was a firm arrangement            

B. it was an uncertain arrangement

C. the arrangement should be written as a diary    

D. he prefers a pencil to a pen

61. A website address can be easily found if it has been            .

A. emailed            B. messaged          C. favorited          D. texted

62. Which of the following has not been used as a verb yet?

A. message            B. page                 C. email               D. mobile

63. The best title for this passage is           .

A. New Verbs from Old Nouns    

B. The Development of the English language

C. New Technology and New words     

D. Technology and Language


The pen I____ I _____is on my desk, right under my nose.

  A. think; lost       B. thought; had lost

  C. think; had lost    D. thought; have lost


Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have passed away. I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers ___1.___ it was too late to tell them. I am blessed (赐福) with the dear mother who is still alive. I ___2.___ her more each day. My mother does not change, but I ___3.___ . As I grow older and wiser, I realize ___4.___ an extraordinary person she is. How ___5.___ that I am unable to speak these words in her ___6.___ , but they flow easily from my pen.

  How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself? For the love, patience and just ___7.___ hard work that go into ___8.___ a child? For running after a toddler (学走步的小孩), for understanding a ___9.___ teenager, for tolerating (忍受;容忍) a college student who knows ___10.___ ? For waiting for the day when a daughter ___11.___ how wise her mother really is?

  How does a ___12.___ woman thank a mother for ___13.___ to be a mother? For being ready ___14.___ advice (when asked) or remaining ___15.____ when it is most appreciated? For not saying, “I told you so,” when she could have uttered these words ___16.___ ? For being ___17.___ herself-loving, thoughtful, patient, and forgiving?

  I don’t know how, dear God, except to ask you to bless her as richly as she ___18.___ and to help me live up to the example she has ___19.___ . I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother ___20.___ in mine.

21.                  B.that           C.until  D.when


22.               A.approve        B.appreciate      C.need D.resemble


23.                 B.have           C.did   D.will


24.                B.that           C.who  D.what


25.A.sad           B.glad              C.comic            D tragic

26.               A.absence        B.presence       C.appearance    D.existence


27.               A.common        B.plain           C.normal    D.usual


28.               A.raising         B.rising          C.developing


29.               A.childish        B.energetic       C.fearless   D.moody


30.               A.anything        B.something      C.everything D.nothing


31.               A.detects         B.discovers       C.recognizes D.realizes


32.               A.pretty          B.foolish D.grown


33.               A.failing          B.intending       C.continuing D.keeping


34.                 B.with           C.for   D.on


35.               A.silent          B.quiet  D.noiseless


36.               A.dozen times     B.a dozen of times C.dozens of times D.dozen of time


37.               A.valuably        B.essentially      C.naturally   D.virtually


38.               A.devotes        B.deserts         C.deserves  D.desires


39.               A.set            B.settled         C.placed    D.fixed


40.               A.sees           B.finds     D.looks







1.个人简况:今年16岁, 高一学生,就读于于广州一中。 2.业余爱好:读书,打篮球,  上网(已六年),尤其喜欢玩网络游戏——“魔兽世界”。3.希望了解:美国中学生的校内外生活;他们最喜欢和最不喜欢的事;家长如何看待学生的学习成绩。 4.希望对方回信,或发电子邮件。你的邮箱地址

注意:①词数100左右; ②开头已给出,不用重复写;③参考词汇: 玩网络游戏: play     

online games   魔兽世界: World of Warcraft     学习成绩: study results

Dear Jack,

How are you? I was very happy to receive your letter and I’d very much like to be  

your pen pal._____________________________________________________


Chen Gang


